Print Asset Location Report

Use this report to print location information for one, a range of, or all asset/item numbers.

You can choose to include inactive records, disposals, and/or non-depreciable records for the asset/item number(s) selected.

You can select a primary sort on the following location-related fields: Location Group, City, State/Province, County, Country, Location 1 Code, Location 2 Code, or Location 3 Code. For each primary sort, records display in ascending asset/item number order. For all sort selections except Asset/Item No, you can also enable a page break each time the selected sort parameter changes.

Because you are not required to use the Loc Info tab on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or the Manage Asset Location Information screen, some of your assets may not have any location information associated with them. Assets for which you have entered no location information will not be included in this report.

The Asset Location Report provides a current "snapshot" of location data at the time you run the report and can be printed at any time.

Because all location fields for an Asset Master record are optional in Costpoint Fixed Assets, this report is not considered an essential part of the system audit trail. You may want to print this report before you make location changes, however, because the history for previous location data is not automatically retained without user intervention. Two options are available to retain previous location data:

  • You can use the optional Manage Asset Transfer Information screen to record location data changes, if desired. On this screen, all data entry fields are user-defined and require manual entry. The history of location changes is retained for transfer data entered for asset records.
  • You can enable system audit features that will automatically capture location change data when changes are made in any Asset Master record screen. You must first activate fields/columns on the Configure Asset/Template Change Settings screen BEFORE you make changes to Asset Master records.

You must also select the Asset Master Records check box in the Write Change Details to Audit Log for group box (on the Configure Asset/Template Change Settings screen) to indicate if you want the system to write change details to an audit log for location changes made to Asset Master records. You must also choose the specific asset master location fields for which you want the system to capture the change details.