PMI Step 1

Use the Manage Currencies screen to select the currencies that will be used in Costpoint.

Costpoint has loaded over 150 currency ISO codes into your system. An ISO code is a three-letter abbreviation selected by the International Standards Organization to identify each currency.

Use Lookup in the Currency ISO Code field to select JPY (Japanese yen). Accept or override the formal and informal names for this currency. In addition, you need to review the four formatting group boxes on this screen to make sure that your transaction currency (Japanese yen) adheres to the formatting standards of that country (Japan). The Decimal Digits field in the Currency group box is the most important. This field determines the rounding that occurs when this currency is displayed or printed in Costpoint. Some currencies with a relatively low value do not show any numbers to the right of the decimal point. You can choose to display two, one, or no digits to the right of the decimal.

Note: The formatting for your functional currency should match your Windows display settings. If the corresponding settings for Windows and your functional currency do not match, it may affect the printing of Costpoint reports.