Contents of the Print Accounts Receivable Aging Report Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Print Accounts Receivable Aging Report screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

(Primary Sort)

In the first row of fields in the Selection Ranges block, enter the criteria to determine the primary sort for the report.

Field Description
(Select By)

From the drop-down list, select the grouping by which you want the report sorted.

The options are:

  • Customer Account
  • Project
  • Customer Type
  • Project Type
  • Account
  • Organization
  • Customer Name
  • Project Manager
  • AR UDF Label 1
  • AR UDF Label 2

From the drop-down list, select the range of information for the primary sort grouping that you selected in the (Select By) field.

For example, if you select Customer Account in the first field, select the range of customer accounts to be included on the report.

The options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available items for the primary sort group that you selected. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option.
  • One: Select this option to include only one item for the primary sort group that you selected. You must make an entry in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of items for the primary sort group that you selected. In the Start field, enter the beginning item for the range. Enter the ending item of the range in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include all the primary sort group items that begin with the first item of all the available items and end with the specific item that you enter in the End field. Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include all the primary sort group items that begin with the specific item that you enter in the Start and end with the last item in the list of all items. The End field is disabled for this option.

If you selected One, Range, or To End in the Primary Sort Option field, enter, or click to select, the starting value for the range that you want to include. If you selected All or From Beginning in the Primary Sort Select By field, the Start field is unavailable.


If you selected Range, or From Beginning in the Primary Sort Option field, enter, or click to select, the ending value for the range you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the Primary Sort Option field, the End field is unavailable.

Non-Contiguous Ranges

Select this check box to specify non-contiguous ranges for the primary sort. You specify the non-contiguous ranges using the various non-contiguous subtasks at the bottom of this screen. These include non-contiguous subtasks for:

  • customer
  • project
  • account
  • organization
  • customer name
  • user-def 1
  • user def 2
Page Break

Select this check box if you want a page break after each primary sort group.

(Secondary Sort)

In the second row of fields in the Selection Ranges block, enter the criteria to determine the secondary sort for the report.

Field Description
(Select By)

From the drop-down list, select the grouping for the secondary sort for the report.

The options are:

  • Customer Account
  • Project
  • Customer Type
  • Project Type
  • Account
  • Organization
  • Customer Name
  • Project Manager
  • AR UDF Label 1
  • AR UDF Label 2

From the drop-down list, select the range of information for the secondary sort grouping.

For example, if you select Project in the (Select By) field, select the range of projects to be included in the report.

The options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available items for the secondary sort group that you selected. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option.
  • One: Select this option to include only one item for the secondary sort group that you selected. Enter the one item in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of items for the secondary sort group that you selected. In the Start field, enter the beginning item for the range. In the End field, enter the ending item of the range.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include all the secondary sort group items that begin with the first item in the list of all available items and end with the specific item that you enter in the End field. Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include all the secondary sort group items that begin with the specific item that you enter in the Start and end with the last item in the list of all items. The End field is disabled for this option.

If you selected One, Range, or To End in the Secondary Sort Option field, enter, or click to select, the starting value for the range that you want to include. If you selected All or From Beginning in the Secondary Sort Option field, the Start field is unavailable.


If you selected Range, or From Beginning in the Secondary Sort Option field, enter, or click to select, the ending value for the range you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the Secondary Sort Option field, the End field is unavailable.

Non-Contiguous Ranges

Select this check box to specify non-contiguous ranges for the secondary sort. You specify the non-contiguous ranges using the various non-contiguous subtasks at the bottom of this screen. These include non-contiguous subtasks for:

  • customer
  • project
  • account
  • organization
  • customer name
  • user-def 1
  • user def 2
Accounting Period

This field displays One to indicate that you can compute finance charges for one fiscal year, period, and subperiod.

Fiscal Year

Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the fiscal year for which you are running this report.


Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the period for which you are running the report.


Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the subperiod for which you are running the report.

