Resources Subtask

Use this subtask to view contacts related to or involved with the activity.

All fields on this subtask are read-only. Values come from the Resources subtask of the Manage Activities screen or the Resources subtask on the Activities subtask of Manage Opportunities. If you want to add or edit resources linked to the activity, use the Manage Activities screen or the Activities subtask in Manage Opportunities.


Field Description
Resource Type

This field displays the resource type. Valid values include:

  • Employee
  • Vendor
  • Customer
  • Lead
  • Other
Business ID

If Resource Type is Vendor or Customer, this field displays the ID of the vendor/customer related to the activity. Regular and prospective vendors/customers can display in this field.

Business Name

If Resource Type is Vendor or Customer, this field displays the name of the vendor/customer in Business ID.

If Resource Type is Other, this field displays the business name entered on the Resources subtask of the Manage Activities screen or the Resources subtask on the Activities subtask of Manage Opportunities.

If Resource Type is Employee or Lead, this field is blank.

Resource ID

This field displays the ID of the resource/contact involved with the activity.

If Resource Type is Other, this field is blank.

Resource First Name This field displays the first name of the resource.
Resource Last Name This field displays the last name of the resource.
Title This field displays the title of the resource.
Phone This field displays the phone number of the resource.

This field displays any of the following values:

  • Employee
  • Vendor
  • Prospective Vendor
  • Customer
  • Prospective Customer
  • Lead
  • Other
Email Address This field displays the email address of the resource.
Primary Contact If selected, this check box indicates that this resource is the primary contact for the activity.
Notes This field displays additional notes or comments about the resource.