Error Messages

There are several error messages that may occur during the validation process. These messages will be listed on the Import Asset Disposals Error Report.

The system performs the following validations during application entry and processing.

Field-Level Validations

The following table lists field-level validations for the application.

Field Condition Error Message
Account User entered Account must exist. Valid gain/loss Account information must be entered if “Use F/A Settings Default G/L Account” is checked.
Account User entered Account must be active. This Account is not active.

This Organization/Account combination is not active.

Organization User entered Organization must exist in the company currently being used. The following does not exist: Organization.
Organization User entered Organization must be active. This Organization is not active.
Project User entered Project must exist. The following does not exist: Project.
Project User entered Project must be Active. This Project is not active.
Project User entered Project must allow charges. This Project does not allow charges.
REF 1 User entered REF 1 must exist in the company currently being used. The following does not exist: REF 1.
REF 2 User entered REF 2 must exist in the company currently being used. The following does not exist: REF 2.
Note: The fields Ref 1 and Ref 2 may display a different label if they have been changed on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen. For example, the Ref1 and Ref2 fields may be set up on that screen to display as AC 1 and AC 2.

Form/Result Set Level Validations

The following table lists form/result set level validations for the application.

Condition Error Message
If the Use F/A Settings Default G/L Account is checked, the Account and Organization fields must be populated. Valid Gain/Loss Account information must be entered if Use FA Settings Default G/L Account is checked.
The Account/Organization combination does not exist. This Organization/Account combination: does not exist.
The Account/Organization combination is not active. This Organization/Account combination: is not active.
If a Project is entered, the Account must be in the Project’s Project Account Group. This Account is not part of this Project’s Account Group.
If a Project is entered, the Account must be active in the Project’s Project Account Group in ACCT_GRP_SETUP (Account Group Setup) table. This Account is inactive for the Project Account Group.
If Account is Project Required and Project entered has Limit Accounts, the Account must be included in PROJ_ACCT_WILDCARD (Project/Acct Validations) table. This Project/Account combination does not exist.
If Account is Project Required and Project entered has Limit Orgs, the Organization must be in included in PROJ_ORG_WILDCARD (Project/Org Validations) table. This Project/Organization combination does not exist.
If Account is not Project Required, the Project must be left NULL. This Account does not allow a Project.
You attempt to save parameters when a valid file has not been selected or a table named FA_IMP_DISP does not exist. The following field is required: File Name.
Other is selected as the File Delimiter, the field to the right of the File Delimiter drop-down list is NULL, and you try to print or process. A file delimiter must be specified when format is delimited as an ASCII File and the file delimiter is other than “Comma”.