Manage Asset Master Field Labels

Use this screen to set up optional location and government field labels that display on the Manage Asset Master Information and Manage Asset Template Information screens.

In addition, the location labels set up in this screen also display on the Manage Location Groups screen, in which sets of location data can be entered to function as location templates. You can use these fields to record information that may be specific to your company but for which there are no system-defined standard fields with the desired labels.

You can use location code field labels to establish up to three additional user-defined location categories, such as "Building", "Room No", "Bin No", and so on.

Data entry for the associated location fields in Fixed Assets screens is validated against location data established during setup on the Manage Location 1 Codes, Manage Location 2 Codes, and/or Manage Location 3 Codes screens, as applicable. If you plan to enter location data for these location fields, you must first establish the setup data during initialization.

You can use government field labels to establish up to 15 additional user-defined categories, such as "Contract No", "Audit Agency", and so on. You can use "government" labels for all types of property, including company-owned assets.

Data entry for the associated "government" fields in Fixed Assets screens have no validation requirements, so you can enter data for these labels at will without the need for any advance setup during initialization.

Although you can designate your preferred labels at any time on this screen, you may find it more convenient to decide on the label names before you begin to enter data on the screens of the Asset Master and Asset Template records.

Note: The data on this screen is company-specific and will be available for use only by your company of login. If you have set up multiple companies in Costpoint, you can enter, edit, view or use data on this screen for each company only by using the separate company login.

Costpoint automatically provides default labels for each of these fields. As an option, you can overwrite the default label with a label of your choice. It is not a system requirement that you establish different labels for any field on this screen. If you do not choose to define labels, a system default label will automatically display on the data entry screens. You may find, however, that data entry is more meaningful when appropriate labels display. You can choose to set up different labels on this screen independently, on a field-by-field basis, as desired.

Although you can establish and change the labels on this screen at any time, you may find it more convenient to decide on the label names before you begin to enter data on the Manage Asset Master Information and Manage Asset Template Information screens. To achieve consistency throughout your records, it is preferable for you to plan for and establish as much as possible of this setup data during your initialization procedures.