Exchange Rates Subtask

Use this subtask of the View Work Assignment Status screen to view transaction currency, rate group, and exchange rate information for the subcontractor purchase order (PO).

All fields are display-only and cannot be edited.


Field Description
Work Assignment ID

This field displays the work assignment ID.

Work Assignment Description

This field displays the work assignment description.

Approval Status

This field displays the approval status of the work assignment.


This field displays the vendor number to which the purchase order is issued.


This field displays the PO ID.


This field displays the release number for the PO.

Transaction Currency

This field displays the transaction currency for the subcontractor PO.

Rate Group

This field displays the rate group for the transaction. The rate group name displays in the field on the right.

Transaction Currency to Functional Currency Exchange Rate Info

Field Description
Rate Date

This field displays the rate date.


This field displays the rate amount.

If the transaction and functional currencies are the same, no rate determination will be necessary. In this case, this field displays 1.0000000.

If the transaction and functional currencies are different, the system calculates the rate using the parameters you established for records in the Configure Multicurrency Settings screen.

Freeze Rate

This check box is disabled on this subtask.

Trans to Func or Trans to Euro

For those transactions that involve Euro currencies, this field is titled Trans to Euro and displays the rate for the transaction to Euro currency. This field is titled Trans to Func if non-Euro currencies are being exchanged.

N/A or Euro to Func

For those transactions that involve Euro currencies, this field is titled Euro to Func and displays the rate for the Euro to functional currency. This field displays as N/A if non-Euro currencies are being exchanged.