Contents of the Link Accounts/Organizations Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Link Accounts/Organizations screen.


Field Description

If you are adding account/organization combinations, enter, or click to select, the account you want to link to an organization. To change information for an existing combination, use Query to select it.

Account Name

This non-editable field displays the name of the selected account.


If you are adding account/organization combinations, enter, or click to select the organization you want to link to an account.

Organization Name

This non-editable field displays the name of the selected organization.


When you add an account/organization combination initially, the Active check box is selected, unless either the organization or the account is currently inactive. Clear this check box to make the account/organization combination inactive.

FY Start, PD Start, FY End, PD End

You only use the starting and ending fiscal years and periods for an account/organization combination that is valid only for a particular period of time. For example, if you decide to discontinue use of an account/organization combination at the end of fiscal year 2011, you specify the final period of 2011 as the ending period for that combination. If you are replacing it with a new account/organization combination, you also specify the first period of 2012 as the starting period for that new combination. When you set up an account/organization that you want to use immediately and continuously for the foreseeable future, leave these fields blank.