Contents of the Import Journal Entries Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Import Journal Entry Preprocessor screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.


Input File

Note: International users:  The data can contain non-English characters, provided they are in the ASCII character set. Before creating an ASCII text (.TXT) file, be sure that your keyboard language is set to "EN" (United States English) to prevent Costpoint from generating errors. Deltek recommends the use of .TXT and .CSV file-naming conventions.
Field Description

Enter the location of the input file you are importing. There are two ways to do this:

  • In the Location field, enter, or click to select, the alternate file location where the input file is located. Alternate file locations are set up in the Manage Alternate File Locations screen.


  • From the Global Menu, click Process > File Upload. On the File Upload Manager dialog box, click Browse and use the dialog box to select the file you are uploading. If you select the Overwrite? check box, Costpoint will overwrite any file of the same name that already exists in the Costpoint database. Click Upload when you are finished. If you use this method, leave the File Location field blank. For more information about the File Upload Manager, see the File Upload Manager topic in the Getting Started Guide.
File Format

From the drop-down list, select the file's format:

  • Fixed-Length: If you select this setting, each field will be of fixed length and must be padded with spaces to the specified field width. You must use this type of file if you are going to upload information containing commas.
  • Comma-Separated Values: If you select this setting, each field will be separated by a comma. The final field on each line will not have a trailing comma. Strings are not enclosed in quotes.
  • Tables: If you select this setting, the columns on the tables will mirror the columns' corresponding record types from the existing ASCII file.

    The Tables setting uses four database tables for importing journal entries. These database tables correspond to the three parts of a journal entry: transaction line, employee labor, and vendor labor. A fourth table holds exchange rate information by journal entry for multicurrency processing. The columns found on the Input File layout are also in the tables. There are two additional columns:

  • Record Number (REC_NO): Used as the primary key. You should make sure that it is unique when populating the tables with data. 
  • Status Code (S_STATUS_CD): Used to identify rows that have not been processed, are in error, or have been imported.

    The tables are:

    Table Contains Information to be Imported for the:
    AOPUTLJE_INP_TR Transaction type record
    AOPUTLJE_INP_VEN Vendor Labor type record
    AOPUTLJE_INP_EMP Employee Labor type record
    AOPUTLJE_INP_MU Multicurrency
Warning: For the Tables setting only, the Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period Number columns cannot be "null" in the tables. If you do not supply a value for any of these columns, you must set the columns in the tables to a single space (Journal Type Code and Fiscal Year) or zero (for Period Number). 
Truncated Values

From the drop-down list, select the action you want Costpoint to take when an Input File field is too long for the target database column. This field is available only if you set the File Format option to Comma-Separated Values.

The choices for Truncated Values are:

  • Always truncate: Costpoint always truncates values that are too long without warning you first and writes a warning message to the Error Report.
  • Never truncate: Costpoint never truncates values that are too long. Costpoint rejects the records and writes an error message to the Error Report.
  • Warn before truncation: Costpoint displays a message when it encounters a value that is too large in the Input File and gives you the option of either truncating the value or rejecting the record.

Accounting Period

Field Description
Fiscal Year, Period, Subperiod

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year, period, and subperiod to use as defaults. These settings will not override values in the Input File but will be used if the fiscal year, period, and/or subperiod in the Input File are blank.


Field Description
Journal Type

From the drop-down list, select the journal type to be used as a default if there is no journal type in the Input File:

  • Adjusting
  • Recurring

    Your setting for this option will not override values entered in the Input File.


From the drop-down list, select a recurring cycle to be used as a default if there is not a recurring cycle on a JE transaction line record in the Input File:

  • WEEK2

    Your setting for this option will not override values entered in the Input File.

Header Desc

Enter a header description to be used as a default if there is not a header description on a journal entry transaction line record in the Input File. This description will not override values entered in the Input File.

Rate Group

Enter, or click to select, the rate group. The corresponding description appears in the adjacent field.

Process Table Options

This group box is available only if you set the File Format option to Tables. The three options in this group box become active when you select an option in the Action menu.

Field Description
Load Unprocessed Rec

Select this option to process rows from the input tables that have a Status Code (S_STATUS_CD) of NULL. The rows are selected from the Transaction, Vendor Labor, and Employee Labor tables.

Records that pass validation and records that fail validation are loaded into separate temporary tables; this is the same procedure for processing Input Files. Costpoint then updates the Status Code (S_STATUS_CD) column to E (Error) in all the input tables for the corresponding records that contain errors.

When you start the Import JEs process, Costpoint inserts all records that passed validation into the base tables (for example, JE_HDR, JE_TRN, JE_TRN_LAB_VEND, JE_TRN_LAB_EMPL, and RECUR_JE_TMPLT). Costpoint then updates the Status Code column with an I to show that these rows have been successfully imported.

Reprocess Error Rec

Select this option to re-process rows from the input tables that have a Status Code (S_STATUS_CD) of E (Error).

Delete Imported Rec

Select this option to delete rows from the input tables that have a Status Code (S_STATUS_CD) of I (Imported). If you select this option, Costpoint deletes records from the AOPUTLJE_INP_TR, AOPUTLJE_INP_VEN, AOPUTLJE_INP_EMP, and AOPUTLJE_INP_MU. A confirmation message appears which says that previously imported records are deleted.

Print Edit Report during validate

Select this check box to print the edit report when you run the Validate Input File process.

Use JE Numbers In Input File

Select this check box to use the journal numbers provided in the Input File when importing journal entries to Costpoint tables.

Leave this check box cleared to allow Costpoint to assign journal numbers automatically when importing to the Costpoint tables.

  • When assigning adjusting journal numbers, Costpoint uses the Last JE No table to determine the next journal entry number to use, depending on the fiscal year and period.
  • When assigning recurring journal numbers, Costpoint determines the next journal entry number to use by looking up the largest journal entry number already used in the JE Header table, regardless of fiscal year and period.
Note: Assigning journal numbers when importing can take significantly longer than using the journal numbers provided in the Input File. The length of time required also depends upon the number of journal entries being uploaded.
Allow Unbalanced JEs

Select this check box to allow unbalanced journal entries to be processed without being rejected. If you leave this check box cleared, a validation routine rejects any journal entry that does not balance (net to zero).

Expand Segmented IDs

Select this check box to expand the Account, Org, Project, Reference Number 1, and Reference Number 2 fields in the Input File when processing.

