SOX Controls Reports

The SOX Controls Reporting includes several report categories and their reports.

These report categories include the following:

Costpoint Accounting

Accounts Payable

  • Accounts Payable Accounts

  • Accounts Payable Settings

  • Accounts Payable Voucher Settings

  • Approver Settings

  • Cash Accounts

  • Purchase Order Voucher Settings

  • Vendor Settings

  • Vendor Terms

Accounts Receivable

  • Accounts Receivable Settings

  • System-Assigned Cash Receipt Number

  • Transfer Accounts

Fixed Assets

  • Accumulated Depreciation Account Codes

  • Asset or Template Change Settings

  • Asset Template Information

  • Auto-Creation Settings for Purchase Orders or Receiving Data

  • Depreciation Expense Account Allocation Codes

  • Depreciation Methods - Basic Setup

  • Fixed Assets Accounting Periods

  • Fixed Assets Fiscal Years

  • Fixed Assets Settings

  • Posting Settings

  • Template Information Global Changes

General Ledger

  • Account Entry Groups

  • Accounting Periods

  • Account-Org Links

  • Accounts

  • Bank Statements

  • Banks

  • Company Bank Accounts

  • Company Information

  • Financial Statement Setup

  • Fiscal Years

  • General Ledger Settings

  • Journal Entry Cycles

  • Mass Links of Accounts-Orgs

  • Organization Elements

  • Organization Structures

  • Subperiods

  • System-Assigned Journal Entry Number


  • Exchange Rate Groups

  • Multicurrency Accounts

  • Multicurrency Settings

Costpoint Materials


  • Default WIP Asset Accounts

  • Inventory Accounts

  • Inventory Projects

  • Inventory Settings

  • Serial-Lot Settings

Procurement Planning

  • Requisition Approval Processes

  • Requisition Approval Titles

  • Requisition Settings

  • Vendor Settings

  • Vendor Terms


  • Buyers

  • Buyer Organization Accounts

  • Buyer Organization Accounts - Drill-Through

  • Buyer Projects

  • Buyer Projects - Drill-Through

  • Branch Locations

  • Purchase Order Line Charge Types

  • Purchase Order Settings

  • Units of Measure

  • Vendor Settings

  • Vendor Terms


  • Receiving Settings

Sales Order Entry

  • Approval Processes

  • Approval Titles

  • Catalog Settings

  • Cost Types

  • Defaults

  • Line Charge Types

  • Project Settings

  • Sales Order Settings

  • Serial-Lot Settings

Costpoint People


  • Allowances

  • Allowance Accounts

  • Labor Groups - Unions

  • Labor Location - Locals

  • Labor Settings

  • Overtime Premium Recast

  • Overtime Rules by Location

  • Overtime Rules by State

  • Overtime Settings

  • Pay Types

  • Timesheet Periods


  • Leave Period

  • Leave Settings

  • Leave Tables

  • Leave Types


  • Contribution Matching Rates

  • Contribution Matching Rates - Drill-Through

  • Deductions

  • Deduction Schedules

  • Direct Deposit Banks

  • Direct Deposit Setup

  • Local Taxable Deductions

  • Local Taxable Deductions - Drill-Through

  • Modify Codes

  • Pay Periods

  • Pay Type Taxability

  • Pay Type Taxability - Local

  • Pay Type Taxability - Local - Drill-Through

  • Pay Type Taxability - State

  • Pay Type Taxability - State - Drill-Through

  • Paycheck Setup

  • Payroll Settings

  • Savings Bond Info by Taxable Entity

  • State Taxable Deductions

  • State Taxable Deductions - Drill Through

  • Workers' Compensation Modify Codes

  • Workers' Compensation State Rates

Time Collection Interface

  • Time Collection Account Types

  • Time Collection Accounts

  • Time Collection Projects

Costpoint Projects


  • Billing Accounts

  • Billing Settings

  • Generic Billing Formats

  • Other Charges

  • Remittance Addresses

  • Taxable Sales Accounts

Cost and Revenue Processing

  • Cost Pools

  • Pool Base Accounts

  • Pool Base Accounts - Drill-Through

  • Pool Cost Accounts

  • Pool Cost Accounts - Drill-Through

  • Pool Rates

  • Pool Rates - Drill-Through

Intercompany Work Orders

  • IWO Expense Mapping

  • IWO Locations

  • IWO Project Setup

Project Setup

  • Mass Link Project-Account-Orgs

  • Project Account Groups

  • Project Labor Categories

  • Project Settings

  • Valid Project-Account-Orgs

Costpoint Other

System Administration

  • System Settings

Deltek Time Collection
  • Account Types

  • Charge Trees

  • Charge Trees - Drill-Through

  • Charge Trees 1-Level

  • Configuration Tables

  • Employee Group Supervisor

  • Employee Group Supervisor - Drill-Through

  • Employee Group Types

  • Employee Groups

  • Employee Info - Charge Employees

  • Employee Info - Charge Employees - Drill-Through

  • Employee Information

  • Functional Roles

  • Leave Types

  • Links and Miscellaneous

  • Security Roles

  • Timesheet Class - Leave

  • Timesheet Class - Leave - Drill-Through

  • Timesheet Class - UDT10

  • Timesheet Class - UDT10 - Drill-Through

  • Timesheet Classes

  • Timesheet Schedules

  • UDT01 Controls

  • UDT01 Controls - UDT02 Links

  • UDT01 Controls - UDT02 Links - Drill-Through

  • UDT01 Controls - UDT09 Links

  • UDT01 Controls - UDT09 Links - Drill-Through

  • UDT02 Controls

  • UDT02 Controls - UDT01 Links

  • UDT02 Controls - UDT01 Links Drill-Through

  • UDT02 Controls - UDT07 Links

  • UDT02 Controls - UDT07 Links Drill-Through

  • UDT02 Controls - UDT09 Links

  • UDT02 Controls - UDT09 Links Drill-Through

  • UDT03 Controls

  • UDT04 Controls

  • UDT05 Controls

  • UDT07 Controls

  • UDT09 Controls

  • UDT09 Controls - UDT01 Links

  • UDT09 Controls - UDT01 Links Drill-Through

  • UDT09 Controls - UDT02 Links

  • UDT09 Controls - UDT02 Links Drill-Through

  • UDT10 Controls

  • Utilization