Manage ACRN Bills Screen

Use of the Manage ACRN Bills screen is not mandatory, but is beneficial to government contractors subject to Government Requirement, DFARS 204.71 Uniform Contract Line Item Numbering, specifically, standard payment instructions at PGI 204.7108(d)(1) through (6).

This requirement places an obligation upon contractors to invoice at a Contract, Contract Line Item (CLIN), Subcontract Line Item (SLIN), Exhibit Line, or Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN) level.  

Access to this screen is controlled by the Enable ACRN Billing check box on the Configure Billing Settings screen. If this check box is selected, users with the appropriate rights can initialize, review, or change information for an ACRN project. You should set up this screen after establishing data on the Manage Project User Flow and the Manage Project Billing Information screen and before running the Calculate Standard Bills and Calculate ACRN Bills screens. You must enter the ACRN billing formula at the same level at which the project billing information was established. This is necessary since ACRN allocation amounts derive from the standard bill amounts.

Warning: Once you have established an ACRN Billing record for a project, changing the billing requirement or calculation method may require additional steps to ensure proper calculations. Contact Costpoint General Phone Support before changing any value in the ACRN calculations.
Note: Before you can calculate an ACRN billing, the invoice must be selected.

The Manage ACRN Bills screen has several purposes:

  • Use this screen to specify the project Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN) requirement, formula, and the level at which the billing will be calculated. Set up ACRN billing information for any project that requires billing amounts to be segregated by ACRN or ACRN/Line Item. This requirement is generally applicable to government contracts. If the Billing Requirement is ACRN Only w/Account Mapping or ACRN/Line Item w/Account Mapping, you need to complete the Accounts subtask:

    Complete this subtask after you have added the ACRN or ACRN/Line Item data in the table window.

    Additional maintenance of this screen is required only when adding a new account or account range.

  • Use this screen to specify the ACRN or ACRN/Line Item funding amount by entering values in the ACRN Value field.
  • Use this screen to initialize previously billed ACRN or ACRN/Line Item amounts by entering values in the Previous ACRN Allocation Amt field. The value represents posted ACRN or ACRN/Line Item amounts and is required to calculate accurate current ACRN allocation amounts.
  • Use this screen to enter/edit Current ACRN Allocation Amount values for each ACRN or ACRN/Line Item that will appear on the Standard Bill.