Create PO Vouchers from POs/Receipts

Use this screen to create purchase order vouchers automatically for unvouchered purchase orders and receipts.

This screen creates records on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. After you create these vouchers, you can maintain them on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

Costpoint does not create a purchase order voucher if the voucher total is zero.

The automatic creation of purchase order vouchers depends on several factors. On the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen, the Auto-Voucher Creation group box has three auto-voucher creation methods to choose from:

  • If you selected None, you cannot automatically create purchase order vouchers with this process. You must add the purchase order vouchers individually on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.
  • If you selected 2- and 3-Way Match, you can create any eligible voucher.
  • If you selected 3-Way Match Only, you can create only eligible purchase order receipts with a match type of 3.

You specify the match type on the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen for parts, goods, and services. For miscellaneous items, specify the match type on the Manage Purchase Orders screen in Purchasing, at the line level.

The match type indicates whether there will be a two-way or three-way match:

  • A 2-way match is between the purchase order amount and the invoice amount. For a two-way match, the eligible purchase order lines are those where the order amount is greater than the previously invoiced amount.
  • A 3-way match is among the purchase order quantity, the accepted quantity plus the rejected-pay quantity, and the invoice quantity. For a three-way match, the eligible purchase order receipt lines are those where the accepted quantity plus rejected-pay quantity is greater than the previously invoiced quantity.

The main criterion for determining whether or not a purchase order line is eligible is the Auto Voucher field of the purchase order line on the Manage Purchase Orders screen. You can create purchase order vouchers automatically only when this field is set to Yes. Subsequently, the vendor that is assigned to the purchase order line must have the Allow Auto-Vouchering for POs check box selected on the Defaults tab of the Manage Vendor screen.

Purchase orders, purchase order lines, and vendor records that have Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) codes and/or CIS withholding requirements are copied to the voucher header and voucher line, respectively.

Exchange rate details will depend on the Exchange Rate Source field in the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen:

  • Purchase Order: If this is set, the exchange rate information will come from the purchase order.
  • Invoice Date: If this is set, the exchange rate information that falls on the invoice date will be used.
  • Current Date: If this is set, the exchange rate information to be used will be for the current date.
Note: For the Invoice Date and Current Date settings, the Transaction Currency and Rate Group will come from the purchase order (PO). The default Pay Currency is the one that is linked to the PO Vendor.

Screen Contents

This screen has four blocks:

  • Use the Identification block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously-saved parameter ID.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to select vendors or purchase orders.
  • Use the Options block to determine the cutoff due date for creating vouchers and which matching types (2-Way or 3-Way) to create.
  • Use the Generate block to select the default criteria for the purchase order vouchers that will be created.

Execute this process whenever you want to create eligible purchase order vouchers.