Print Debit Memos

Use this screen to print hard copies of the debit memo. You can also print by debit memo voucher number and vendor name. You can print debit memos whenever you need a printed copy.

You can print debit memos for a selected range of vendor names or debit memo numbers. You can also use the due date of the debit memo as a criterion. You can print charge code information. You can print all debit memos or only those that have not been previously printed.

The debit memo is not part of Costpoint audit trail. You may, however, find it useful to retain a printed copy of the debit memo for your records.

Screen Contents

This screen has the following elements:

  • Use the Identification block to enter a parameter ID and description.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to specify the range of vendors, debit memo vouchers, and/or debit memo due dates.
  • Use the Options block to specify whether or not you want project, account, and organization detail, and whether or not you want to include previously printed debit memos.