Upload Bank Settings Tab

Use this tab to define the text and comma-separated values (CSV) that correspond to the bank statement's layout.

Because bank statements have different formats in different countries, you can use this screen to select needed columns. In addition, you can change the position of selected column headings and insert the text layout of an uploaded file.

You must complete this screen in order to upload your bank statement file. If this screen is not set up or is incorrectly set up, you cannot upload your bank statement on the Manage Bank Statement Information screen.

File Layout-Heading Info

For each item from your bank statement that you want to upload, you must enter a field number, length (applicable only for TXT files), and code. 


Field Description
Field No and Length

All records in the bank statement file have a code that indicates which type of data is in the record. For example, a Code of 399 could designate a debit transaction while a Code of 699 could denote a credit transaction. This code is located in the same field number/column for all transactions in your bank statement file. For example, the code for both debit and credit transactions could be located in field number/column two (2) of a file.

In addition, you can use the same code more than once. For example, code 15 could represent the Statement End Date, Ending Balance, and Beginning Balance.

Both the code and field number that you enter determines the type of data. For example, code 15 with a field number of 4 could designate the Ending Balance. In addition, a code 15 with a field number of 6 could signify a Beginning Balance.

For CSV Files: In the Length field, enter 0. It is not necessary to enter the length of the column for the code. The maximum length of the Code column in your bank statement file is 10 digits.

For Text Files: You must enter a length for the Code column in your bank statement file. The maximum length of the Code column in your bank statement file is 10 digits.

This is a required field. If you do not enter a numeric value for this field, you receive an error message.

Account No

Field Description
Field No and Length

This is the account number of your bank statement and is a required field.

The account number in your upload file must be the same as the one that you entered on the Manage Company Bank Accounts screen. If the two numbers are not the same, you cannot upload your file into Costpoint.

For CSV Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the account number in your upload file. The upload program does not need to know the length of a column; therefore, enter a zero (0) in the Length field. Verify that the length of the Account No column in your bank statement file does not exceed 17 characters.

For Text Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for account number in your upload file. In the Length field, enter the length of the Account No column in your bank statement file. Verify that the length of the Account No column in your bank statement file does not exceed 17 characters.


Enter the account code in this field.

Statement End Date

Field Description
Field No, Length

This is your bank statements' end date and is a required field. The date columns of your upload file must be in one of the following date formats: YYYYMMDD, DDMMYYYY, MMDDYYY, YYMMDD, MMDDYY, DDMMYY.

For CSV Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for statement end date in your upload file. The upload program does not need to know the length of a column; therefore, enter a zero (0) into the Length field. Verify that the length of the Statement End Date column in your bank statement file does not exceed eight digits.

For Text Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the statement end date in your upload file. In the Length field, enter the length of the Statement End Date column in your bank statement file. Verify that the length of the Statement End Date column in your bank statement file does not exceed eight digits.


Enter the statement end date code in this field.

Ending Balance

Field Description
Field No, Length

This is the ending balance of your bank statement and is a required field.

For CSV Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the ending balance in your upload file. The upload program does not need to know the length of a column; therefore, enter a zero (0) in the Length field. Verify that the Ending Balance column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).

For Text Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the ending balance in your upload file. In the Length field, enter the length of the Ending Balance column in your bank statement file. Verify that the Ending Balance column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).


Enter the ending balance code in this field.

Beginning Balance

Field Description
Field No., Length

This is the beginning balance of your bank statement and is a required field.

For CSV Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the beginning balance in your upload file. The upload program does not need to know the length of a column; therefore, enter a zero (0) in the Length field. Verify that the Beginning Balance column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).

For Text Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the beginning balance in your upload file. In the Length field, enter the length of the Beginning Balance column in your bank statement file. Verify that the Beginning Balance column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).


Enter the beginning balance code in this field.

File Layout-Debits/Credits

Deposit Amt

Field Description
Field No, Length

This is the deposit amount of your bank statement and is a required field.

For CSV Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the deposit amount in your upload file. The upload program does not need to know the length of a column; therefore, enter a zero (0) in the Length field. Verify that the Deposit Amount column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).

For Text Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the deposit amount in your upload file. In the Length field, enter the length of the Deposit Amount column in your bank statement file. Verify that the Deposit Amount column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).


Enter the deposit amount code in this field.

