Contents of the Manage Asset Cost Information Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Asset Cost Information Screen.

With this screen option, users do not automatically have access to data fields in other Asset Master tabs and subtasks; such access rights must be granted by the system administrator for each tab or subtask on a screen-by-screen basis.

Note: You can enter, edit, and view descriptive data for an Asset Master record by accessing the Manage Asset Master Information screen, which automatically grants access to all the available tabs and subtasks. An alternate access route to Asset Master subtasks gives you more flexibility when screen security options are set up for users with different access needs.
  • If screen rights allow you access to the Manage Asset Master Information screen, then that screen and all its tabs and subtasks are automatically accessible to you.
  • If you do not have access rights to the Manage Asset Master Information screen, the system administrator can alternately grant or deny rights using the direct menu option (via the Asset Master Records menu) on a screen-by-screen basis. In this manner, each user can access only the permissible tabs or subtasks in an Asset Master record.

When you first bring up this screen, a screen prompts you to enter a search criteria.

Although the data displays in columnar form in the table window on this screen, data entry functionality and data rules for each column are identical to those for each corresponding field on the Cost Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, regardless of which entry screen methodology you establish for each user. You can also use the Form view option for this screen.

Note: Other books cost data displays on this screen along with the cost columns applicable to the G/L Book.

If you use the direct menu option to access cost data on this screen, as a matter of convenience, total cost data for all optional books used (books 2-10) displays in columns in this table window and on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

Cost changes made to any optional book on this screen display on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen. Conversely, cost changes made to any optional book on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen display in the columns on this screen.

You cannot use this screen to add new asset records. You can enter additional optional data, change existing data, or delete existing data within the system rules already established for an Asset Master record that was originally added using the Manage Asset Master Information screen and its subtasks.

On this screen, unlike maintenance table windows throughout Costpoint, the line functions in the menu (Execute, New Record, Clone Record, Delete and Undelete) are disabled.

No columns related to cost are system-required in this table window. Cost information is not required to save an asset record, although no depreciation can be computed if there is no cost data for the record.

Note: You cannot edit the columns on this screen after a disposal is posted or manually entered (for the purpose of preserving the audit trail). When you first manually add historical record with a Disposal status, you can edit all eligible fields in the Asset Master record as needed, before you save the record for the first time.

If you access the saved Disposal record again, however, you cannot save edits to the Record Status, Depr/Lease Status, and Depr/Lease Based On columns on the Manage Asset Description Information screen. In addition, you cannot save edits to columns on this screen, Manage Asset Account Information, Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information, Manage Asset Other Books Information (if data previously existed), and Manage Asset Disposal Information (if system-generated) screens.

You should always use caution in the timing of your edits, however, because changes to critical columns that change total cost may produce unexpected results after depreciation is calculated.

Table Window

Field Description
Asset No

This non-editable column displays the asset number assigned to this record when the asset was saved on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

Item No

This non-editable column displays the item number assigned to this record when the asset was saved on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

Short Desc

This non-editable column displays the optional short description entered for this record, if applicable.

The Short Desc data may have been entered or edited on the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on the Manage Asset Description Information screen. Any edits to the Short Desc column must be made on the Manage Asset Master Maintain Asset Master Info main screen or on the Manage Asset Description Information screen.

Record Status

This non-editable column displays the system-required record status assigned to this record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

The possible values that display for this column are Active, Inactive or Disposal. The system default is Active. A record must be Active to be eligible for depreciation calculations.

Depr/Lease Status

This non-editable column displays the system-required depreciation status assigned to this record on the Manage Asset Master Information screen.

The possible display options for this column are Capitalize, Depreciable, and Non-Depreciable. The system default is Depreciable.

A record must be depreciable to be eligible for depreciation calculations.


This column displays the optional quantity data entered for this record, if applicable. Data for this column may have been entered or edited on the Cost Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can edit this optional column or enter the quantity. If the displayed quantity originated from autocreated data, however, you should make edits with caution to avoid compromising the integrity of the captured data.

