Asset/Template Field/Column Names Subtask

Use this subtask to select check boxes on a field-by-field basis for Asset Master and/or Asset Template records, as applicable. Each check box that you select signifies that you want to capture data for that field for an Asset Master and/or Asset Template record each time a change is made to that field.

Note that the Asset Audit Log and Template Audit Log tables have the potential to become very large, depending on how many fields you select and how many changes you make to Asset Master/Template records. Because of this, all check boxes for all rows in the Asset/Template Field/Column Names subtask are clear as default.

To limit the potential size of the audit log tables, you should capture change data for the fields you consider most significant, such as depreciation method, current period depreciation expense amount, location, and so on. You will probably not capture spelling corrections made to description fields, and so on.

Each row in the table window of this subtask displays the English Field/Column Name and the Database Name for each field as well as a check box that can be selected for the Asset Audit Log and/or the Template Audit Log.

Because Asset Template records contain fewer fields than Asset Master records, a check box for a field that is not available in an Asset Template record will be inactive in this table, even though the check box displays as if it were available.

Warning: Although you can select the field/column check boxes on this screen at any time, the timing of the selection is very important. In order for the system to capture change details, you must select the desired fields/columns on this screen before you make changes to Asset Master and/or Asset Template records.

Asset/Template Field/Column Names

The English field/Column Name displays in the table window in alphabetical order. Because some of the English names have been abbreviated in the table window, and because the actual screens do not display the fields in alphabetical order, the following list identifies the screen(s) in which the field/column can be found. (Remember that screen rights determine which users have access to which screens).