If you select this check box, Costpoint pads any segment of the affected fields that is shorter than the specified length for that segment:

  • If the value is numeric, Costpoint pads the segment with zeroes on the left.
  • If the value is alphanumeric, Costpoint pads the segment with spaces on the right.
Warning: If you select the Expand Segmented IDs option, processing may take significantly longer.
Overwrite the existing records

Keep this check box selected (the default) to allow overwriting of existing records during the import process. Clear this check box to prevent overwriting of existing records.

Continue to process with error records

Keep this check box selected (the default) to instruct Costpoint to continue processing if it encounters error records. Clear this check box to have Costpoint stop processing if it encounters error records.

Include records not assigned to a user

Select this check box to import journal entries that are not assigned to the logged on user.

Note: This check box is only enabled when the Tables format is selected.

Preview and Print Menu

Field Description
Validate Input File

Click or drop-down and select Validate Input File to read the Input File, create temporary tables, validate records, and print the Error Report. This step can be performed simultaneously by more than one user.

When you select the Print Edit Report during validate check box, the edit report prints after validation.

Note: The validation of an input file may require you to do it more than once until all errors in the file are corrected. To prevent bottlenecks in this step, multiple users can simultaneously run it with their own set of input files. Once an input file is validated, it can be submitted to the job server where the rest of the import process do not require user interaction. You can get an e-mail notification when the process is complete.

This step also deletes records in the temporary tables that were previously imported using the Tables option.

Action Menu

Field Description
Validate Input File and Import JEs

Click the arrow to the right of and select Validate Input File and Import JEs to read the input file, create temporary tables, validate the records, and import the rows from the temporary table into the JE Header, JE Transaction, JE Reversal, and Recurring JE Template tables. This action will print both the error and edit reports.

Only one user at a time can perform this step through this application and you cannot run it simultaneously with the Validate Input File option. You can set this step on the Manage Jobs screen so that the validate and import process can be done at the job server.

Input File and Error File Layout

A record in the Input File must be in one of four formats:

  • JE Transaction Line
  • JE Vendor Labor
  • JE Employee Labor
  • Multicurrency

Each Vendor or Employee Labor record must match with a JE Transaction Line record in the Input File. Multicurrency records may be included in the file for each Journal Entry where the currency of the entry is other than the company's functional currency. Similar with the Manage Journal Entries application, the multicurrency information will be applicable to all journal entry lines for a particular JE.

  • JE Transaction Line Format (JE_HDR, JE_TRN, and RECUR_JE_TMPLT)

    Type CP Table/Column Characters Required? Format
    Record Type Character 1 Required (L)
    JE Transaction Line Num JE_TRN.JE_LN_NO Numeric 5 Required (99999)
    Input Journal Number JE_HDR.JE_NO Numeric 9 Required (999999999)
    Journal Type Code S_JNL_CD in all three tables Character 3 Default provided (AJE, RJE)
    Fiscal Year JE_HDR.FY_CD Character 6 Default provided
    Period Number JE_HDR.PD_NO Number 2 Default provided (99)
    Subperiod Number JE_HDR.SUB_PD_NO Number 2 Default provided (99)
    Reversal Flag JE_HDR.RVRS_FL Character 1 Required ( Y or N)
    Header Desc JE_HDR.JE_DESC Character 30 Required
    Transaction Amount JE_TRN.TRN_AMT Number 15 Required (-99999999999.99)
    Account JE_TRN.ACCT_ID Character 15 Default provided (From Proj Acct Abbrev)
    Organization JE_TRN.ORG_ID Character 20 Default provided (From Org Abb or Proj Owning Org)
    Transaction Desc JE_TRN.JE_TRN_ DESC Character 30 Optional
    Project JE_TRN.PROJ_ID Character 30 Optional
    Reference Number 1 JE_TRN.REF_STRUCT_1_ID Character 20 Optional
    Reference Number 2 JE_TRN.REF_STRUCT_2_ID Character 20 Optional
    Recurring Cycle RECUR_JE_TMPLT.CYCLE_DC Character 15 Optional (Only needed for recurring JEs)
    Org Abbreviation JE_TRN.ORG_ ABBRV_CD Character 6 Optional
    Project Abbreviation JE_TRN.PROJ_ ABBRV_CD Character 6 Optional
    Project Account Abbrev JE_TRN.PROJ_ ACCT_ABBRV_CD Character 6 Optional
    Billable Flag JE_HDR.UPDATE_ OBC_FL Character 1 Optional (Defaults to Y)
    Notes JE_TRN.NOTES Character 254  Optional
  • JE Employee Labor Format (JE_TRN_LAB_EMPL)

    Type CP Table/Column Characters Required? Format
    Record Type Character 1 Required (E)
    JE Transaction Line Num Numeric 5 Required (99999)
    Input Journal Number Numeric 9 Required (999999999)
    Journal Type Code Character 3 Default provided (AJE, RJE)
    Fiscal Year Character 6 Default provided
    Period Number Number 2 Default provided (99)
    Employee Subline Num SEQ_NO Numeric 5 Required (99999)
    Employee ID EMPL_ID Character 12 Required
    General Labor Category GENL_LAB_CAT_CD Character 6 Default provided (From Employee ID)
    Project Labor Category BILL_LAB_CAT_CD Character 6 Default provided (From Project and GLC)
    Employee Hours LAB_HRS Number 15  Required (-99999999999.99)
    Employee Amount LAB_AMT Number 15  Required (-99999999999.99)
    Employee Effective Billing Date EFFECT_BILL_DT Character 10 Default provided (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • JE Vendor Labor Format (JE_TRN_LAB_VEND)

    Type CP Table/Column Characters Required? Format
    Record Type Character 1 Required (V)
    JE Transaction Line Num Numeric 5 Required (99999)
    Input Journal Number Numeric 9 Required (999999999)
    Journal Type Code Character 3 Default provided (AJE, RJE)
    Fiscal Year Character 6 Default provided
    Period Number  Number 2 Default provided (99)
    Vendor Subline Number SEQ_NO  Numeric 5 Required (99999)
    Vendor ID VEND_ID Character 12 Required
    General Labor Category GENL_LAB_ CAT_CD Character 6 Required
    Project Labor Category BILL_LAB_CAT_CD Character 6 Optional
    Vendor Hours LAB_HRS Number 15 Required  (-99999999999.99)
    Vendor Amount LAB_AMT Number 15 Required  (-99999999999.99)
    Vendor Empl ID VEND_EMPL_ID Character 12 Optional
    Vendor Effective Billing Date EFFECT_BILL_DT Character 10 Default provided (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Multicurrency Format (JE_HDR and JE_TRN)

    Type CP Table/Column Characters Required? Format
    Record Type Character 1 Required (M)
    Input Journal Number Numeric 9 Required (999999999)
    Journal Type Code Character 3 Default Provided (AJE, RJE)
    Fiscal Year Character 6 Default Provided
    Period Number Numeric 2 Default Provided (99)
    Transactional Currency TRN_CRNCY_CD Character 3 Required
    Exchange Rate Date TRN_CRNCY_DT Character 10 Default Provided (YYYY-MM-DD)
    Exchange Rate TRN_TO_EUR_RT Numeric 15 Optional (9999999.9999999)

Processing Details

  1. Costpoint checks the temporary table to determine whether there are any rows that have not been imported. If there are, Costpoint displays a message and you can continue or cancel the process. If you continue, the temporary table will be cleared.
  2. Costpoint reads records from the Input File and inserts them into the temporary table.
  3. Costpoint applies defaults to certain blank fields in the Input File (Fiscal Year, Period, Subperiod, and Journal Type code).
  4. Validations are performed.
  5. Once the validations are completed, journal entries with errors are written to the error file. If there is an error on one line of a journal entry (transaction line, employee labor, or vendor labor), all lines of the journal entry will be rejected and written to the error file. These rows will then be deleted from the temporary tables. The temporary tables now have only valid rows in them.
  6. The Error Report prints. If there are errors, Costpoint displays a message on the screen. If there are no errors, the Error Report indicates that no records were found.

Import Details

  1. If Costpoint is using the journal numbers from the Input File, it checks the JE Header, JE Header History, and Recurring JE Template tables again to ensure that the journal entries being imported do not already exist. If duplicates do exist, Costpoint displays a message and cancels the import.
  2. If you have set up Costpoint to assign journal numbers automatically, all journal entries in the temporary table will be assigned new and unique journal numbers.
  3. Costpoint sets the JE Header Key, JE Line Key, JE Line Employee Key, and JE Line Vendor Key.
  4. Costpoint inserts rows from the temporary tables into the JE Header and JE Transaction tables. Any reversing or recurring journal entries are inserted into the JE Reversal and Recurring JE Template tables. Any employee or vendor labor lines are inserted into the JE Employee Labor and JE Vendor Labor tables.


Note: A list of the Costpoint tables used by this preprocessor and their corresponding Costpoint screens can be found at the end of this topic.
  • JE Header Table

    Field Source Costpoint performs these Validations
    Company Id (COMPANY_ID) The company for which the user is currently logged in.
    JE Number ( JE_NO) The journal number is either taken from the Input File or assigned by Costpoint.

    The journal number is required in the Input File even if you set Costpoint to assign journal numbers. The field is used as a break point so Costpoint can identify and distinguish individual journal entries.

    • The input journal number is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
    • The input journal number must be numeric.
    JE Header Description ( JE_DESC) The Input File.
    • JE Header Description is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
    Reversal Flag (RVRS_FL) The Input File.
    • Reversal Flag is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
    • The Reversal Flag in the Input File must be a Y (Yes) or N (No).
    User ID (USER_ID) Costpoint sets the user ID to the current user.
    Journal Type Code (S_JNL_CD) The Input File or the screen. The default value is from the screen.
    • The Journal Type Code must be AJE (Adjusting) or RJE (Recurring).
    • Journal Type Code is a required field and must exist in the Input File or have a default supplied.
    Fiscal Year (FY_CD)

    Period ( PD_NO)

    Subperiod ( SUB_PD_NO)

    The Input File or the screen. The default values are from the screen.
    • The combination of all three fields must exist in the Subperiod table.
    • The combination must be open in the Subperiod table.
    • The Period and Subperiod fields must be numeric.
    • Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod are required fields and must exist in the Input File or have a default supplied.
    Approval Date (APPRVL_DTT) Costpoint leaves this field blank.
    Approval User ID (APPRVL_USER_ID) Costpoint leaves this field blank.
    JE Batch ID ( JE_BATCH_ID) Costpoint leaves this field blank.
    JE Group DC ( JE_GRP_DC) Costpoint leaves this field blank.
    Posting Sequence Number (POST_SEQ_NO) Costpoint leaves this field blank.
    Entry Date (ENTR_DTT) Costpoint sets this date to the current system date.
    Billable Flag (UPDATE_OBD_FL) The Billable Flag is optional. You may supply a value in the Input File.
    • The only values allowed for the Billable Flag are Y (Yes) and N (No).
    • If the value is not supplied in the Input File, or the value supplied is not Y or N, Costpoint sets this field to Y.
    Over Budget Flag (OVR_BUD_FL) Costpoint sets the Over Budget Flag field to N (No).
    Input File Journal Entry Number ( INPUT_FILE_JE_NO) The Input File Journal Entry Number is taken from the Input File; copied from the JE_NO field.  

    The Input File Journal Entry Number field displays on the Enter JEs screen and is useful to link the Costpoint-assigned journal entry number to the Input File journal entry number when the Use JE Numbers In Input File option is cleared on the Journal Entry Preprocessor screen.  The Input File number also displays on the Print JE Edit Report.

  • JE Transaction Table

    Field Source Costpoint performs these Validations
    JE Line Number ( JE_LN_NO) The JE Transaction Line Number field from the Input File.
    • JE Transaction Line Number is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
    • The JE Transaction Line Number must be numeric.
    • The JE Transaction Line Number must start with 1 and must be sequential within each unique journal entry Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination.
    Transaction Amount (TRN_AMT) The Input File.
    • Transaction Amount is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
    • The Transaction Amount must be numeric.
    Account (ACCT_ID) The Input File. The default value is the Account set up for the Project Account Abbreviation.
    • The Account must exist in the Account table.
    • The Account must be a detail account.
    • Journal Entries must be included in the account entry group assigned to the account.
    • The Account must match the input mask specified for accounts.
    • If any segment is shorter than the specified length for that segment, it will be padded. Numeric values are padded with zeroes on the left. Alphanumeric values are padded with spaces on the right.
    Flow Transaction Type (CFLOW_TRN_TYPE) Costpoint leaves this field blank.
    Organization (ORG_ID) The Input File.

    If the Org Abbrev is supplied in the Input File, the default value will be the Organization associated with the Org Abbrev.

    If both Organization and Org Abbrev are not supplied in the Input File:

    • Project or Proj Abbreviation will be required in the Input File.
    • The Default to Owning Org option in the Maintain Project Master screen in Costpoint Project Setup must be selected for the project.
    • The default value is the Owning Organization set up for the project.
    • The Organization must exist in the Organization table.
    • The Organization must match the input mask specified for the organization. If any segment is shorter than the specified length for that segment, it will be padded. Numeric values are padded with zeroes on the left. Alphanumeric values are padded with spaces on the right.
    Journal Type Code (S_JNL_CD) Costpoint sets the Journal Type Code the same as the JE Header.
    Transaction Type (S_TRN_TYPE) Costpoint sets the transaction line as follows:
    • The Transaction Type is E if Employee Labor subtask records (in the Enter JEs screen in Costpoint General Ledger) exist for this line.
    • The Transaction Type is V if Vendor Labor subtask records (in the Enter JEs screen in Costpoint General Ledger) exist for this line.
    • The Transaction Type is N if neither Employee nor Vendor Labor subtask records exist for this line.
    Organization Abbreviation ( ORG_ABBRV_CD) The Input File. The default value is the Org Abbrev set up for the Organization.
    • The Organization Abbreviation must exist in the Organization table.
    • If both the Organization Abbreviation and Organization are supplied in the Input File, they must match in the Organization table.
    JE Transaction Description ( JE_TRN_DESC) The Input File. The default value is the JE Header Description.
    Project (PROJ_ID) The Input File. The default value is the Project associated with the Proj Abbrev.
    • If the Project Required option on the Manage Accounts screen has been selected for the account, Project is a required field and either the project or the project abbreviation must exist in the Input File.
    • If the Project Account Abbreviation is entered, Project is a required field and either the project or the project abbreviation must exist in the Input File.
    • The project must exist in the Project table.
    • The project must be active.
    • The project must match the input mask specified for the project. If any segment is shorter than the specified length for that segment, it will be padded. Numeric values are padded with zeroes on the left. Alphanumeric values are padded with spaces on the right.
    Project Abbreviation (PROJ_ABBRV_CD) The Input File.  The default value is the Proj Abbrev set up for the Project.
    • The Project Abbreviation must exist in the Project table.
    • If both the Project Abbreviation and Project are supplied in the Input File, they must match in the Project table.
    Project Account Abbreviation ( PROJ_ACCT_ABBRV_CD) The Input File.
    • The Project Account Abbreviation is required if the Account is not supplied in the Input File.
    • A Project or Project Abbreviation is required with a Project Account Abbreviation.
    • The Project Account Abbreviation must exist in the Account Group Setup table.
    • If both the Account and the Project Account Abbreviation are supplied in the Input File, they must match in the Account Group Setup table.
    Notes (NOTES) The Input File.
    Reference Number 1 (REF_STRUC_1_ID) The Input File. Reference Number 1 must:
    • Exist in the Reference Structure table.
    • Be available for use in data entry.
    • Be valid as a reference entry code 1.
    • Match the input mask specified for reference 1. If any segment is shorter than the specified length for that segment, it will be padded. Numeric values are padded with zeroes on the left. Alphanumeric values are padded with spaces on the right.
    Reference Number 2 (REF_STRUC_2_ID) The Input File. Reference Number 2 must:
    • Exist in the Reference Structure table.
    • Be available for use in data entry.
    • Be valid as a reference entry code 2.
    • Match the input mask specified for reference 2. If any segment is shorter than the specified length for that segment, it will be padded. Numeric values are padded with zeroes on the left. Alphanumeric values are padded with spaces on the right.
    Percent of Total Return (PCT_OF_TOT_RT) Costpoint sets the Percent of Total Return field to zero.
    Total Hours (TOT_HRS) The total hours on the Employee or Vendor subtask.
  • JE Reversal Table

    Field Source Costpoint performs these Validations
    JE Header Key Rel ( JE_HDR_KEY_REL) Costpoint leaves this field blank.
    Reversing Period (PD_NO)   

    Reversing Subperiod ( SUB_PD_NO)

    Reversing Fiscal Year (FY_CD)

    The Reversing Period is the next period (JE Header Period + 1) or 1.

    The Reversing Subperiod is the first subperiod of the reversing period.

    The Reversing Fiscal Year is the JE Header Fiscal Year or the next fiscal year.

    • The combination of all three fields must exist in the Subperiod table.
    • The combination must be open in the Subperiod table.
  • Recurring JE Template Table

    Field Source Costpoint performs these Validations
    JE Number ( JE_NO) Costpoint sets the journal number is to be the same as the JE Header.
    Cycle ( CYCLE_DC) The Input File.
    • For recurring journal entries, Cycle is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
    • The Cycle must exist in the Cycle table.
    From Fiscal Year (FY_CD_FR)

    From Period (PD_NO_FR)

    From Subperiod ( SUB_PD_NO_FR)

    Costpoint sets the recurring from fiscal year, period, and subperiod the same as the JE Header.
    To Fiscal Year (FY_CD_TO)

    To Period (PD_NO_TO)

    To Subperiod ( SUB_PD_NO_TO)

    Costpoint leaves these fields blank.
  • JE Employee Labor Table

    Field Source Costpoint performs these Validations
    Sequence Number (SEQ_NO) The Employee Subline Number field from the Input File.
    • The Employee Subline Number is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
    • The Employee Subline Number must be numeric.
    • The Employee Subline Number must start with 1 and be sequential within each unique journal entry number, journal entry Line Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination.
    Labor Hours (LAB_HRS) The Input File.
    • Labor Hours is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
    • The Labor Hours field must be numeric.
    Labor Amount (LAB_AMT) The Input File.
    • Labor Amount is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
    • The Labor Amount field must be numeric.
    Employee Effective Billing Date ( EFFECT_BILL_DT) The Input File.
    • The Employee Effective Billing Date must either exist in the Input File or have a default value available. The default value is the Subperiod End Date.
    •  If the Employee Effective Billing Date is supplied in the Input File, it must be a valid date, in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.
    Employee ID (EMPL_ID) The Input File.
    • Employee ID is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
    • The Employee ID must exist in the Employee table.
    General Labor Category (GENL_LAB_CAT_CD) The Input File.  The default value is the default GLC for the Employee ID.
    • GLC is a required field and must exist in the Input File or have a default value supplied from the Default Regular Timesheet table.
    • The GLC must exist in the General Labor Category table.
    Project Labor Category (BILL_LAB_CAT_CD) The Input File.   The default value may be derived from the Project Employee Labor Category table for the project and employee ID combination, or from the Project Labor Category Map table for the project and GLC combination.
    • A Project is required in order to enter a PLC.
    • The PLC must exist in the Billing Labor Category table.
    • If a work force is not required for the project, Costpoint checks to see whether the project exists in the Project Labor Category table. If it does, then the project and PLC combination must exist in the Project Labor Category table.
    • If a work force is required for the project, the work force project, employee ID, and PLC combination must exist in the Project Employee Labor Category table.
  • JE Vendor Labor Table

    Field Source Costpoint performs these Validations
    Sequence Number (SEQ_NO) The Input File. Vendor Subline Number is a required field and must exist in the Input File.

    The Vendor Subline Number must be numeric.

    The Vendor Subline Number must start with 1 and must be sequential within each unique journal entry number, journal entry line number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination.

    Labor Hours (LAB_HRS) The Input File. Labor Hours is a required field and must exist in the Input File.

    The Labor Hours field must be numeric.

    Labor Amount (LAB_AMT) The Input File. Labor Amount is a required field and must exist in the Input File.

    The Labor Amount field must be numeric.

    Vendor ID (VEND_ID) The Input File. Vendor ID is a required field and must exist in the Input File.

    The Vendor ID must exist in the Vendor table.

    Vendor Employee ID (VEND_EMPL_ID) The Input File. The Vendor ID and Vendor Employee ID combination must exist in the Vendor Employee table.
    Vendor Effective Billing Date ( EFFECT_BILL_DT) The Input File. The Vendor Effective Billing Date must either exist in the Input File or have a default value available. The default value is the Subperiod End Date.

    If the Vendor Effective Billing Date is supplied in the Input File, it must be a valid date, in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.

    General Labor Category (GENL_LAB_CAT_CD) The Input File. The GLC is a required field and must exist in the Input File.

    The GLC must exist in the General Labor Category table.

    Project Labor Category (BILL_LAB_CAT_CD) The Input File. The default value may be derived from the Project Vendor Labor Category table for the project and vendor ID combination, or from the Project Labor Category Map table for the project and GLC combination. A Project is required in order to enter a PLC.

    The PLC must exist in the Billing Labor Category table.

    If a work force is not required for the project, Costpoint checks to see whether the project exists in the Project Labor Category table. If it does, then the project and PLC combination must exist in the Project Labor Category table.

     If a work force is required for the project, the work force project, vendor ID, and PLC combination must exist in the Project Vendor Labor Category table.

Report Error Messages

The following errors may appear on the Error Report.

Note: A list of the Costpoint tables used by this preprocessor and their corresponding Costpoint screens can be found at the end of this topic.
  • Account

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    A Project cannot be used with this account. The Project Required option on the Manage Accounts screen was not selected for the account, but a project was found in the Input File.
    Contains segments that are too long. The account in the Input File has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
    Contains too many segments. The account in the Input File has too many delimiters.
    ID / Account Group Setup mismatch. The account from the Input File and the default account found in the Account Group Setup table for the project account abbreviation supplied in the Input File did not match.
    Not a detail account. The Detail option on the Manage Accounts screen has not been selected for the account in the Input File. You cannot charge accounts unless they are marked as detail.
    Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when Costpoint tried to check the input mask format. Please call Technical Support.
    Not found in Acct Entry Groups table. The account entry group assigned to the account in the Input File does not include journal entries.
    Not found in Acct table. The account in the Input File does not exist in the Account table.
    Project is required for this account. The Project Required option on the Manage Accounts screen has been selected for the account, but no project was found in the Input File.
    Reformatted to match defined structure. The account in the Input File does not match the input mask for accounts. It has been padded with spaces or zeroes to match the input mask.
    Too long for the defined structure. The account in the Input File is longer than the specified length for accounts.
  • Cycle

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Needed for recurring JE. The Cycle field in the Input File is blank, but the journal type code is RJE.
    Not found in Cycle table. The Cycle field in the Input File does not exist in the Cycle table.
  • Empl Labor Record

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    No matching JE Trans Line Record. No JE Transaction Line record was found that matched this Employee Labor Record's input Journal entry Number, Journal entry Transaction Line Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination.
  • Employee Amount

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Employee Amount field in the Input File is blank.
    Not numeric. The Employee Amount field in the Input File is not numeric.
  • Empl Effective Billing Dt

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not a valid date. The Employee Effective Billing Date field in the Input File either is not a valid date or is in the wrong format. All dates must be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD > .
  • Employee Effective Billing Date

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Employee Effective Billing Date field in the Input File is blank and no valid default subperiod end date could be found.
  • Employee Hours

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Employee Hours field in the Input File is blank.
    Not numeric. The Employee Hours field in the Input File is not numeric.
  • Employee ID

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Employee ID field in the Input File is blank.
    Not found in Employee table. The Employee ID in the Input File does not exist in the Employee table.
  • FY/PD/ Subpd and Jnl Cd

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not found in Subperiod Journal Status Table. The fiscal year, accounting period, and subperiod combination along with the code AJE or RJE does not exist in the Subperiod Journal Status table.
    Not open in Subperiod Journal Status Table. The fiscal year, accounting period, and subperiod combination along with the code AJE or RJE is unavailable in the Subperiod Journal Status table.
  • GLC

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    No default could be provided. The GLC field in the Input File is blank and a default was not found.
    Not found in Genl Labor Cat table. The GLC in the Input File does not exist in the General Labor Category table.
  • Header Data

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Inconsistent data. The header data must be identical on each line of an individual journal entry. The Contents column on the Error Report will identify the field that had incompatible data.

    The possible fields are Reversal Flag, Subperiod Number, Header Description, and Recurring Cycle.

  • Header Description

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Header Description field in the Input File is blank.
  • Input Journal Number

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Input Journal Number field in the Input File is blank.
    Not numeric. The Input Journal Number field in the Input File is not numeric.
  • Input Empl Subline Num

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Employee Subline Number field in the Input File is blank.
    Not numeric. The Employee Subline Number field in the Input File is not numeric.
    Not sequential beginning with 1. The Employee Subline Number field in the Input File is not sequential, starting with the number 1, within each unique journal entry Number, journal entry Transaction Line Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination.
  • Input Employee Labor Line

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Duplicate Employee Labor record in Input File. The journal entry Number, journal entry Transaction Line Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination was not unique among the employee labor line records.
  • Input JE Trans Line Num

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Has both Vendor and Empl Labor lines. Both Vendor Labor records and Employee Labor records were found for this JE Transaction Line Number. Each transaction line can only have one type of labor record associated with it.
    Must be in Input File. The JE Transaction Line Number field in the Input File is blank.
    Not numeric. The JE Transaction Line Number field in the Input File is not numeric.
    Not sequential beginning with 1. The JE Transaction Line Number field in the Input File is not sequential, starting with the number 1, within each unique Journal Entry Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination.
  • Input JE Transaction Line

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Duplicate JE Transaction record in Input File. The journal entry Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination was not unique among the transaction line records.
  • Input Vendor Labor Line

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Duplicate Vendor Labor record in Input File. The journal entry Number, journal entry Transaction Line Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination was not unique among the vendor labor line records.
  • Input Vendor Subline Num

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Vendor Subline Number field in the Input File is blank.
    Not numeric. The Vendor Subline Number field in the Input File is not numeric.
    Not sequential beginning with 1. The Vendor Subline Number field in the Input File is not sequential, starting with the number 1, within each unique journal entry Number, journal entry Transaction Line Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination.
  • JE Balance

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Balance of debits and credits must be equal. When the transaction amount on each individual line of a journal entry is totaled, the balance must equal zero. The Contents column on the Error Report will identify the non-zero balance for the journal entry.
  • Journal Entry

    This validation will be performed only if the input journal numbers are to be used when importing journal entries to the Costpoint tables.

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Adjusting JE already exists in JE Header. An adjusting journal entry already exists in the JE Header table with the same input journal number, code, fiscal year, and period.
    Adjusting JE already exists in JE Header HS. An adjusting journal entry already exists in the JE Header History table with the same input journal number, code, fiscal year, and period.
    Recurring JE already exists in JE Header. A recurring journal entry already exists in the JE Header table with the same input journal number and code.
    Recurring JE already exists in JE Header HS. A recurring journal entry already exists in the JE Header History table with the same input journal number and code.
    JE already exists in Recurring JE Template. A recurring journal entry already exists in the Recurring JE Template table with the same input journal number.
  • Journal Type Code

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not AJE or RJE. The Journal Type Code in the Input File is not AJE (Adjusting), RJE (Recurring), or blank.
  • Org/ Acct

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not active. The account and organization combination is not flagged as Active in the Organization Account table.
    Not active in selected fiscal year. The fiscal year of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending fiscal years for the account and organization combination in the Organization Account table.
    Not active in selected period. The accounting period of the record in the Input File is not within the starting and ending periods for the account and organization combination in the Organization Account table.
    Not found in Acct/Org table. The account and organization combination does not exist in the Organization Account table.
  • Organization

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Abbreviation not found. The Organization Abbreviation from the Input File does not exist in the Organization table.
    Contains segments that are too long. The Organization in the Input File has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
    Contains too many segments. The Organization in the Input File has too many delimiters.
    ID / Abbreviation mismatch. The Organization and Organization Abbreviation supplied in the Input File did not match in the Organization table.
    Invalid base segment. The Organization in the Input File has a base segment that is invalid. It is either too large or does not exist in the Organization table.
    Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred while trying to check the input mask format. Please call Technical Support.
    Not found in Org table. The Organization from the Input File does not exist in the Organization table.
    Organization was not found. Because neither the Organization nor the Organization Abbreviation was supplied in the Input File, Costpoint attempted to look up the Owning Organization set up in the Project table as the default organization.

    The lookup failed for one of the following reasons:

    • A project was not supplied.
    • The project was supplied but did not exist in the Project table.
    • The project was found, but the Default to Owning Org option was not selected for the project in the Maintain Project Master screen in Costpoint Project Setup.
    Reformatted to match defined structure. The Organization in the Input File does not match the input mask for the top-level organization. It has been padded with spaces or zeroes to match the input mask.
    Too long for the defined structure. The Organization in the Input File is longer than the specified length for the top-level organization.
  • Period

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not numeric. The Period Number in the Input File is not numeric and is not blank.
  • PLC

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not found in Bill Lab Cat table. The PLC in the Input File does not exist in the Billing Labor Category table.
    PLC requires a Project. You entered a PLC but not a Project.
    Project requires a PLC. You entered a Project but not a PLC.
  • Proj / Empl / PLC

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Proj/ Empl/PLC Work force combo does not exist. The work force project, employee ID, PLC combination does not exist.
  • Proj / Vend / PLC

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Proj/Vend/PLC Work force combo does not exist. The work force project, vendor ID, PLC combination does not exist.
  • Project / Acct

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Combo not valid in ACCT_GRP_SETUP. The project and account combination is not valid.
  • Project / PLC

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    PLC not authorized for Project. The Project and PLC combination does not exist.
  • Project

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Abbreviation not found. The project abbreviation from the Input File does not exist in the Project table.
    Contains segments that are too long. The project in the Input File has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
    Contains too many segments. The project in the Input File has too many delimiters.
    ID / Abbreviation mismatch. The project and project abbreviation supplied in the Input File did not match in the Project table.
    Invalid base segment. The project in the Input File has a base segment that is invalid. It is either too large or does not exist in the Project table.
    Not active. The Active option is not selected on the Maintain Project Master screen in Costpoint Project Setup.
    Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when Costpoint tried to check the input mask format. Please call for Technical Support.
    Not found in Project Master table. The project in the Input File does not exist in the Project table.
    Reformatted to match defined structure. The project in the Input File does not match the input mask for the top level project. It has been padded with spaces or zeroes to match the input mask.
    Too long for the defined structure. The project in the Input File is longer than the specified length for the top level project.
  • Project Account Abbrev

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Required when Account is not supplied. The account was not supplied in the Input File; therefore, the project account abbreviation is required in the Input File to look up a default account.
    Requires a Project. The project account abbreviation was supplied in the Input File, but a valid project was not found.
  • Proj / Acct

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not active. Active is not selected in the Project Organization Account table.
    Not found in Proj/Org/Acct table. The Validate Project Charging by Organizations option is not selected in the Project Settings screen in Costpoint Project Setup, and the combination of project and account does not exist in the Project Organization Account table.
  • Project / Proj Acct Abbrev

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not found in Account Group Setup table. The project and project account abbreviation combination supplied in the Input File does not exist in the Account Group Setup table.
  • Proj/Org/Acct

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not active. Active is not checked in the Project Organization Account table.
    Not found in Proj/Org/ Acct table. The Validate Project Charging by Organizations option in the Project Settings screen in Costpoint Project Setup is not selected, and the combination of project, organization, and account does not exist in the Project Organization Account table.
  • Record Type

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not L, E or V. The Record Type field in the Input File is not a valid type (L, E, or V).
  • Reference Number 1

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Contains segments that are too long. The Reference Number 1 field in the Input File has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
    Contains too many segments. The Reference Number 1 field in the Input File has too many delimiters.
    Invalid base segment. The Reference Number 1 field in the Input File has a base segment that is invalid. It is either too large or does not exist in the Reference Structure table.
    May not be used in data entry. The Reference Number 1 field in the Input File was found in the Reference Structure table, but the Use in Data Entry option in the Define Ref Structures screen in Costpoint General Ledger was not selected.
    Not found in Reference table. The Reference Number 1 field in the Input File is not blank and the value does not exist in the Reference Structure table.
    Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when Costpoint tried to check the input mask format. Please call for Technical Support.
    Reformatted to match defined structure. The Reference Number 1 field in the Input File does not match the input mask for the reference 1. It has been padded with spaces or zeroes to match the input mask.
    This entry is not valid as a reference 1. The Reference Number 1 field in the Input File was found in the Reference Structure table, but the reference entry code was not set to reference 1.
    Too long for the defined structure. The Reference Number 1 field in the Input File is longer than the specified length for the top-level reference 1.
  • Reference Number 2

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Contains segments that are too long. The Reference Number 2 field in the Input File has one or more segments that are longer than the specified length for the segment.
    Contains too many segments. The Reference Number 2 field in the Input File has too many delimiters.
    Invalid base segment. The Reference Number 2 field in the Input File has a base segment that is invalid. It is either too large or does not exist in the Reference Structure table.
    May not be used in data entry. The Reference Number 2 field in the Input File was found in the Reference Structure table, but the Use in Data Entry option in the Define Ref Structures screen in Costpoint General Ledger was not selected.
    Not formatted due to a fatal error. A fatal error occurred when Costpoint tried to check the input mask format. Please call for Technical Support.
    Not found in Reference table. The Reference Number 2 field in the Input File is not blank and the value does not exist in the Reference Structure table.
    Reformatted to match defined structure. The Reference Number 2 field in the Input File does not match the input mask for reference 2. It has been padded with spaces or zeroes to match the input mask.
    This entry is not valid as a reference 2. The Reference Number 2 field in the Input File was found in the Reference Structure table, but the reference entry code was not set to reference 2.
    Too long for the defined structure. The Reference Number 2 field in the Input File is longer than the specified length for the top-level reference 2.
  • Reversal Flag

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Reversal Flag field in the Input File is blank.
    Not Y or N. The Reversal Flag field in the Input File is not Y (Yes) or N (No).
  • Reversing FY/PD/Sub PD

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Next period not found. Costpoint cannot find a reversing fiscal year, accounting period, and subperiod combination for the next period that exists in the Subperiod table.
    Not open. The reversing fiscal year, accounting period, and subperiod combination is flagged as Closed in the Subperiod table.
  • Subperiod

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not numeric. The Subperiod field in the Input File is not numeric and is not blank.
  • Transaction Amt

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Transaction Amount field in the Input File is blank.
    Not numeric. The Transaction Amount field in the Input File is not numeric.
  • Tran Amt, Sum of Empl Amt

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    JE Trans Line Amt must = Sum of Empl Amt. The sum of the Employee Amount field on all Employee Labor records in the Input File for this journal entry Number, journal entry Transaction Line Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination does not match the Transaction Amount field on the corresponding JE Transaction Line record.
  • Tran Amt, Sum of Vend Amt

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    JE Trans Line Amt must = Sum of Vend Amt. The sum of the Vendor Amount field on all Vendor Labor records in the Input File for this journal entry Number, Journal entry Transaction Line Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination does not match the Transaction Amount field on the corresponding JE Transaction Line record.
  • Vend / Vend Empl

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not in Vend Empl table. The Vendor ID and Vendor Employee ID combination in the Input File does not exist in the Vendor Employee table.
  • Vendor Amount

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Vendor Amount field in the Input File is blank.
    Not numeric. The Vendor Amount field in the Input File is not numeric.
  • Ven Effective Billing Dt

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Not a valid date. The Vendor Effective Billing Date field in the Input File either is not a valid date or is in the wrong format. All dates must be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Vendor Effective Billing Date

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Vendor Effective Billing Date field in the Input File is blank and no valid default subperiod end date could be found.
  • Vendor Hours

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Vendor Hours field in the Input File is blank.
    Not numeric. The Vendor Hours field in the Input File is not numeric.
  • Vendor ID

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    Must be in Input File. The Vendor ID field in the Input File is blank.
    Not found in Vendor table. The Vendor ID in the Input File does not exist in the Vendor table.
  • Vendor Labor Record

    Error Message Meaning/Related Information
    No Matching JE Trans Line Record. No JE Transaction Line record was found that matched this Vendor Labor Record's input journal entry Number, journal entry Transaction Line Number, Journal Type Code, Fiscal Year, and Period combination.

Screen Error Messages

The following error messages may display on the screen.

Error Message Meaning/Related Information
Each line of the Input File should contain X fields. Line Y of your Input File contains Z fields. Abort processing? X is the number of fields that the Input File should contain. Y is the line number of the current record. Z is the number of records found on this line in the Input File. This message displays only if you are importing a comma-separated file. Too many commas were found on the line in the Input File and continuing to process may result in errors. You need to verify the layout of the Input File.
Errors have occurred that may need correcting. Do you want to continue? This message displays if errors are discovered during processing. You should review the Error Report. The options available at this point are: Import the records that have been validated, make any changes needed in the error file, rename the error file, and then process the errors; or, make any corrections needed to the original Input File and process again.
File does not exist. The Input File you specified could not be found. The Input File must be in your work directory. Check your working directory via File Properties in the Windows Program Manager.
No records found in table. Please process file before importing or printing. You clicked Print or Import and there are no rows in the temporary table.
Range of JE Numbers used for Adjusting JEs        FY: XXXXXX   PD: XX Type: AJE         XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXX Displays the range of journal numbers assigned by Costpoint for an adjusting journal entry. This message repeats for each unique adjusting JE fiscal year and period combination.
Range of JE Numbers used for Recurring JEs:     Type: AJE     XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXX Displays the range of journal numbers assigned by Costpoint for all recurring JEs.
Records that have not been imported exist in the temporary table. Do you want to continue? You clicked Process but there are still rows in the temporary table that have not been imported.
  • Select Yes to continue, and all the rows in the temporary table will be deleted.
  • Select Cancel to import the existing rows in the temporary table or if you need to investigate the rows in the temporary table.
The database is unable to process the records required for the requested activity. Possible reasons are: another user is using a record you wish to update, database error or hardware malfunction. When this error occurs, make note of what was being done and at what point Costpoint stopped, then call for Technical Support.
Journal Entries to be imported already exist in the JE Header table. This condition must be corrected before importing. When you click Import, Costpoint compares the rows in the temporary table to the JE Header table and JE Header History table to see whether duplicates exist. A journal entry with the same journal number, code, fiscal year, and period already exists for one or more journal entries in the JE Header table or JE Header History table. This indicates that journal entries have been added to Costpoint sometime between the processing of the Input File and the import of the journal entry file. If this message displays, the temporary table will not be imported to the journal entry tables in order to prevent uploading duplicate records.
Journal Entries to be imported already exist in the Recurring JE Template table. You must correct this condition before importing. When you click Import, Costpoint compares the rows in the temporary table to the Recurring JE Template table to see whether duplicates exist. A journal entry with the same journal number already exists for one or more journal entries in the Recurring JE Template table. This indicates that journal entries have been added to Costpoint sometime between the processing of the Input File and the import of the journal entry file. If this message displays, the temporary table will not be imported to the journal entry tables, in order to prevent uploads of duplicate records.
X ' Y' on Input File line Z is too long. Truncate? X is the field name. Y is the contents of the field. Z is the line number of the record in question. This message displays only when a comma-separated file is being imported and you have elected to be warned before truncation. This indicates that the field in the Input File is longer than the corresponding field in Costpoint. The extra characters on the right will be truncated.

Technical Details

  • Tables Read

    Table Menu
    Account ( ACCT) Accounting » General Ledger  »  Accounts » Manage Accounts
    Account Entry Rules (ACCT_ENTRY_RULES) Accounting » General Ledger » Controls » Configure Account Entry Groups
    Account Group Setup (ACCT_GRP_SETUP) Projects » Project Setup » Project Setup Controls » Manage Project Account Groups
    Accounting Period (ACCTING_PD) Accounting » General Ledger » Company Calendar » Manage Accounting Periods
    Billing Labor Category (BILL_LAB_CAT) Projects » Project Setup » Project Labor » Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC)
    Cycle (CYCLE) Accounting » General Ledger » Journal Entry Processing » Configure Journal Entry Cycles
    Default Regular Timesheet ( DFLT_REG_TS) People » Employee » Basic Employee Setup » Manage Employee Information
    Employee ( EMPL) People » Employee » Basic Employee Setup » Manage Employee Information
    Fiscal Year ( FY) Accounting » General Ledger » Company Calendar » Manage Fiscal Years
    General Labor Category (GENL_LAB_CAT) People » Labor » Labor Controls » Manage General Labor Categories
    General Ledger Configuration File ( GL_CONFIG) Accounting » General Ledger » General Ledger Controls » Configure General Ledger Settings
    JE Header History ( JE_HDR_HS) Accounting » General Ledger  » Journal Entry Processing » Approvals and Posting » Print Journal Entry Posting Summary Report
    JE Suspense Setup ( X_JE_SUSP_SETUP) Accounting » General Ledger » General Ledger Interfaces » Manage Journal Entry Preprocessor Settings
    Organization (ORG) Accounting » General Ledger » Organizations » Manage Organization Elements
    Organization Account (ORG_ACCT) Accounting » General Ledger » Accounts » Link Accounts/Organizations
    Project ( PROJ) Projects » Project Setup » Project Master » Manage Project User Flow
    Project Control (PROJ_CNTL) Projects » Project Setup » Project Setup Controls » Configure Project Settings
    Project Edit (PROJ_EDIT) Projects » Project Setup » Project Master » Manage Modifications
    Project Employee (PROJ_EMPL) Projects » Project Setup » Project Labor » Manage Employee Work Force
    Project Employee Labor Category ( PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT) Projects » Project Setup » Project Labor » Assign PLC to Employee Work Force
    Project Labor Category (PROJ_LAB_CAT) Projects » Project Setup » Project Labor » Link Project Labor Categories to Projects
    Project Labor Category Map ( PROJ_LAB_CAT_MAP) Projects » Project Setup » Project Labor » Link Project Labor Categories to Projects » Link GLC to Project PLC
    Project Vendor (PROJ_VEND) Projects » Project Setup » Project Labor » Manage Vendor Work Force
    Project Vendor Labor Category ( PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT) Projects » Project Setup » Project Labor » Link Project Labor Categories to Vendor Employee Work Force
    Project Organization Account ( PROJ_ORG_ACCT) Projects » Project Setup » Charging Information » Link Projects/Accounts/Organizations
    Reference Structure (REF_STRUC) Accounting » General Ledger » Reference Numbers » Manage Reference Structures
    Subperiod ( SUB_PD) Accounting » General Ledger » Company Calendar » Manage Subperiods
    Subperiod Journal Status ( SUB_PD_JNL_STATUS) Accounting » General Ledger » Company Calendar » Manage Subperiods » Entry Edit Status (subtask)
    Vendor (VEND) Accounting » Accounts Payable » Vendors » Manage Vendors
    Vendor Employee (VEND_EMPL) Accounting » Accounts Payable » Vendors » Manage Vendors » Vendor Employees (flow)
    Input File (User named)
  • Tables Read and Written

    Table Menu
    Function Parameter Catalog ( FUNC_PARMS_CATLG)
    JE Header (JE_HDR) Accounting » General Ledger » Journal Entry Processing » Manage Journal Entries
    JE Transaction (JE_TRN) Accounting » General Ledger » Journal Entry Processing » Manage Journal Entries
    Last JE No ( LAST_JE_NO)

    (Used for adjusting journal numbers only.)

    Posting Semaphore (POST_SEMAPHORE)
    Recurring JE Template (RECUR_JE_TMPLT) Accounting » General Ledger » Journal Entry Processing » Manage Journal Entries
    Sequence Generator (SEQ_GENERATOR)
    JE Prep Parameters ( PARMS_AOPUTLJE) Accounting » General Ledger » General Ledger Interfaces » Manage Journal Entry Preprocessor Settings
  • Tables Written

    Table Menu
    JE Reversal ( JE_RVRS) Accounting » General Ledger » Journal Entry Processing » Manage Journal Entries
    JE Employee Labor (JE_TRN_LAB_EMPL) Accounting » General Ledger » Journal Entry Processing » Manage Journal Entries
    JE Vendor Labor (JE_TRN_LAB_VEND) Accounting » General Ledger » Journal Entry Processing » Manage Journal Entries
  • Output Files

    The following output files are generated by this preprocessor:

    • Error File (Input File name + .ERR)
    • Edit Report
    • Error Report