Are freight or miscellaneous line charges allocated by quantity or by dollar in autocreation?

By quantity. If the data originates in Costpoint Purchasing, you have two options:
  • If you order five units on one Purchase Order (PO) line and have a line charge for freight for that line, the system will, during autocreation, allocate the freight back based on the number of units received/accepted of the total ordered for that line. Each PO line can have its own line charge. If you have one estimate for freight for all lines on a PO, you should manually allocate the freight charge among the lines; the system will then allocate the line charge among the units for that line as they are received and accepted.

  • If you have many PO lines on a PO and you do not use a line charge for freight, you can create a new PO line for freight alone and charge it to a freight account. In this case, the system will NOT allocate freight back to any existing PO lines.

If the data originates in Costpoint Accounts Payable, freight can be applied as a line charge in Accounts Payable (A/P). The system will not automatically allocate freight charges during autocreation, however, because units are not recognized in Accounts Payable.