Security Subtask

Use this subtask to view security details for the employee.

This subtask is read-only.


Use this group box to identify the employee's U.S. person status.

Field Description
U.S. Person Status This field displays the employee's U.S. person status.

Green Card Information

Use this group box to view the employee's green card information.

Field Description
Surname This field displays the employee's surname as provided on the employee's green card.
Given Name This field displays the employee's given name as provided on the employee's green card.
USCIS Number This field displays the employee's United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) number as provided on the employee's green card.
Category/Visa This field displays the employee's category as provided on the employee's green card.
Resident Date This field displays the date on which the employee became a permanent resident as specified on the employee's green card.
Expiration Date This field displays the date on which the employee's green card expires as specified on the employee's green card. This is not an expiration of the employee's permanent residence.
Document Number This field displays the employee's document number (also known as "Card Number") as provided on the back of the employee's green card.
Verified By This field displays the name of the person who verified the employee's green card.
Date Verified This field displays the date on which the employee's green card was verified.


Use this group box to identify whether or not the employee is authorized for International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).

Field Description
ITAR Status

This group box displays the ITAR status of the employee. Options are:

  • U.S. Person Authorized for ITAR: This option indicates that the employee is a U.S. citizen authorized to do ITAR transactions.

  • Foreign Person with U.S. Dept of State Authorization/Special Exemption: This option indicates that the employee is authorized by the U.S. Department of State for ITAR transactions or has special exemption.

  • Not Authorized: This option indicates that the employee is not authorized to do ITAR transactions.

  • Not Applicable: This option indicates that the ITAR status is not applicable to the employee.

Denied Person If selected, this check box indicates that the employee is not authorized for ITAR because the employee is on the denied persons list.
ITAR Start Date This field displays the date on which the employee became authorized for ITAR.
ITAR End Date This field displays the date on which the employee's ITAR authorization ends.
Verified By This field displays the name of the person who verified the employee's ITAR status.
Date Verified This field displays the date on which the employee's ITAR status was verified.
Notes This field displays any notes pertaining to the employee's ITAR status.


Subtask Description
Security Clearances Click this link to open the Security Clearances subtask and view the security clearance information for the employee.