Schedule O — Contract Closing Information

Schedule O is used to identify cost type, T&M, flexibly priced, and level of effort type contracts that will be closed after this current incurred cost submission is audited and the final indirect rates are agreed upon.

If the contract is not ready to close (for example, a contract modification is being pursued), the reasons should be included in a footnote to the schedule.

This schedule provides contract information including the period of performance, funded ceiling amount, and the funded fee. If there is a level of effort contract or flexibly priced contract, details of fee computation should be described along with the contract modification used.

The Ready to Close column and Notes column are highlighted to indicate that you must provide that information manually. You can export the report to a Microsoft Excel or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file, and use the corresponding application to edit those columns.

Note: The budgeted hours (if applicable) must have been entered in Costpoint for this report to run properly.

You must create project report tables in Costpoint, specifically the labor summary, for this report to work properly.