Contents of the Manage Transfer Locations Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Transfer Locations.

Manage Transfer Locations

Field Description

Enter a unique identifier.

Location Name

Enter a descriptive name for the location.


Select this check box if the location is active for transfer purposes; clear this check box if the location is inactive. You cannot assign consolidation mappings to inactive locations. You cannot transfer consolidation tables to inactive locations.

Currency Code

Enter, or click to select, the currency code. The codes available are those set up on the Manage Currencies screen. Costpoint uses the currency code you specify in this column to convert the sending company's functional currency to the receiving company's functional currency.

Currency Name

This field displays the descriptive name for the currency.


Enter, or click to select, the country code for the location.

Country Name

This field displays the full name of the country.

External Database

Enter Y (Yes) if this location resides in a different database from your company. Enter N (No) if this location resides in the same database as your company.