Labor Variance by PLC Report

Use the Labor Variance by PLC report to review actual and budgeted employee labor hours for a single existing project at any project level, broken down by project labor category (PLC).

For each PLC for the project, the report displays the following for a selected fiscal period and for the year to date:

  • Actual hours

  • Budget hours

  • Variance (Budget hours – Actual hours)

  • Variance percentage (Variance / Budget hours)

The report provides totals for all columns for the project as a whole.

Note: The standard version of this report is filtered to display employee labor hours only. It does not include subcontractor or consultant labor hours. If you want to display all labor hours, you can modify the Labor for Details filter expression to match the following: [DeltekBP].[Labor for Details] or [DeltekBP].[Non-Labor for Details].