Ending Date

This non-editable field displays the subperiod ending date of the subperiod that you selected.


From the drop-down list, select the range of currencies that you want to display on the report.

The options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all currencies on the report. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option.
  • One: Select this option to include only one currency on the report. Enter the currency in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of currencies on the report. Enter the beginning currency in the Start field. Enter the ending currency in the End field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include a range that starts from the beginning of all available currencies and ends with the currency that you enter in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include a range that starts with the currency that you enter in the Start field and ends with the last currency in the list of all currencies. The End field is disabled for this option.
Start (Currency)

If you selected One, Range, or To End in the Currency field, enter, or click to select, the starting currency to include on the report. If you selected All or From Beginning in the Currency field, the Start field is unavailable.

End (Currency)

If you selected Range, or From Beginning in the Secondary Sort Option field, enter, or click to select, the ending currency to include on the report. If you select All, One, or To End in the Currency field, the End field is unavailable.



Field Description
Account Level __ and below

This field is available only if you select Account in the Select By drop-down list. Enter the account level at which you want the report printed; all lower levels are rolled up for the report. The larger the level number, the more detailed the report; the smaller the number, the less detailed the report. Enter zero to include all levels of detail. To view the number of levels available, see the Account Structure group box on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen in Costpoint General Ledger.

Organization Level __ and below

This field is available only if you select Organization in the Select By drop-down list. Enter the organization level at which you want the report printed; all lower levels are rolled up for the report. The larger the level number, the more detailed the report; the smaller the number, the less detailed the report. Enter zero to include all levels of detail. To view the number of levels available, see the Account Structure group box found in the Corporate Settings subtask on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen.

Project Level __ and below

This field is available only if you select Project in the Select By drop-down list. Enter the project level at which you want the report printed; all lower levels are rolled up for the report. Enter zero to include all levels of detail.

Select Date

Use this group box to choose the method by which to age outstanding receivables on the report.

Field Description
Select Date

In the first field, select either Invoice Date or Due Date from the drop-down list to select the date by which to age outstanding receivables.

Date to Age by

Enter, or click to select, the date from which you want to age the receivables.

Select Billing Currency

Field Description
Revalue Currency

Select this check box to revalue your functional currency totals by the rate that you enter in the Exchange Rate field in this group box.

Exchange Rate

Enter the rate that you want to use for the revaluation of the functional balance totals. This field is available only if you select the Revalue Currency check box.

Print Options

Field Description
Print report for Multicurrency

Select this option to print a report in transactional currency, with a final total in your company's functional currency at the end of the report.

Print report for Functional Currency

Select this option to print a report in functional currency only.

Currency is Primary Sort

Select this check box to specify that currency is the primary sort.


Field Description

Select this check box to display receivables by invoice.

If this check box is not selected, the report summarizes receivable balances in the appropriate columns by the group selected. For example, if you print this report by customer, and you have not selected this check box, the report summarizes receivable balances by column. Therefore, the report shows a receivable balance in each column for each customer selected.

Progress Payment Bills

Select this check box to include all progress payment bills from your aging report. This check box is selected by default.

Unrealized Gain/Loss

Select this check box to include unrealized gains/losses on the accounts receivable aging report. You must first select the Detail check box in the Include group box before you can do this.

When you select the Include Unrealized Gain/Loss check box, it allows you to track the open AR totals back to the accounts receivable balance sheet account. You must also select Print Report for Functional Currency in the Print Options group box to show unrealized gains and losses on the report.

When you select the Unrealized Gain/Loss check box, the report includes indented rows where the unrealized gains/losses display.


Field Description
Show Drop-Down Field

This drop-down list is available when you select the Detail check box in the Include group box.

