PO Detail Subtask

To open this subtask of the View Voucher History Inquiry screen highlight a row in the table on the main screen and click the PO Detail button.

The subtask displays the detail of the highlighted voucher. All data defaults from the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.


Field Description

This field displays the vendor ID.

Vendor Name

This field displays the vendor name.

Inv No

This field displays the invoice number.


This field displays the voucher number.

Table Window

Field Description
Voucher Line

This field displays the voucher line. This value is a sequential number assigned by Costpoint to track the line items of the purchase order voucher.

PO Line

This field displays the purchase order line number against which you are vouchering.


This field displays the item of the purchase order line entered.

Item Rev

This field displays the item revision of the purchase order line entered.


This field displays the item description of the purchase order line entered.

Match Type

This field displays the type of matching required for this voucher line.

Match Option

This field displays the match option required for this voucher line: Individual or Total.

Discrepancy Amount

This field displays the discrepancy amount.

Ordered Amount

This field displays the ordered amount.

Vouchered Amount

This field displays the vouchered amount.

Posted Amount

This field displays the posted amount.

Line Charge Cost Amount

This field displays the amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line.


This field displays the taxability status. The possible settings are:

  • U: Use/Reverse Tax
  • S: Sales/Value Added Tax
  • N: Non-taxable
Sales Tax Code

This field displays the sales tax code for this voucher line.

Sales Tax Amount

This field displays the sales tax amount.

Use Tax Amount

This field displays the use tax amount.

Line Charge Sales Tax Amt

This field displays the sales tax amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line.

Line Charge Use Tax Amt

This field displays the use tax amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line.

Accepted Amount

This field displays the total accepted amount for this line.

Rejected Amount - Pay

This field displays the total rejected amount paid for this purchase order line.

Rejected Amount - Replace

This field displays the total rejected amount replaced for this purchase order line.

Rejected Amount - Credit

This field displays the total rejected amount credited for this purchase order line.

PO Line Charge Amount

This field displays the purchase order line charge amount.

PO Unit Price

This field displays the PO unit price.

Invoice Unit Price

This field displays the invoice unit price.

Unit Price Discr Amt

This field displays the unit price discrepancy amount.

Unit Price Discr

This field displays the unit price discrepancy.

Discrepancy Quantity

This field displays the discrepancy quantity.


This field displays the discrepancy amount.

Ordered Quantity

This field displays the ordered quantity.

Vouchered Quantity

This field displays the vouchered quantity.

Posted Quantity

This field displays the posted quantity.

Accepted Quantity

This field displays the total accepted quantity for this purchase order line.

Rejected Quantity - Pay

This field displays the total rejected quantity paid for this purchase order line.

Rejected Quantity - Replace

This field displays the total rejected quantity replaced for this purchase order line.

Rejected Quantity - Credit

This field displays the total rejected quantity credited for this purchase order line.