For which fields am I required to enter data in Asset Master and Asset Template records?

For a depreciable asset

Field Screen/Tab/Subtask
Asset No Manage Asset Master Information (Asset Master only)
Item No Manage Asset Master Information (Asset Master only)
Template No Manage Asset Template Information (Asset Template only)
Property Type Manage Asset Master Information/Manage Asset Template Information
Classification Code Manage Asset Master Information/Manage Asset Template Information
Fiscal Year Purch Info tab (Asset Master only)
Period Purch Info tab (Asset Master only)
Subperiod Purch Info tab (Asset Master only)
Asset Account Acct Info tab (Asset Master/Asset Template in the Asset Account group box)
Asset Organization Acct Info tab (Asset Master/Asset Template in the Asset Account group box)
Accum Depr Acct Code Acct Info tab (Asset Master/Asset Template in the Accumulated Depreciation Account group box)
Depr Expense Acct Alloc Code Acct Info for tab (Asset Master in the Depreciation Expense Account group box)
Depr Exp Acct Alloc Code Acct Info tab (Asset Template)
Depr Method Code G/L Book Info tab (Asset Master/Asset Template)

For a non-depreciable asset

Field Screen/Tab/Subtask
Asset No Manage Asset Master Information (Asset Master only)
Item No Manage Asset Master Information (Asset Master only)
Template No Manage Asset Template Information (Asset Template only)
Property Type Manage Asset Master Information/Manage Asset Template Information
Classification Code Manage Asset Master Information/Manage Asset Template Information
Fiscal Year Purch Info tab (Asset Master only)
Period Purch Info tab (Asset Master only)
Subperiod Purch Info tab (Asset Master only)
Asset Account Acct Info tab (Asset Master/Asset Template in the Asset Account group box)
Asset Organization Acct Info tab (Asset Master/Asset Template in the Asset Account group box)
Note: The fields listed above are the minimum data requirements required for entry before a record can be saved. Automatic system defaults, such as Depr Status is Depreciable, are not included in this list. Additional data will be required before depreciation calculations can take place successfully. (If you use the Asset Template functionality, all minimum data requirements to save an Asset Master record will automatically be met when you import data from a valid Template No/Rev No.)