The options in the drop-down list are:

  • Invoice Number: The invoice number is a unique system-generated identification number that is assigned to each bill. Make this selection to display A/R detail by invoice number.
  • Bill Number: Make this selection to display A/R detail by bill number. The bill number is a second invoice identifier, separate from the system invoice number. It is normally used to track project-specific billing numbers required by a particular job.
Invoice Notes

Select this check box to print invoice notes on the report.

Show Amts in Thousands

Select this check box to show receivable balances in thousands.

If you clear this check box, outstanding receivables print in actual amounts.

If balances exceed the field size, you see "####" instead of amounts. If this happens, you must print the report showing receivables in thousands.

Ranges for A/R Aging

These fields display the defaults initialized on the  Configure Accounts Receivable Settings screen. They can be modified at the time you run the report.

Accounts Receivable invoices are aged by due date or invoice date. You should take this into consideration when you define columns for this report.

For example, typically the first column is initialized as the column reflecting current Accounts Receivable. A standard date range for this column is often 0 to 30 days, since Accounts Receivables are aged based on due date. In this instance, the Current column contains all current invoices not yet due, and invoices 30 days past due. Alternatively, this column could be defined as "Current" receivables with a date range of zero to one day. In this instance, the Current column still reflects all Accounts Receivables not yet due and, as those receivables become past due, they shift to Past Due columns.

Field Description
Headings 1-4

These fields display the defaults initialized on the Configure Accounts Receivable Settings screen. You can modify them at the time the report is run.

To modify the column headings, enter the information and range in days that each column represents. For example, if you want the first column to contain receivables less than five days past due, an appropriate column heading might be Current. Because this column contains receivables less than five days past due, the days included in this column would be from zero to five. Therefore you would enter the number 05 in the Days To field.

Days From and To

After you enter the headings for the ranges of days, use the Days To field to specify the upper limit of the day ranges. For example, if the range of days in the Headings 1-4 field is 31-60, the entry in the Days To field should be 60. The Days From field is calculated as the previous row's Days To entry plus one.

All entries are labeled as specified on the Accounts Receivable Aging report.

Include Ranges

By default, all four of the check boxes in this group box (Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, and Heading 4) are selected. Leave these check boxes selected to include these columns as entered in the Ranges for A/R Aging group box on your report.

If you do not want to include a heading, make sure the appropriate check box is clear.

You must select at least one of the check boxes or you will not be able to print or save the report.

If you do not include a heading in your report, a blank column printed in its space, and any lines that contain all zeroes across the remaining columns will be suppressed. Final totals print only for those columns included in the report.

Even if you choose not to print two columns (leaving only Headings 2 and 4, for example), the system ensures that the Days From and To fields are entered in consecutive order.


The following subtasks are enabled only if you select the Non-Contiguous Ranges check box on the Print Accounts Receivable Aging Report screen.

Subtask Description
Customer Non-Contiguous Ranges Click the Customer Non-Contiguous Ranges link to enter a non-contiguous range of customers on the report if you selected Customer as the sort group.
Project Non-Contiguous Ranges Click the Project Non-Contiguous Ranges link to enter a non-contiguous range of projects on the report if you selected Customer as the sort group.
Account Non-Contiguous Ranges Click the Account Non-Contiguous Ranges link to enter a non-contiguous range of accounts on the report if you selected Customer as the sort group.
Organization Non-Contiguous Ranges Click the Organization Non-Contiguous Ranges link to enter a non-contiguous range of organizations on the report if you selected Customer as the sort group.
Customer Name Non-Contiguous Ranges Click the Customer Name Non-Contiguous Ranges link to enter a non-contiguous range of customer names on the report if you selected Customer as the sort group.
User Def 1 Non-Contiguous Ranges Click the User Def1 Non-Contiguous Ranges link to enter a non-contiguous range of customer names on the report if you selected Customer as the sort group.
User Def 2 Non-Contiguous Ranges Click the User Def2 Non-Contiguous Ranges link to enter a non-contiguous range of customer names on the report if you selected Customer as the sort group.