Work Assignments Subtask

Use this subtask to view the work assignments associated with the purchase order row selected on the Purchase Orders tab.


Field Description
Work Assignment ID

This field displays the ID of the work assignment that is linked to the purchase order. The work assignment ID displays as a hyperlink that you can click to open the Manage Work Assignments screen and view additional information about the work assignment.

Note: The Manage Work Assignments screen is available only if you are licensed for Subcontractor Management.
Description This field displays the work assignment description.
Approval Status This field displays the approval status (Pending, Blank, Hold, Approved, Closed, or Rejected) of the work assignment.
Vendor This field displays the vendor associated with the purchase order that is linked to the work assignment.
Start Date This field displays the work assignment start date.
End Date This field displays the work assignment end date.
Total Amount This field displays the total transactional amount for the work assignment.