Contracts Subtask

Use this subtask to view general information on contracts associated with the opportunity.

All field values on this subtask default from the Manage Contracts screen and cannot be edited. Contracts are linked to opportunities through the Main Opportunity ID field and Additional Opportunities subtask on the Manage Contracts screen. An opportunity may also be linked to a contract if the opportunity master contract number, other contract number, subcontractor number, or task order number exists in the Contract Master (CNTR_MASTER) record as a prime contract, master contract, subcontract, or task order number.

Multiple contract records can be associated with a single opportunity.

Table Window

Field Description
Contract ID

This field displays the contract ID associated with the opportunity. The contract ID may display as a hyperlink that you can click to open the Manage Contracts screen and access additional information about the contract. Note, however, that the hyperlink is available only for contracts with the same company ID as the company you are currently logged in to. For example, if the contract ID has Company 5 and you are logged in to Company 1, the contract ID does not display as a hyperlink.

In addition, if the contract is from a company that is different from the company you are logged in to, you have to log in using the contract's company ID to view that contract.

Contract Name This field displays the contract name.
Prime Contract No This field displays the prime contract number.
Company ID This field displays the company ID where the contract was created.
Contract Status This field displays the contract status.
Contract Type This field displays the contract type.
Anticipated Contract Value This field displays the anticipated contract value.
Contract Award Date This field displays the date the contract was awarded.
Contract Start Date This field displays the date on which work on the contract began.
Contract End Date This field displays the date on which work on the contract stopped.