Notes Tab

Use this tab to enter additional information that can be linked with the asset record.

The notes list box supports word-wrap, scrolling, and so on. Notes entered on this tab are saved with the asset record, and can be printed separately or in combination with other Asset Master fields. You can enter notes on this tab whenever you choose.

Note: For established Asset Master records only, data from the Notes tab display in the Asset Notes column or field of the Manage Asset Description Information screen.

For a new asset record, enter notes in this optional field.

You may find that this field is already populated with default data from a template. The source of this data is determined by the template/revision number that displays in the Template No and Rev No fields of the Desc Info tab. Data may have been copied from a default template designated on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen.

For an existing asset record, this field may display the latest selection you made when you originally added or edited the asset record or the selection from the latest Asset Template specified in the Template No and Rev No fields, if a template is used. It may not always be easy to identify the source of the Asset Master data because template functionality on this screen and on the Manage Autocreation Transactions screen allows you to overwrite all existing data with template data or to populate only blank fields with template data.

Because Asset Master data may have originated from Costpoint Purchasing, Receiving, and/or Accounts Payable using the autocreation function, it is very important to use the template functionality knowledgeably and with caution. Although you should take care to preserve the integrity of the data with respect to its source, you can always edit data in the Asset Master record fields, as needed, regardless of the mode of data entry (manually, using autocreation, and/or via the template mechanism).