Print Check Register Report

Use this screen to print a list of all the checks that have been recorded in Costpoint, whether or not the checks have been printed.

If you changed a vendor's name on the Manage Vendor screen, remember that the Print Check Register Report screen uses the name the vendor had when posted. Also, the Print Check Register Report screen displays the address used when the check was issued, which is not necessarily the current address for the voucher.

Note that unposted checks print on the check register. After you print a check, Costpoint prompts you to update the history tables with the check information. Since this report gets its information from the history tables rather than from the General Ledger, checks are available on this report prior to posting them to the General Ledger.

You can record manual checks in three different places in Costpoint:

  • If you enter a manual check on the Check tab of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or the Check tab of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen, the manual check displays on this report after you post the voucher.
  • If you enter a manual check on the Manage Manual Checks screen, the manual check displays on this report after you save the record.

You generally run this screen at the end of an accounting period to obtain an audit trail for the checks issued in the accounting period. This report can also help you to reconcile the bank statement, which is typically done monthly. This report includes all the outflows from your checking account and is used in conjunction with the Print Cash Receipts Register Report screen, which shows all the inflows to the checking account to reconcile the bank statement.

Note: You can apply organization security to this screen. Use this optional feature to grant or remove rights to view or update organizations. To use this feature, you must first set up organization security screens. For more information about organization security and how to apply it, see the documentation about the Organizational Security in Costpoint Administration.

Screen Contents

This screen has the following elements:

  • Use the Identification block to enter a parameter ID and description.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to specify the range of cash accounts, cash organizations, pay currencies, the periods, and checks that will appear on the register.
  • Use the Options block to specify whether or not you want zero balance checks to display on the register.