Posting Detail Subtask

Use this subtask of the View Account Activity screen to view additional posting detail for the transaction you selected on the main screen. The Journal Entry table window displays the individual journal postings for the transaction.


Field Description
Fiscal Year

This field displays the fiscal year for which you are viewing account activity.


This field displays the period for which you are viewing account activity.


These fields display the number and name of the account for the transaction selected on the main screen.


These fields display the ID and name of the project for the transaction selected on the main screen.


These fields display the ID and name of the organization for the transaction selected on the main screen.


This field displays the subperiod for the transaction selected on the main screen.

Journal Code

This field displays the journal code for the transaction selected on the main screen.

Posting Sequence

This field displays the posting sequence number for the transaction selected on the main screen.

Total Debit

This field displays the total debit balance of the detail postings displayed in the table window.

Total Credit

This field displays the total credit balance of the detail postings displayed in the table window.

Total Trans Debit

This field displays the total debit balance of the detail postings displayed in the table window in your company's transaction currency.

Total Trans Credit

This field displays the total credit balance of the detail postings displayed in the table window in your company's transaction currency.

Table Window

This table window displays the following types of information for each detail posting.

Field Description
Transaction Description

This column displays a description of the detail posting.


This column displays the account number.

Account Name

This column displays the account name.


This column displays the organization code.

Organization Name

This column displays the name of the organization.


This column displays the project ID.

Project Name

This column displays the name of the project.

Trans Debit

This column displays the debit amount in the transaction currency.

Trans Credit

This column displays the credit amount in the transaction currency.


This column displays the debit amount in your company's functional currency


This column displays the credit amount in your company's functional currency.

Hours Posted

This column displays the number of hours posted.


This column displays the general labor category.

GLC Description

This column displays a description of the general labor category.


This column displays the project labor category.

PLC Description

This column displays a description of the project labor category.

Effect Bill  Date

This column displays the effective billing date.

Timesheet Date

This column displays the timesheet date.


This column displays the timesheet ID.

ID Type

This column displays the ID type.

Values used for the ID type when posting to the general ledger:

  • N – Non Labor

    • Post IWO Journal

    • Post Journal Entries

  • V – Vendor

    • Create/Post AP Vouchers for Travel Expense/Advance/Company Paid Expense

    • Post Cash Disbursements

    • Post Vouchers (Vendor Labor or No Labor)

    • Compute/Post Unrealized Gains/Losses – AP Gain/Loss

    • Post IWO Journal

    • Post Journal Entries

  • S – Vendor Employee

    • Post Vouchers (Vendor Employee Labor)

    • Post IWO Journal

    • Post Journal Entries

  • E – Employee

    • Post IWO Journal

    • Post Labor Distribution

    • Post Journal Entries

  • C – Customer

    • Post Standard Bills

    • Post Cash Receipts

    • Adjust A/R Underpayment Amounts

    • Post Milestone/Percent Compete Bills

    • Post Progress Payment Bills

    • Post Project Product Bills

    • Post Manual Bills

    • Post Customer Product Bills

    • Compute/Post Unrealized Gains/Losses – AR Gain/Loss

  • O – Customer

    • Post Sales Order Journal

  • I – Inventory

    • Post Inventory Journal

Check Number

This column displays the check number.

Voucher Number

This column displays the voucher number.

PO Number

This column displays the PO number.


This column displays the vendor, employee, or vendor employee name associated with the ID in the ID column.

Invoice Number

This column displays the invoice number.

JE Number

This column displays the journal entry number.

Cash Receipt Number

This column displays the cash receipt number.

Bill Number

This column displays the bill number.

Cash Receipt Date

This column displays the cash receipt number.


Costpoint does not currently use this column.


Costpoint does not currently use this column.

Units Quantity

This column displays the number of units.

Units Usage Date

This column displays the units usage date.

Posting User ID

This column displays the user ID of the person who posted the detail posting.

Entry User ID

This column displays the user ID of the person who entered the detail posting.

Reference 1

This column displays the value of Reference 1 for the detail posting.

Reference 2

This column displays the value of Reference 2 for the detail posting.


This field displays any comments entered for the detail posting.

Voucher Invoice Debit

This column displays the voucher currency invoice debit amount for the transaction.

Voucher Invoice Credit

This column displays the voucher currency invoice credit amount for the transaction.