Selecting/Viewing Scanning Options

Complete the Login by entering your user ID. Although a user ID is neither required nor validated in this field, make sure you enter this data. If the user ID is missing, each bar code label scanned will be marked as missing data and the record will automatically be written to the Exceptions table during the upload back to Costpoint.

Select the location data option for the scan. The following six options, which also affect how validation rules are applied during the upload, are available:

  • All location data (includes location group code and all three location codes)

    This option displays as A in the Scan By column on the Manage Asset Location Exceptions screen.

    If you are scanning by A (All) and the Location Group Code is subsequently updated in the Asset Master record, the system retrieves all location data related to the Location Group Code (including Location Codes 1, 2, and 3, as applicable) and updates the Asset Master record with that data as well.

  • Location Group Codes

    This option displays as G in the Scan By column on the Manage Asset Location Exceptions screen.

    If you are scanning by G (Group) and the Location Group Code is subsequently updated in the Asset Master record, the system retrieves all location data related to the Location Group Code (excluding Location Codes 1, 2, and 3, as applicable) and updates the Asset Master record with that data as well. (In this circumstance, data for Location Codes 1, 2, and 3 will be supplied by the input file.)

  • Location Codes 1, 2, and 3

    This option displays as L in the Scan By column On the Manage Asset Location Exceptions screen.

    If you are scanning by L, the system compares/updates only Location Codes 1, 2, and 3, as applicable.

    • Location Code 1

      This selection option displays as 1 in the Scan By column on the Manage Asset Location Exceptions screen.

      If you are scanning by 1, the system compares/updates only Location Code 1.

    • Location Code 2

      This option displays as 2 in the Scan By column on the Manage Asset Location Exceptions screen.

      If you are scanning by 2, the system compares/updates only Location Code 2.

    • Location Code 3

      This option displays as 3 in the Scan By column on the Manage Asset Location Exceptions screen.

      If you are scanning by "3," the system compares/updates only Location Code 3.


      If you designated Location Code 3 as Room and you want to enter or scan the property found in that room, first select the Location Code 3 option from the scanner menu. Once you have entered your selection, exit this screen before beginning the scan.

If the type of location data printed on your bar-coded property labels is inconsistent, you may decide to choose the All location data option. With experience, you will choose the location data option that is most efficient for data entry based on the type(s) of location data encoded on your property labels.

If you select the View Setup Info menu option before exiting, you can view the data that was created on the Export Bar Code Scanner Settings screen and downloaded into the scanner via the CPFABC.INI file. This data is described below.

Field Description
Password Required

This field is disabled in this Costpoint release and automatically displays N.

Asset Length

This field automatically displays the asset number length that was set up during initialization on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen for your Asset Master records. Once you have entered and saved your first Asset Master record, you cannot change the asset number length on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen.

This non-editable information also displayed on the Export Bar Code Scanner Settings screen and was downloaded into the scanner via the CPFABC.INI file.

The Intermec scanner uses this data to prevent the scan or entry of an asset number with more characters than the designated asset number length.

Note: If you manually enter data into the Intermec scanner, leading zeroes will NOT automatically be inserted for you. For example, if the length of your asset number has been set to "7" and the asset number is "2435," you must manually enter "0002435" into the scanner.
Proc By

This non-editable field automatically displays your selection on the Export Bar Code Scanner Settings screen where you indicate whether to scan the data by Asset No or by Tag No. Your selection was downloaded into the scanner via the CPFABC.INI file.

  • A displays in this field if you scan by Asset No. In this circumstance, it is assumed that you have asset numbers printed on your bar code labels or that you will manually enter asset numbers into the scanner.

    The scanner will automatically assign item number 00001 to each asset number during the scan, so that you do not need to print the associated item number on the bar code label or manually enter the item number. If you have item numbers different than 00001, you may have already printed them on the bar code label, or you can manually enter the correct item number directly into the scanner.

  • T displays in this field if you scan by Tag No. In this circumstance, it is assumed that you have tag numbers printed on your bar code labels or that you will manually enter tag numbers into the scanner.

Even though you may scan by tag number, the system must still associate the tag number with and validate against the related asset and item number when you import the scanned data from the Import Asset Locations screen.

Location 1 Label

This non-editable field displays the label for Location 1 Codes that you defined on the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen and that displayed on the Export Bar Code Scanner Settings screen. This data was downloaded into the scanner via the CPFABC.INI file.

You can use location code functionality with or without defining labels for these optional fields. If you did not define a label for Location 1 Codes, Location 1 automatically displays in this field.

To add or edit the label for this field, you must do so on the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen.

Location 2 Label

This non-editable field displays the label for Location 2 Codes that you defined on the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen and that displayed on the Export Bar Code Scanner Settings screen. This data was downloaded into the scanner via the CPFABC.INI file.

You can use location code functionality with or without defining labels for these optional fields. If you did not define a label for Location 2 Codes, Location 2 automatically displays in this field.

To add or edit the label for this field, you must do so on the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen.

Location 3 Label

This non-editable field displays the label for Location 3 Codes that you defined on the Manage Asset Master Field Labels screen and that displayed on the Export Bar Code Scanner Settings screen. This data was downloaded into the scanner via the CPFABC.INI file.

You can use location code functionality with or without defining labels for these optional fields. If you did not define a label for Location 3 Codes, Location 3 automatically displays in this field.

To add or edit the label for this field, you must do so in the Asset Master Field Labels screen.

Import Date

This non-editable field displays the date in which the CPFABC.INI file was downloaded to the scanner.

Scanning the Bar Code Labels

Scan the bar code labels and press ENTER on the scanner after each label scan. Alternately, manually enter the data into the scanner and press ENTER when you have completed data entry for each piece of property.

When the scan is complete, press ESCAPE and EXIT before uploading the scanned data from the scanner back to your PC.

Special Costpoint functions have been programmed into the scanner as follows:

  • If you press the F1 (Help) key on the scanner, you can view the File Size, Available Space, and Remaining Battery % on the scanner screen.
  • The scanner automatically safeguards the entered or scanned data in the current record read by displaying a message when the save is expected to exceed the available memory.

Please refer to the Intermec User's Manual for additional information on Intermec-provided scanner features. (For example, if the battery gets low, the battery on the scanner will automatically flash, and so on.)

Uploading the Scanned Data to your PC

Once you have completed the scan, the data results are stored in the scanner's CPFALOC.CSV file, which must be uploaded from the scanner into your computer.

You must use Intermec's FileCopy Utility to manage the download and upload of data between Costpoint Fixed Assets and the Intermec scanner. Intermec's FileCopy Utility is NOT automatically included with the purchase of the scanning hardware from Intermec, but you can download it at no charge from Intermec's web site.

Regardless of which Intermec scanner model you are using, you will upload the CPFALOC.CSV file created by the scan from the scanner to your computer using Intermec's FileCopy Utility.

Note: Costpoint automatically creates the CPFALOC.CSV file in a comma-delimited format.

When you use Intermec's FileCopy Utility, the scanner must be connected to your computer, the scanner must be turned on, and the System Menu should display on the scanner.

Please read the Intermec documentation regarding required setup procedures before using their FileCopy Utility function.