English Field/Column Name "A" (Asset) / "T" (Template) Screen Name Subtask/Tab Name
Accumulated Depreciation Account Code A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset Account Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information G/L Book Info
Acquisition Date A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Master Information Govt Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Government Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Acquisition Fiscal Year A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Acquisition Period A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Acquisition Subperiod A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Addt'l Description A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset Description Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Desc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Asset Account A Manage Asset Master Information Acct Info
A Manage Asset Account Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Acct Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Asset Organization A Manage Asset Master Information Acct Info
A Manage Asset Account Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Acct Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Asset Project A Manage Asset Master Information Acct Info
A Manage Asset Account Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Acct Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Asset Reference 1 A Manage Asset Master Information Acct Info
A Manage Asset Account Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Acct Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Asset Reference 2 A Manage Asset Master Information Acct Info
A Manage Asset Account Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Acct Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 1) — Amt Taken Purch YTD A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Annual Depreciation A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Auto Calculate Depreciation (Y/N) A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information G/L Book Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 1) — Capitalized Lease (Y/N) A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information G/L Book Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 1) — Current Depr Yr A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Current Pd Depreciation A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Days/Pds Remaining A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Depr Method Code A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information G/L Book Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 1) — Depr Start Date A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Disp Depr Adj Amt A Manage Asset Master Information Disposal Details by Book
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Est Units Useful Life A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information G/L Book Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 1) — FYTD Depreciation A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — In-Service Date A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Lease End Date A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information G/L Book Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 1) — Lease Start Date A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information G/L Book Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 1) — Monthly Amount A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — No Lease Pds Remaining A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Prior FY Depreciation A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Prior Units Used A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Salvage Percent A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Information
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information G/L Book Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 1) — Salvage Value Amt A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Std Depr Rt Per Unit of Usage A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information G/L Book Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 1) — Tot No Lease Periods A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 1) — Unit of Measure Description A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 1) — Units Used Current Pd A Manage Asset Master Information G/L Book Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Amt Taken Purchase YTD A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Annual Depreciation A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Auto Calculate Depreciation A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Other Books Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Current Depr Yr A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Current Depr Year A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Current Pd Depreciation A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Depr Method Code A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Other Books Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Depr Start Date A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Disp Depr Adj Amt A Manage Asset Master Information Disposal Details by Book
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — FYTD Depreciation A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — In-Service Date A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Prior FY Depreciation A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Salvage Percent A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Other Books Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Salvage Value Amt A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Total Cost Amt A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Cost Information
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Useful Life A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Other Books Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
(Book 2 to Book 10) — Days/Pds Remaining A Manage Asset Master Information Other Books Info
A Manage Asset Other Books Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
CAGE ID A Manage Asset Master Information Govt Info
A Manage Asset Government Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
City A Manage Asset Master Information Loc Info
A Manage Asset Location Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Loc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Classification Code A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset Description Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Desc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Condition (New/Used) A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Purch Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Country A Manage Asset Master Information Loc Info
A Manage Asset Location Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Loc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
County A Manage Asset Master Information Loc Info
A Manage Asset Location Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Loc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Depreciation Based On A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Desc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Depr Exp Acct Allocation Code A Manage Asset Master Information Acct Info
A Manage Asset Account Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Acct Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Depr Status (Depr, Non-Depr) A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset Description Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Desc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Disposal Type A Manage Asset Master Information Disp Info
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Disposal Date A Manage Asset Master Information Disp Info
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Disposal Description A Manage Asset Master Information Disp Info
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Disposal Document No A Manage Asset Master Information Disp Info
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Disposal Fiscal Year A Manage Asset Master Information Disp Info
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Disposal Period A Manage Asset Master Information Disp Info
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Disposal Price Amt A Manage Asset Master Information Disp Info
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Disposal Subpd A Manage Asset Master Information Disp Info
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Disposal Type A Manage Asset Master Information Disp Info
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Employee ID A Manage Asset Master Information Govt Info
A Manage Asset Government Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Govt Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Govt 1 to Govt 15 User -Defined Field Data A Manage Asset Master Information Govt Info
A Manage Asset Government Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Govt Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Invoice Date A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Invoice No A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Location 1, 2 and 3 Codes A Manager Asset Master Information Loc Info
A Manage Asset Location Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Loc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Location Group A Manage Asset Master Information Loc Info
A Manage Asset Location Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Loc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Long Desc A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset Description Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Desc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Manufacturer ID A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Purch Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Manufacturer Name A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Purch Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Model No A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Purch Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
National Stock No A Manage Asset Master Information Govt Info
A Manage Asset Government Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Govt Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Notes A Manage Asset Master Information Notes
A Manage Asset Description Information
T Manage Asset Template Information Notes
T Manage Template Global Changes
Other Cost Amt A Manage Asset Master Information Cost Info
A Manage Asset Cost Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Packing Slip No A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Post Disp for Non-Depr (Y/N) A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset Description Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Desc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Property Type A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset Description Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Desc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
PO Date A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
PO Line No A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
PO No A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
PO Release No A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Price A Manage Asset Master Information Disp Info
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Quantity A Manage Asset Master Information Cost Info
A Manage Asset Cost Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Receipt Date A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
Manage Asset Purchase Information
Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Receipt (ID) A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Sales Tax Amt A Manage Asset Master Information Cost Info
A Manage Asset Cost Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Serial No A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Shipping/Handling Amt A Manage Asset Master Information Cost Info
A Manage Asset Cost Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Short Description A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset Description Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Desc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
State/Province A Manage Asset Master Information Loc Info
A Manage Asset Location Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Loc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Record Status (Active, Inactive, Disp) A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset Description Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Desc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Subclass Code A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset Description Information
A Manage Asset Disposal Information
T Manage Asset Template Information Desc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Tag Number A Manage Asset Master Information Govt Info
A Manage Asset Government Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Govt Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Template No A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset Description Information
Template Rev No A Manage Asset Master Information Desc Info
A Manage Asset Description Information
Transportation Amt A Manage Asset Master Information Cost Info
A Manage Asset Cost Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
UID A Manage Asset Master Information Govt Info
A Manage Asset Government Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
UID Enterprise Identifier A Manage Asset Master Information Govt Info
A Manage Asset Government Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
UID Issuing Agency A Manage Asset Master Information Govt Info
A Manage Asset Government Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
UID Type A Manage Asset Master Information Govt Info
A Manage Asset Government Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Unit Price Amt A Manage Asset Master Information Cost Info
A Manage Asset Cost Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
U/M A Manage Asset Master Information Cost Info
A Manage Asset Cost Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
User-Defined Amount fields A Manage Asset Master Information User-Defined Info
A Manage Asset User-Defined Information
A Manage Asset Master User-Defined Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information User-Defined Info
T Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information
T Manage Template User-Defined Global Changes
User-Defined Date fields A Manage Asset Master Information User-Defined Info
A Manage Asset User-Defined Information
A Manage Asset Master User-Defined Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information User-Defined Info
T Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information
T Manage Template User-Defined Global Changes
User-Defined Text fields A Manage Asset Master Information User-Defined Info
A Manage Asset User-Defined Information
A Manage Asset Master User-Defined Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information User-Defined Info
T Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information
T Manage Template User-Defined Global Changes
User-Defined Validated Text fields A Manage Asset Master Information User-Defined Info
A Manage Asset User-Defined Information
A Manage Asset Master User-Defined Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information User-Defined Info
T Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information
T Manage Template User-Defined Global Changes
Vendor A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Purch Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Vendor Name A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Purch Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Voucher Date A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Voucher Line No A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Voucher No A Manage Asset Master Information Purch Info
A Manage Asset Purchase Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
Year Built A Manage Asset Master Information Govt Info
A Manage Asset Government Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Govt Info
T Manage Template Global Changes
Zip Code A Manage Asset Master Information Loc Info
A Manage Asset Location Information
A Manage Asset Master Global Changes
T Manage Asset Template Information Loc Info
T Manage Template Global Changes