Input File/Table Hard Validations (Asset Other Info Table)
When importing asset records, Costpoint validates the imported information and stores it in different tables.
Four separate tables store Asset Master Data, as follows:
Table Name | Table Description |
ASSET | This table holds data for the majority of Asset Master fields. |
ASSET_OTHER_INFO | This table holds “government” user-defined field information as well as other asset information (as an overflow from the ASSET table) for Asset Master records. |
ASSET_OTH_BK_DEPR | This table holds optional book information for Books 2 to 10, as applicable, for Asset Master records. |
ASSET_BOOKS_DISP | This table holds depreciation adjustment information for all books, as applicable, related to a disposal. |
When you save an Asset Master record, the system automatically creates matching rows in the ASSET and ASSET_OTHER_INFO table. For the input file involved with this preprocessor, you must establish a “matching” row in both the ASSET and ASSET_OTHER_INFO tables in which the Asset ID and Item No data are identical.
The fields below belong to the ASSET_OTHER_INFO table, which holds “government” user-defined field information as well as other asset information (as an overflow from the ASSET table).
You cannot add data to this table without first establishing the Asset Master record and thereby automatically creating data in the ASSET table. All data fields in the ASSET_OTHER_INFO tables are optional, other than the required Asset ID and Item No fields.
Even if you have no other information from the fields in this table for your Asset Master records, you must establish a matching row in the ASSET_OTHER_INFO table, populated with the required Asset ID and Item No data to match each row in the ASSET table.
Field | Description |
Input Row |
This field (INPUT_ROW) is not a field in the ASSET_OTHER_INFO table, but must be included in the data to be uploaded into the ASSET_OTHER_INFO table. This field is required, it must be numeric, and it can hold up to 10 integers. The purpose for this row is to serve as an identifier on the Error report for records that fail validations. |
Record Type |
Record Type is not a field in the ASSET_OTHER_INFO table, but must be included in the data to be uploaded into the ASSET_OTHER_INFO table by input row. This field is required and is only used for the input file. It can only hold one of the following alphabetic characters:
The purpose of the record type designation is to indicate whether the row is a header row or whether it should be linked with the ASSET, ASSET_OTH_BK_DEPR, or other tables that store Asset Master data (such as such as ASSET_OTHER_INFO or ASSET_BOOKS_DISP or GEN_UDEF). |
Asset ID |
This field (ASSET_ID), together with the Item No field (ITEM_NO), supplies the unique two-part key identifier for each Asset Master record. Although this field in an Asset Master record will accept up to 10 alphanumeric characters, you must have previously designated the size of this field in the Length of Asset Number field on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen (FA_SETTINGS.ASSET_ID_LEN_NO). The designated length must be no less than 3 characters. The length of a numeric Asset ID must equal the length designated on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen and cannot exceed that length. The length of an alpha-numeric Asset ID must equal or exceed 3 characters and be equal to or less than the length indicated on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. The Asset ID/Item No combination must not already exist in the destination database, and it must be unique within the ASSET OTHER INFO table. If the Asset ID and Item Number are missing and the Automatic Numbering for Asset Records check box has been selected on the screen, the system will automatically insert the next asset number in the sequence that displays in the Last Asset Number field on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. If the Enable Automatic Numbering for Asset Master Records check box is clear on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen and you select the Automatic Numbering for Asset Records check box on the Import Asset Records screen, there will be an error message saying that the check box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen must be selected. When importing with an ASCII import file, the order of the rows is critical, particularly when one or more asset records will not be having asset/item numbers on the import file. The records must be arranged on the file in the following order for each asset, assuming the Header row is listed first: A (Asset table data,) B (Other Books table data,) O (Other Info/Books Disposal table data,) and then any U (User-defined table data.) When importing by scripting data into the input tables, the rows for each asset must have a temporary, unique value in the AUTO_NO_GRP column in each table. This unique value will be the same for all of the records associated with an asset record, so that the import application assigns the same asset/item number to all of the asset’s records. Note: The system will increment the right-most numeric digit for that asset number and will not automatically increment alphabetic characters. You must have previously enabled the automatic numbering feature on that screen by activating the
Enable Automatic Numbering for Asset Master Records check box on that screen (Configure Fixed Assets Settings).