This column serves only as a memo data column and is not used by the system for any calculations.

Unit of Measure

This column displays the optional unit of measure data entered for this record, if applicable. Data for this column may have been entered or edited on the Cost Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can edit this optional column or enter the unit of measure. If the displayed unit of measure originated from autocreated data, however, you should make edits with caution to avoid compromising the integrity of the captured data.

This column serves only as a memo data column and is not used by the system for any calculations.

Update the Total Cost in All Other Books

The check box in this column indicates if you want to update the total cost of the other books when you add, edit or delete the cost.

Select this check box if you want to copy and display the G/L Book Total Cost Amt value for all applicable optional books. The purpose of this default feature is to save you some data entry effort because, for the majority of users, the G/L Book cost amount is normally identical for the optional books. This check box is disabled for Capitalize leases.

Cost changes made to any optional book on this screen display on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen. Conversely, cost changes made to any optional book on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen display in the columns on this screen.

You can clear this check box, if desired. If you need to assign a different cost basis for each optional book (for purposes of stepped-up depreciation basis, and so on) you will need to manually edit the cost for each optional book, as applicable.

Unit Price Amt

This column displays the optional unit price amount entered for this record, if applicable. The value in this column may have been entered or edited on the Cost Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can enter or edit the unit price amount in this optional column. If the displayed unit price amount originated from autocreated data, however, you should make edits with caution to avoid compromising the integrity of the captured data.

The system adds the value entered in this column to the value(s) entered in any other cost columns, and displays the results in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column. Data from the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column (less any applicable salvage value) is used for depreciation calculations for the G/L Book.


Unit Price Amt, Sales Tax Amt, Shipping/Handling Amt, Transportation Amt, and/or Other Cost Amt associated with an Asset Master record are not system-required, because you may want to track property that has no cost basis. The system cannot, however, compute depreciation if the value in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column is zero. When you first add and save an Asset Master record, the G/L Book Total Cost Amt value for the G/L Book displays as the default total cost for all optional books used (on this screen, in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, and on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen). Note that you can always assign a different cost basis for each optional book (for purposes of stepped-up depreciation basis, and so on), if desired.

Sales Tax Amt

This column displays the optional sales tax amount entered for this record, if applicable. The value in this column may have been entered or edited on the Cost Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can enter or edit the sales tax amount this optional column. If the displayed sales tax amount originated from autocreated data, however, you should make edits with caution to avoid compromising the integrity of the captured data.

The system adds the value entered in this column to the value(s) entered in any other cost columns, and displays the results in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column. Data from the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column (less any applicable salvage value) is used for depreciation calculations for the G/L Book.


Unit Price Amt, Sales Tax Amt, Shipping/Handling Amt, Transportation Amt, and/or Other Cost Amt associated with an Asset Master record are not system-required, because you may want to track property that has no cost basis. The system cannot, however, compute depreciation if the value in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column is zero. When you first add and save an Asset Master record, the G/L Book Total Cost Amt value for the G/L Book displays as the default total cost for all optional books used (on this screen, in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, and on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen). Note that you can always assign a different cost basis for each optional book (for purposes of stepped-up depreciation basis, and so on), if desired.

Shipping/Handling Amt

This column displays the optional shipping/handling amount entered for this record, if applicable. Data for this column may have been entered or edited on the Cost Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can enter or edit the shipping/handling amount in this optional column. If the displayed shipping/handling amount originated from autocreated data, however, you should make edits with caution to avoid compromising the integrity of the captured data.

The system adds the value entered in this column to the value(s) entered in any other cost columns, and displays the results in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column. Data from the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column (less any applicable salvage value) is used for depreciation calculations for the G/L Book.


Unit Price Amt, Sales Tax Amt, Shipping/Handling Amt, Transportation Amt, and/or Other Cost Amt associated with an Asset Master record are not system-required, because you may want to track property that has no cost basis. The system cannot, however, compute depreciation if the value in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column is zero. When you first add and save an Asset Master record, the G/L Book Total Cost Amt value for the G/L Book displays as the default total cost for all optional books used (on this screen, in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, and on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen). Note that you can always assign a different cost basis for each optional book (for purposes of stepped-up depreciation basis, and so on), if desired.

