Contents of the Configure Default Autocreation Asset Numbering Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Default Autocreation Asset Numbering screen.

The data on this screen is company-specific and will be available for use only by your company of login. If you have set up multiple companies in Costpoint, you can enter, edit, view or use data on this screen for each company only by using the separate company login for each.

You can enter, edit, view, or use data on this screen only for your login company. If you have multiple companies, you cannot view, enter, edit, or use data from this screen for any company other than your company of login.

If you are licensed for Costpoint Purchasing and Receiving, use this screen to select the preferred default asset/item numbering configuration used by the system to assign temporary asset numbers that display on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen.

Note: If you are not licensed for Costpoint Purchasing and Receiving, this screen is not available for use. The autocreation function, however, can be used without access to Costpoint Purchasing and Receiving functions. If an entry originates in Costpoint Accounts Payable, the system ignores units and automatically creates one "temporary" asset number with an item number equal to "00001" for each voucher line. Temporary numbering assignments can always be modified on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen before running the final process that creates Asset Master records.

Use the selection options on this screen (Configure Default Autocreation Asset Numbering) to select a default asset/item numbering configuration for autocreation data displayed on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen after it is captured from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable. Several options are available:

  • If you set the timing code equal to "Receipt" (data captured at time of Receipt) on the Manage Autocreation Accounts screen, you can generate new asset numbers based on units accepted in Receiving or use tag numbers entered in Costpoint Receiving as the asset numbers. If you generate new asset numbers based on units accepted in Receiving, you must also select a numbering convention.
  • If you set the timing code equal to "Posting" (data captured at time of Posting) on the Manage Autocreation Accounts screen, you can generate new asset numbers based on voucher lines (AP or PO vouchers) or units accepted in Receiving, or use tag numbers entered in Costpoint Receiving as the asset numbers. If you generate new asset numbers based on units accepted in Receiving, you must also select a numbering convention.
Note: No matter which default numbering configuration you select, you can always overwrite the system-assigned "temporary" asset and/or item number with another system-unique, user-designated asset and/or item number for any record on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen before running the process that creates Asset Master records.

The default numbering configuration only controls the "temporary" asset/item numbers that are assigned to "holding" records (rows) on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen before they are converted to Asset Master records. The "temporary" asset/item numbers assigned by Costpoint via the default configuration option (Temporary Asset No and Temporary Item No fields on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen) will become the permanent asset/item numbers for the Asset Master records if you make no entries in the User Asset No and User Item No fields on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen.


Make certain that you enter information in the fields in the Automatic Numbering for Asset Master Records block on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen before you run the Create Autocreation Transactions process. You must select the Enable Automatic Numbering for Asset Master Records check box and enter data in the Last Asset Number field.

(You must activate this functionality even if you do not want automatic numbering for manually added Asset Master records. In this circumstance, you can de-activate these fields again as soon as you run the Create Autocreation Transactions process. Alternately, you can enable this functionality but manually enter an asset number before saving, thus overwriting the system assignment.)

The purpose of activating these fields for autocreation is to provide the starting point for system-generated asset numbers and to provide a system reference in the event you have specified use of the tag number as the asset number and the tag number data is missing.

You should establish your preferences before running the autocreation process. Although you can change your selections on this screen at any time, use caution—poor timing can cause unexpected results.

You may also want to review the general asset numbering documentation for the Automatic Numbering for Asset Master Records block on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen.

Default Autocreation Asset Numbering when Autocreating from PO/Receiving/AP Data at Time of Receipt

In this group box, you can select a default asset/item numbering configuration to be used when data is captured at time of Receipt (Timing Code = Receipt). You can generate new asset numbers based on received units or on tag numbers entered in Receiving. If you choose to generate new asset numbers based on received units, you must also select a numbering convention.

Your selections determine how received units are translated into individual temporary "holding" records (rows) on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen before they are converted to Asset Master records.

Field Description
Generate new incremental Asset numbers (each with an item number of '00001') for each accepted unit in Receiving from the same PO

If you selected this option, the system treats each unit independently, regardless of purchase order. No attempt is made to establish a link between items. A new asset number with an item number of "00001" is assigned on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen to each unit accepted in Receiving.


If the Last Asset Number field on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen is "0000001422", and three printers and two keyboards are ordered, received, and accepted, the following asset/item numbers will be assigned on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen.

PO No PO Line No Unit Asset No Item No
2222 0001 Printer 1 0000001423 00001
2222 0001 Printer 2 0000001424 00001
2154 0005 Printer 3 0000001425 00001
2399 0001 Keyboard 1 0000001426 00001
2399 0023 Keyboard 2 0000001427 00001
Generate the same Asset number with new incremental item numbers for each accepted unit in Receiving from the same PO

If you select this option, all units on the same purchase order are linked with the same asset number, regardless of the number of lines on the purchase order. For each purchase order unit received and accepted, only the item number increments.


