Vendor Employee Error/Warning Messages

Use this subtask of the Vendor Employees subtask to view the list of error and/or warning messages associated with the vendor employee line.

You can also use this subtask to print a quick report of the error/warning messages and export the report to Microsoft Excel.


Field Description
Work Assignment ID

This field displays the work assignment ID associated with the vendor employee line where the error/warning occurred.

Charge Line

This field displays the charge line number associated with the vendor employee line where the error/warning occurred.

Vendor Employee Line

This field displays the vendor employee line number where the error/warning occurred.

Message Type

This field displays the type of message: Error or Warning.


This field displays the name of the subtask or field where the error/warning occurred.


This field displays the value that exists in the field where the error/warning occurred.


This field displays the message associated with the error/warning.