Transportation Amt

This column displays the optional transportation amount entered for this record, if applicable. Data for this column may have been entered or edited on the Cost Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can enter or edit the transportation amount in this optional column. If the displayed transportation amount originated from autocreated data, however, you should make edits with caution to avoid compromising the integrity of the captured data.

The system adds the value entered in this column to the value(s) entered in any other cost columns, and displays the results in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column. Data from the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column (less any applicable salvage value) is used for depreciation calculations for the G/L Book.


Unit Price Amt, Sales Tax Amt, Shipping/Handling Amt, Transportation Amt, and/or Other Cost Amt associated with an Asset Master record are not system-required, because you may want to track property that has no cost basis. The system cannot, however, compute depreciation if the value in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column is zero. When you first add and save an Asset Master record, the G/L Book Total Cost Amt value for the G/L Book displays as the default total cost for all optional books used (on this screen, in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, and on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen). Note that you can always assign a different cost basis for each optional book (for purposes of stepped-up depreciation basis, and so on), if desired.

Other Cost Amt

This column displays the optional other costs amount entered for this record, if applicable. Data for this column may have been entered or edited in the Cost Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen or on this screen.

You can enter or edit the other costs amount in this optional column. If the displayed other costs amount originated from autocreated data, however, you should make edits with caution to avoid compromising the integrity of the captured data.

The system adds the value entered in this column to the value(s) entered in any other cost columns, and displays the results in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column. Data from the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column (less any applicable salvage value) is used for depreciation calculations for the G/L Book.


Unit Price Amt, Sales Tax Amt, Shipping/Handling Amt, Transportation Amt, and/or Other Cost Amt associated with an Asset Master record are not system-required, because you may want to track property that has no cost basis. The system cannot, however, compute depreciation if the value in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column is zero. When you first add and save an Asset Master record, the G/L Book Total Cost Amt value for the G/L Book displays as the default total cost for all optional books used (on this screen, in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, and on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen). Note that you can always assign a different cost basis for each optional book (for purposes of stepped-up depreciation basis, and so on), if desired.

G/L Book Total Cost Amt

This column is not available for user entry.

The system adds the values from each of the cost columns and displays the total in this column. If this column does not display the correct value, you should edit the Unit Price Amt, Sales Tax Amt, Shipping/Handling Amt, Transportation Amt, and/or Other Cost Amt column(s), as appropriate.

You must make all edits to cost for the G/L Book on this screen or on the Cost Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The value from this column displays in the Total Cost column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen, where it cannot be edited.


Unit Price Amt, Sales Tax Amt, Shipping/Handling Amt, Transportation Amt, and/or Other Cost Amt associated with an Asset Master record are not system-required, because you may want to track property that has no cost basis. The system cannot, however, compute depreciation if the value in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column is equal to zero.

(Book Name) Total Cost Amt

The total cost amount for the other books display on this screen and the convention for the field names will be—(Your Book Name) Total Cost Amt.

For example, if you have named optional Book 2 as your Tax book, you can find total cost amount information under the heading as Tax Total Cost Amt.

Regarding the actual display of the field label on this screen:

  • In a Table Window format, the label for this field will read as Tax Total Cost Amt.
  • In a Form View format, the label for this field can be found in the Other Books Cost Info group box and will read as Tax Total Cost Amt. All the other total cost amount for the other books can also be found in this group box.

This column displays the optional total cost amount entered for this record, if applicable. The value in this column may have been entered or edited in the Cost Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen, or on this screen.

You can enter or edit the total price amount in this optional column. Note that cost changes made to any optional book on this screen display on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen. Conversely, cost changes made to any optional book on the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen display in the columns on this screen.

There is no system requirement that the cost for any optional books used be identical to the cost value used for the G/L Book. You can always assign a different cost basis for each optional book (for purposes of stepped-up depreciation basis, and so on), if desired.