Org History Subtask

Use this subtask to either modify the owning organization or view information about any modifications to the owning organization.

To modify an owning organization, make the modification in the Owning Org field and save the Basic Info tab. These modifications update the ORG_HIST table

If you modify the Owning Org field on the Basic Info tab, this subtask is activated so that you can complete the modification information. You need to run the Process Organizational Changes screen after you have modified the owning organization. Posting revenue after making a modification to the original owning organization can cause the revenue in the general ledger to be overstated. The utility makes the necessary modifications to the Accounts Receivable tables. 

You can delete a row only if it has both the Journal Entry Processed and the A/R History Processed flags set to N.

For more information about modifying the owning organization, see the "Modifying an Owning Organization on a Project" topic.

Table Window

Field Description
Previous Owning Organization

If you are changing organizations, the previous owning organization displays in this non-editable column.

New Owning Organization

If you are changing organizations, the new owning organization displays in this non-editable column.

Effective Fiscal Year

Select the open fiscal year to be the first effective year of this owning organization modification. This field is required.

Effective Period

Select the open fiscal period to be the first effective period of the owning organization modification. This field is required.

Effective Subperiod

Select the open subperiod to be the first effective subperiod of the owning organization modification. This field is required.


Select Y (Yes) if you want this organization modification to include all posted items up to and including the selected fiscal year, period, and subperiod. Select N (No) if you want this organization modification to include only those items posted after the selected fiscal year, period, and subperiod.

Journal Entry Processed

This non-editable field displays N (No) when the journal entry has not been created and Y (Yes) after the journal entry has been posted to the General Ledger. The Process Organizational Changes screen creates the journal entry.  Once you have posted the journal entry created by this process, the flag here is modified.

Journal Entry Number

After you have created the General Ledger journal entry, the number displays in this non-editable field. This journal entry number is created by the Process Organizational Changes screen.

A/R History Processed

This non-editable field displays N (No) when Costpoint Accounts Receivable has not been updated with this organization modification information. To change this column to Y (Yes), save the Basic Info tab and run the Process Organizational Changes screen. Select the Update A/R History option when you run the Process Organizational Changes screen.


This field displays the date the owning organization was modified on the main screen. This field is non-editable and is for audit purposes.

Modified By

This field displays the name of the user who modified the owning organization. This field is non-editable and is for audit purposes.