
These are Accounts Receivable Aging prompts.

Prompt Message



Select one company from the list.

Subperiod end date

Enter or select the subperiod end date.

Primary group

Select any option from the following list:

  • Customer

  • Customer Type

  • Organization

  • Project

  • Project Manager

  • Project Type

  • Reorganization

Secondary sort

Select any option from the following list to use as the secondary sort on the report:

  • Customer

  • Customer Type

  • Organization

  • Project

  • Project Manager

  • Project Type

  • Reorganization

Aging method

Select one of the following options to age by:

  • Due Date

  • Invoice Date

Date to age by

Enter or select the date to use when determining which aging column the receivable amount belongs in, based on the number of days before this date the invoice date or due date (selected in the previous prompt) falls.

Limit customers

Enter a portion of one or more names or IDs in the Keywords field to narrow the primary group you selected in the previous field.

Instructions for using the Keywords field are available in the Entering Keywords in the Keywords Search Fields section in the Overview.

Column 1 aging range

Enter a range to age by in the following three columns. You can edit the default ranges as necessary as long as date ranges do not overlap from column to column.

Defaults from 0 up to 30.

Column 2 aging range

Enter the column range for aging. Defaults from 31 up to 60.

Column 3 aging range

Enter the column range for aging. Defaults from 61 up to 90.

Column 4 aging days

This defaults to the last number in Column 3 aging range plus one.

Set Range

When you edit the default ranges, click this button to reset the first numbers in columns 2, 3, and/or 4.