If three printers are ordered on Line 1 of a purchase order, two keyboards are ordered on Line 2 of the same purchase order, and two flatbed scanners are ordered on Line 1 of a second purchase order, the following asset/item numbers will be created on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen (assuming that the Last Asset Number field on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen is "0000001422").

PO No PO Line No Unit Asset No Item No
3333 0001 Printer 1 0000001423 00001
3333 0001 Printer 2 0000001423 00002
3333 0001 Printer 3 0000001423 00003
3333 0002 Keyboard 1 0000001423 00004
3333 0002 Keyboard 2 0000001423 00005
6666 0001 Scanner 1 0000001424 00001
6666 0001 Scanner 2 0000001424 00002

If the units on the purchase order are not received/accepted at the same time, the system continues to increment the item number for the same asset number as the additional units are received/accepted and autocreation edits are created, regardless of the period of time between receipt dates.

Use Tag number entered in Receiving as Asset number for each accepted unit from the same PO

Select this option if you normally assign tag numbers during the Costpoint Receiving function and you want Costpoint to assign your tag number as the asset number. In this circumstance, the system automatically assigns "00001" as the "temporary" item number for each asset.

Note: An optional subtask is available during the entry of Receiving data when there is a match between the Account/Organization/Project/Reference 1/Reference 2 from the purchase order and the asset Account/Organization/Project/Reference 1/Reference 2 from the Manage Autocreation Accounts screen.

You can access this subtask (called Fixed Assets) when you click the Fixed Assets link on the Manage Purchase Order Receipts and Manage Quality Control Inspections screens in Costpoint Receiving. You can enter additional optional data such as the tag number, serial number, location data, UID Data, template/revision number, and user-defined information. Data entered in this optional subtask is stored when units are received and accepted on the Manage Purchase Order Receipt and/or Manage Quality Control Inspections screens. This data will automatically display on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen after you execute the Create Autocreation Transactions process. Because the Tag No field in the subtask is optional, the tag number may be missing even if you have selected this numbering option.

Additional Information

(To enable the system to write optional Fixed Assets data entered in this subtask to the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, you must also enter receipt identification data in the normally optional Rcpt field on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable.)

Note: You can print the Print Autocreation Transactions Edit Report in summary format to find missing tag numbers. (This report prints data for the Tag No, Temporary Asset No, Temporary Item No, User Asset No, and User Item No columns from the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen.)

Because Asset No and Item No are key fields for each Asset Master record, the system must assign a substitute temporary asset/item number if the tag number is missing and you have selected this numbering option. In this circumstance, the system will automatically assign the next available asset number.

Because of timing constraints during final processing, you may experience a higher incidence of duplicate asset numbers. The situation of duplicate asset numbering will display on the Error Report, and you can make the desired corrections before re-executing the final process.

During the final autocreation processing, the system uses the asset number from the User Asset No column, if it exists, to create an Asset Master record. If this column is blank, Costpoint uses the asset number from the Temporary Asset No column. (The system automatically copies the user-entered tag number data to the Temporary Asset No column only when the row is first created in this table.)

Because the system ignores a missing tag number and automatically assigns the next unique Asset number with an Item number of "00001", your company policy, if you select this option, should reinforce the entry of tag numbers in the Fixed Assets subtask.

Default Autocreation Asset Numbering when Autocreating from PO/Receiving/AP Data at Time of Posting

You can use the options in this group box to select a default asset/item numbering configuration when data is captured at time of Posting (Timing Code = "Posting") and generate new asset numbers based on units accepted in Costpoint Receiving, voucher lines (AP or PO vouchers), or tag numbers entered in Receiving. If you choose to generate new asset numbers based on units accepted in Receiving, you must also select a numbering convention.

The default options for data captured at time of posting are identical to the options for data captured at time of receipt, except for the additional option to generate new asset numbers based on voucher lines.

Selections based on received/accepted units or tag numbers entered in Costpoint Receiving determine how units received/accepted are translated into individual temporary "holding" records (rows) on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen before they are converted to Asset Master records. If you have selected numbering based on voucher lines, any unit relationship based on purchase order and/or purchase order line is ignored. A new asset number with an item number of "00001" is assigned on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen for each A/P voucher line and PO voucher line without a receipt, and this is not affected by the number of units in the voucher.

Note: A/P vouchers and PO vouchers without receipts will automatically generate a single asset record per voucher line.
Field Description
Generate new incremental Asset numbers (each with an item number of '00001') for each accepted unit in Receiving from the same PO

If you select this option, Costpoint treats each unit independently, regardless of purchase order. The system does not attempt to establish a link between items. A new asset number with an item number of "00001" is assigned on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen to each unit received/accepted.