If only the Asset ID or only the Item Number is missing and the other value is present for the record, then that record will fail validations irregardless of whether or not the Enable Automatic Numbering for Asset Records check box is selected. If the Asset ID is missing and you have NOT turned on the automatic numbering feature, the record will fail validations and will be displayed on the Error report. The record can be identified by the Row Number that will display on the Error report. Every Asset ID/Item No combination must have a record with the same Asset ID/Item No in the ASSET_OTHER_INFO table. If the asset’s status is D (Disposal), this Asset ID/Item No combination must have a record with the same Asset ID/Item No in the ASSET_BOOKS_DISP table. The system will not allow duplicate asset/item numbers for the same row type except for the User Defined table data having Record Type U. (For example, the ASSET table, record type A cannot exist more than once for the same asset/item number.) The data in this field must exactly match the data entered for the same Asset Master record in the ASSET table. Possible Error Messages:
Item No |
This field (ITEM_NO), together with the Asset ID field (ASSET_ID), supplies the unique two-part key identifier for each Asset Master record. Each asset number must have a unique item number that is numeric, greater than zero, and does not exceed 99999. If you previously enabled the automatic numbering feature by activating the Enable Automatic Numbering for Asset Master Records check box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen, the system will automatically assign 00001 as the default item number for records where the Asset ID and the Item No fields do not have values. The data in this field must exactly match the data entered for the same Asset Master record in the ASSET table. You must populate this required field if you have not enabled the automatic numbering feature on the Configure Fixed Assets Setting screen and selected Automatic Numbering for Asset Records on the Import Asset Records screen or if the Asset ID has a value. Preprocessor Default Rules:
Error Messages:
Notes |
This field is available for both depreciable and non-depreciable records. This optional field (NOTES) holds up to 254 alphanumeric characters in a list-box format, as applicable, for user notes or additional information, and can be populated by manual entry or by importing data from a specified Asset Template record. This field is not system-validated in an Asset Master record. Template Numbers (along with any applicable revision numbers) are permitted in the input file/table. If the Template No/Rev No is populated on an input file/table record, the asset record will be populated with the values associated with the Template No/Rev No as they exist in the Receiving database, as follows:
Preprocessor Default Rule:
Year Built |
This field is available for both depreciable and non-depreciable records. This optional field (YR_BUILT_NO) holds up to four numeric characters in year format (for example, 1983) to provide the year the asset was built (or any other relevant year data that you choose). The format cannot exceed 9999 and this field can be populated by manual entry or by importing data from a specified Asset Template record. Data for this field is not system-validated in an Asset Master record. This date is for information purposes only and is not used in system calculations. Template Numbers (along with any applicable revision numbers) are permitted in the input file/table. If the Template No/Rev No is populated on an input file/table record, the asset record will be populated with the values associated with the Template No/Rev No as they exist in the Receiving database, as follows:
Nat Stock No |
This field is available for both depreciable and non-depreciable records. This optional field (NSN_ID) holds up to 20 alphanumeric characters for the national stock number for this Asset Master record, as applicable, and can be populated by manual entry or by importing data from a specified Asset Template record. This field is not system-validated in an Asset Master record. Template Numbers (along with any applicable revision numbers) are permitted in the input file/table. If the Template No/Rev No is populated on an input file/table record, the asset record will be populated with the values associated with the Template No/Rev No as they exist in the Receiving database, as follows:
Preprocessor Default Rules:
Error Messages:
Govt1 (Or Your Label) |
This field is available for both depreciable and non-depreciable records. This optional field (GOVT_FLD1_DESC) holds up to 30 alphanumeric characters to record “government” or other information. The system default labels reference “government” only as a matter of convenience and organization. Because the field labels are user-defined, you can use these fields to hold data for any asset type, including either company-owned property or “non-government” property, as desired. You can edit the field label on the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen from the Fixed Assets Controls menu. This field can be populated by manual entry or by importing data from a specified Asset Template record. This field is not system-validated in an Asset Master record. Note: This user-defined field can be used independently from each of the other 14 user-defined government information fields.
Template Numbers (along with any applicable revision numbers) are permitted in the input file/table. If the Template No/Rev No is populated on an input file/table record, the asset record will be populated with the values associated with the Template No/Rev No as they exist in the Receiving database, as follows:
Preprocessor Default Rules:
Error Messages:
Govt2 to Govt15 (Or Your Labels) |
Please refer to the documentation for the Govt1 (Or Your Label) field. |