Check Amt

Field Description
Field No, Length

This is the check amount of your bank statement. This is not a required field.

For CSV Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the check amount in your upload file. The upload program does not need to know the length of a column; therefore, enter a zero (0) in the Length field. Verify that the Check Amount column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).

For Text Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the check amount in your upload file. In the Length field, enter the length of the Check Amount column in your bank statement file. Verify that the Check Amount column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).


Enter the check amount code in this field.

Misc Deposit Amt

Field Description
Field No, Length

Misc Deposit Amt is not a required field. However, you may have an item such as interest earned that is not a regular deposit but was added to your account.

For CSV Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the miscellaneous deposit amount in your upload file. The upload program does not need to know the length of a column; therefore, enter a zero (0) in the Length field. Verify that the Misc Deposit Amt column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).

For Text Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the miscellaneous deposit amount in your upload file. In the Length field, enter the length of the Misc Deposit Amt column in your bank statement file. Verify that the Misc Deposit Amt column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).


Enter the miscellaneous deposit amount code in this field.

Misc Withdrawal Amt

Field Description
Field No, Length

Misc Withdrawal Amt is not a required field. However, you may have withdrawals to your account, such as bank charges, that need to be uploaded.

For CSV Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the miscellaneous withdrawal amount in your upload file. The upload program does not need to know the length of a column; therefore, enter a zero (0) into the Length field. Verify that the Misc Withdrawal Amt column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).

For Text Files In the Field No field, enter the column number for the miscellaneous withdrawal amount in your upload file. In the Length field, enter the length of the Misc Withdrawal Amt column in your bank statement file. Verify that the Misc Withdrawal Amt column does not exceed 15 digits, including the decimal point (for example, 999999999999.99).


Enter the miscellaneous withdrawal amount code in this field.

Transaction Date

Field Description
Field No and Length

The transaction date is the date on which the bank processed the transaction to your account.

For CSV Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the transaction date in your upload file. The upload program does not need to know the length of a column; therefore, enter a zero (0) in the Length field. Verify that the length of the Transaction Date column in your bank statement file does not exceed eight digits.

For Text Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the Transaction Date in your upload file. In the Length field, enter the length of the Transaction Date column in your bank statement file. Verify that the length of the Transaction Date column in your bank statement file does not exceed eight digits.

Transaction No

Field Description
Field No and Length

The transaction number designates the number of the transaction. The transaction number will usually be a check number or a deposit number.

For CSV Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the transaction number in your upload file. The upload program does not need to know the length of a column; therefore, enter a zero (0) into the Length field. Verify that the length of the Transaction Number column in your bank statement file does not exceed 20 characters. Although this column can contain a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters, the upload imports only numeric values. The maximum number of digits imported is 10. For example, if you have a check number that reads CHK10050, the import program uploads only the 10050 numeric value.

For Text Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the transaction number in your upload file. In the Length field, enter the length of the Transaction Number column in your bank statement file. Although this column can be a maximum of 20 characters, the upload imports only numeric values. The maximum number of digits imported is 10. For example, if you have a check number that reads CHK10050, the import program uploads only the 10050 numeric value.

Bank Description

Field Description
Field No and Length

The bank description denotes the bank's description for the transaction. 

For CSV Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the bank description in your upload file. The upload program does not need to know the length of a column; therefore, enter a zero (0) in the Length field. You can upload up to 45 characters for the Bank Description.

For Text Files: In the Field No field, enter the column number for the bank description in your upload file. In the Length field, enter the length of the Bank Description column in your bank statement file. You can upload up to 45 characters for the bank description.

File Information

Field Description
File Name

Enter the name of the bank statement file.

Alt File Location

Enter, or click to select, the location of the file you are uploading. The location can be on a disk, your hard drive, or on a network drive. This is not a required field, and you can leave it blank. However, for convenience, you may want to enter the location of your file. The value you enter in this field displays in the File Location field on the Manage Bank Statement Information screen when you are ready to upload your bank statement file.


Select this option if the bank data files are in a text format. If your file is in a text format, you must define the length of each item that you upload.


Select this option if the bank data files are in a comma-separated value (CSV) format.

Date Format

From the drop-down list, select the date format for date entries in your file. The correct date format must be selected so that the upload file is imported into Costpoint.

The date format options are: