Contents of the Manage Asset Master Information

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Asset Master Information  screen.

This screen has nine tabs:

  • Desc Info: Use this tab to specify an asset template, enter descriptive information, depreciation status and methodology, property type and classification code for the asset record.
  • Purch Info: Use this tab to enter, edit, or view Asset Master data, as applicable, for purchase order, receiving, accounts payable, acquisition, vendor information, manufacturer information, and asset condition.
  • Cost Info: Use this tab to enter cost information for property records and for the initialization of your historical property records.
  • Loc Info: Use this tab to enter, edit, or view Asset Master data, as applicable, for location group information, general location information, and location codes.
  • Acct Info: Use this tab to enter, edit, or view Asset Master data, as applicable, for asset "ownership" (account/organization/project/ref1/ref2), depreciation expense account allocation code, and accumulated depreciation account code information.
  • G/L Book Info: Use this tab to enter, edit, or view Asset Master data, as applicable, for system calculations, salvage, G/L book and posting information, dates, timing status, and years, units, or lease information.
  • Govt Info: Use this tab to enter government (or other information) for four standard fields (Nat Stock No, Year Built, Employee, Tag Number), user-defined fields and Unique Identification (UID) information for Government Furnished Equipment and Government Furnished Material for both new property records and for the initialization of your historical property records.
  • Disp Info: Use this tab to enter, edit, or view asset data, as applicable, for disposal, posting, and disposal type information
  • Notes: Use this tab to enter additional information that can be linked with the asset record.

For Established Asset Master Records Only:

If you want to allow access to data fields in specific tabs, the Costpoint menu provides an alternate access route to specific types of Asset Master data to give more flexibility when screen security options for users with different access needs are set up.

  • If you have screen rights to access the Asset Master Records menu, the Manage Asset Master Information screen and all its tabs and subtasks are automatically accessible to you.
  • If screen rights are not set up for you to access the Manage Asset Master Information screen, the system administrator can alternately grant or deny access rights using the direct menu option for a specific tab or subtask through their alternate screens. The data contained on those screens correlates with those found on the Manage Asset Master Information screen. In this manner, each user can only access the data from specific tabs or subtasks in an asset master record.

Data entry functionality and data rules for each of the fields on the Manage Asset Master Information screen are identical to the corresponding fields found on each of the screens in the Asset Master Records menu. The following special-purpose screens are available from the Asset Master Records menu, along with the corresponding tab for each.

Screen Name Data from Manage Asset Master Information Screen
Manage Asset Description Information Desc Info tab and Notes tab data fields
Manage Asset Purchase Information Purch Info tab fields
Manage Asset Cost Information Cost Info tab fields, Other Books Info Total Cost fields
Manage Asset Location Information Loc Info tab fields
Manage Asset Account Information Acct Info tab fields
Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information G/L Book Info tab fields
Manage Asset Disposal Information Disp Info tab fields, Disposal Details by Book Depr Adj fields
Manage Asset Government Information Govt Info tab fields
Note: Data from the Notes tab display in the Asset Notes column or field of the Manage Asset Description Information screen, and is not available as a specific menu selection.

Your system administrator can also assign or deny specific user rights to the Other Books Info, User-Defined Info, and Disposal Details by Book subtask when user rights are established in the users or Manage User Groups screens.


In this group box, you can enter or view the asset number and item number of the record that you want to access.

Field Description
Asset No

Enter the asset number for a new record. You should have previously designated the size of this field during initialization in the Length of Asset Number field in the Corporate FA Settings block of the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. This field, together with the Item No field, supplies the unique identifier for this record.

If you have already established an asset master record, you can use Query if you need to search for asset records based on specific criteria.

If you have selected the Enable Automatic Numbering for Asset Master records check box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen, the system will automatically assign the next asset number in the specified sequence when you save the record. Note that the system automatically assigns this number by incrementing the right-most numeric digit for the asset number that displays in the Last Asset Number field on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. If the number to be assigned exceeds all nines, the system returns an error and you will need to manually assign an asset number for this record. Note that the system will not automatically increment alphabetic characters during auto-numbering.

Item No

Enter the item number. This field, together with the Asset No field, supplies the unique identifier for this record. Each asset number must have a unique item number that is greater than zero. Note that if the item number is less than five characters, you do not need to enter leading zeroes in this field.

If you have already established an asset master record, you can use Query if you need to search for asset records based on specific criteria.

If you have selected the Enable Automatic Numbering for Asset Master Records check box on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen, the system will automatically assign 00001 as the item number when you save the record. If you want an item number other than 00001 to be associated with the asset number assigned by the system, you should enter the desired item number in this field.

Different item numbers coupled with the same asset number are often used to identify asset components when one asset is comprised of more than one item. The decision to use item numbers as distinguishing identifiers is user-specified on a record-by-record basis. You may choose, for example, to record the keyboard, CPU, monitor, and printer components in a computer system using different asset numbers, each with an item number of 00001. Alternately, you may choose to record each component using the same asset number with different item numbers.


Subtask Description
Other Books Info Click this link to open the Other Books Info subtask for the current record.
User-Defined Info Click this link to open the User-Defined Info subtask to view user-defined data for the asset master record.
Disposal Details by Book Click this link to open the Disposal Details by Book subtask to view gain/loss details for a system-generated disposal and to edit any applicable depreciation adjustment for each book when the asset was manually disposed of.
Template Import Parameters Click this link to open the Template Import Parameters subtask to select parameters when you import template data for the asset master record.