Create the Unbilled Reason Code Report

Follow a steps to create the Unbilled Reason Code Report.

To create the Unbilled Reason Code Report:  

  1. On the Manage Unbilled Reason Codes screen, set up the user-defined codes. 

    Costpoint already has codes for the following:

    • AWARDFEE (Award Fee)
    • REVADJ (Revenue Adjustments)
    • RTNGE (Retainage)
    • RTVAR (Rate Variance)
    • SUBBILL (Subsequent Billings)
    • UNTRAN (Unbilled Transactions)
    • WH (Withholding)

    Costpoint calculates the amounts and groups them by system code. Any unbilled amount that does not fall into one of the preceding descriptions is shown under a system code of NONE. You then have the opportunity to redistribute the NONE unbilled amount by the user-defined codes. Some examples of user-defined codes are: COMP (Billed at Completion), CONTRACT (Pending Contract), MLSTONE (Milestone Billings).

  2. Run the Print Unbilled Analysis Report screen.

    This populates the Edit Unbilled Reason Codes table with system-defined codes and the NONE amount. 

  3. In the Edit Unbilled Reason Codes screen, reclassify the NONE amount to various user-defined unbilled reason codes. 
  4. Print the Unbilled Analysis Report, clicking the Unbilled Reason Code Report option at the top of the screen.

Once you have assigned an amount to a user defined code, you can select a code of S or N to prevent the recalculation of this amount. Only amounts with a code of Y are recalculated. You must manually modify the S or N code to Y to have Costpoint recalculate the amount in a future period.