Corporate G/L Settings Subtask

Use this subtask of the Configure General Ledger Settings screen to maintain the company's general ledger account structure.


You can only make changes to this screen if you have update rights to the Configure General Ledger Settings screen for the main company and you are also logged into the main company.

Length of First Segment

Use the fields in this group box to set up lengths of first segments for your company's organization codes, reference numbers, and reorganization codes. Costpoint requires that you identify this uniform length to ensure that lookups used during data entry function properly. Although a company's organization codes, for example, must all use first segments of equal length, the remaining segments may vary in length from one organization to another. However, the length of the first segments for organization codes, reference numbers, and reorganizations can all be different.

The maximum size of the first segment is 20 characters for all three codes. The maximum size for each of the three codes is also 20 characters. Therefore, if you set the length of the first segment to 20, the code can only have one segment.

Field Description

Enter the length of the first segment for the company's organization codes.

Reference No

Enter the length of the first segment for the company's reference numbers.


Enter the length of the first segment for the company's reorganization codes.

Note: For each of these, you can set up different structures for all codes with unique first segments. For example, Organization 1's structure is X.XX.XX, while Organization 2's structure is X.XXX.X. (Note that information for organizations, reference numbers, or reorganization numbers with different first segments cannot be combined for reporting. If you require company-wide reports, the "company-wide" level must be represented by the first segment. Typically, companies use 1 for the value of that segment for organizations, reference numbers, and reorganization numbers.)

If any organizations exist in the database, you cannot change the value in Length of First Segment for organization codes. The same is true for the reference numbers and reorganization codes.

Account Structure

Use this group box to establish the number of levels, or segments, for Costpoint general ledger accounts and specify the length of each level. You can set up a segmented account number format to indicate a hierarchy of upper-level summary accounts and lower-level detail accounts, which facilitates roll-ups when reporting.

Account numbers can be up to 15 characters long, including the hyphens that separate segments. When you set up segment lengths, Costpoint automatically adjusts for a hyphen between segments and limits the character length of segments to ensure that the total account number length does not exceed 15 characters.

Once you apply charges to an account, you cannot change any existing levels of the account number. However, if the account number is less than 15 characters long and does not use all the available segments, you can create a new detail account by adding a segment to the existing account number.

Field Description
No of Levels

This non-editable field indicates the maximum number of segments an account number can have. This number is based on the number of levels you set up in the Account Structure table.


This number indicates a segment within the corporate account number structure. Costpoint automatically increments this number when you tab to or click the next row of the table window.


Enter the number of characters in each level. The maximum number of characters an account number can have, including all levels and the separators between levels, is 15.

Database used for

Field Description

This is the default option after the application is installed. Select this option for any database that is a “live Production” or regular test database. You can change this option anytime to Alternate Revenue Calculations. However once it has been changed, you cannot change it back to Production.

When Production is set, you have access to the alternate project revenue profiles if you have rights to the corresponding screens, but you will not be able to run the utility to activate those profiles.

Alternate Revenue Calculations

Select this option for a database that will be used ONLY for revenue calculations using the Project Alternate Revenue Profiles, to support the transition period calculations needed for ASC 606. This selection allows you to run the utility to activate the alternate project revenue profiles, provided you have rights to the corresponding applications. However, you will not be able to access the alternate project revenue profiles to make changes to them. Once this option has been selected, you cannot change it back to Production.