If the Last Asset Number field on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen is "0000001422", and three printers and two keyboards are ordered, received, and accepted, the following asset/item numbers will be assigned on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen:

PO No PO Line No Unit Asset No Item No
2222 0001 Printer 1 0000001423 00001
2222 0001 Printer 2 0000001424 00001
2154 0005 Printer 3 0000001425 00001
2399 0001 Keyboard 1 0000001426 00001
2399 0023 Keyboard 2 0000001427 00001
Generate the same Asset number with new incremental item numbers for each accepted unit in Receiving from the same PO

If you select this option, all units on the same purchase order are linked with the same asset number, regardless of the number of lines on the purchase order. Only the item number increments for each unit received and accepted.


If three printers are ordered on Line 1 of a purchase order, two keyboards are ordered on Line 2 of the same purchase order, and two flatbed scanners are ordered on Line 1 of a second purchase order, the following asset/item numbers will be created on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen (assuming that the Last Asset Number field on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen is "0000001422").

PO No PO Line No Unit Asset No Item No
3333 0001 Printer 1 0000001423 00001
3333 0001 Printer 2 0000001423 00002
3333 0001 Printer 3 0000001423 00003
3333 0002 Keyboard 1 0000001423 00004
3333 0002 Keyboard 2 0000001423 00005
6666 0001 Scanner 1 0000001424 00001
6666 0001 Scanner 2 0000001424 00002

If the units on the purchase order are not received/accepted at the same time, the system continues to increment the item number for the same asset number as additional units are received/accepted and autocreation edits are created, regardless of the period of time between receipt/acceptance dates.

Generate new incremental Asset numbers (each with an item number of '00001') for each Voucher line

If you select this option, any unit relationship based on purchase order and/or purchase order line is ignored. A new asset number with an item number of "00001" is automatically assigned on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen with a unit of one for each voucher line.

If you have one voucher line that includes five asset units, one unique asset number with an item number of "00001" will be assigned to the voucher line. If you want to create five different asset numbers, each with an item number of "00001", you should create five different voucher lines, each representing a single asset.

The system treats each unit independently, regardless of purchase order. No attempt is made to establish a link between items. A new asset number with an item number of "00001" is assigned on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen to each voucher line.

Note: You are not required to use the Receiving function. If you bypass this function and enter receipt and invoice data directly on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen, the system will generate incremental asset numbers, each with an item number of 00001, for each PO voucher line.
Use Tag number entered in Receiving as Asset number for each accepted unit from the same PO

You should select this option if you normally assign tag numbers during the Receiving function and you want Costpoint to use them as the asset numbers. The system automatically assigns "00001" as the "temporary" item number for each asset.

Note: An optional subtask screen is available during the entry of Receiving data when there is a match between the Account/Organization/Project/Reference 1/Reference 2 from the purchase order and the asset Account/Organization/Project/Reference 1/Reference 2 from the Manage Autocreation Accounts screen.

You can access this subtask (called Fixed Assets) when you click the Fixed Assets link on the Manage Purchase Order Receipts and Manage Quality Control Inspections screens in Costpoint Receiving. You can enter additional optional data such as the tag number, serial number, location data, UID Data, template/revision number, and user-defined information. Data entered in this optional subtask is stored when units are received and accepted on the Manage Purchase Order Receipts and/or Manage Quality Control Inspections screens. This data will automatically display on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen after you execute the Create Autocreation Transactions process. Because the Tag No field in the subtask is optional, the tag number may be missing even if you have selected this option.

Additional Information

(To enable the system to write optional Fixed Assets data entered in this subtask to the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen, you must also enter receipt identification data in the normally optional Rcpt field on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable.)

You can print the Print Autocreation Transactions Edit Report in summary format to find missing tag numbers. (This report prints data for the Tag No, Temporary Asset No, Temporary Item No, User Asset No, and User Item No columns from the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen.)

Because Asset No and Item No are key fields for each Asset Master record, the system must assign a substitute temporary asset/item number if the tag number is missing. The system automatically assigns the next available asset number.

Specifically, for autocreated assets, the system first counts the number of rows that will be added to the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen as a result of running the Create Autocreation Transactions process. The system then refers to the entry in the Last Asset Number field on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen, increments it by one, and reserves and assigns a block of numbers equal to the number of new rows beginning with the last number plus one (from that number forward). The system does not assign previously unused numbers that occur in the sequence before the determined asset numbering starting point.

Note: Because of timing constraints during final processing, you may experience a higher incidence of duplicate asset numbers. This situation will show on the Error Report, and you can make the desired corrections before re-executing the final process.

During the final autocreation processing, the system uses the asset number from the User Asset No column, if it exists, to create an Asset Master record. If this column is blank, the system uses the asset number from the Temporary Asset No column. (The system automatically copies the user-entered tag number data to the Temporary Asset No column only when the row is first created in this table.)

Because Costpoint ignores a missing tag number and automatically assigns the next unique Asset number with an Item number of "00001," your company policy should reinforce the entry of tag numbers in the Fixed Assets subtask of the Manage Purchase Order Receipts and Manage Quality Control Inspections screens in Costpoint Receiving.