Import Cash Receipts Processing Considerations

Importing cash receipts begins after you select an electronic bank file in the Import Cash Receipts screen and all the required fields on the screen are completed and validated.

First, Costpoint processes the electronic bank file, which updates the X_Z_AOPUTLCR_CR table. And then, Costpoint completes the process by importing/creating the cash receipts. This clears the rows in the X_Z_AOPUTLCR_CR table and updates the CASH_RECPT_HDR and CASH_RECPT_TRN tables in accordance with the mapping described in Table Maps.

If Costpoint finds no bank file in the specified location, an error message displays on the screen to indicate that the import file process cannot start. After finding the file, Costpoint processes the electronic bank file.

Costpoint identifies the bank file as a NACHA record including all the envelopes or an EDI transaction set based on the data segments in the file. The NACHA record contains the ISA and GS envelopes while the EDI transaction set starts immediately with the ST data segment of the file. The first data element, ST01, of the ST segment notifies Costpoint if the file is an 820 or 823 transaction set. For an overview of the 820 and 823 transaction sets data fields, see Table Maps.

After Costpoint obtains these informational elements, processing proceeds with the ST data element in the NACHA or EDI format file. Electronic bank files usually contain multiple deposits in a single file. Costpoint identifies and retrieves all relevant data segments between ST and SE as part of the X_Z_AOPUTLCR_CR table updates.

Note: The Import Cash Receipts preprocessor establishes a CUST_ID from AR_HDR_HS when an existing INVC_ID is presented in the RMR02 field of the electronic bank file. This preprocessor contains functionality that matches the Payer (remitting party) Name from the N102 position in the bank file with the Customer Name or Customer Alias Name in the new CUST_ALIAS table. Costpoint initiates this process if the Unidentified Customer Alias Match check box on the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor Settings screen is checked. This additional matching process determines if the program is able to establish a CUST_ID before a default CUST_ID must be provided by the user. You set up the customer alias names in the Customer Alias subtask of the Manage Customers screen.

The following table lists the columns in the X_Z_AOPUTLCR_CR table Costpoint updates when you select 823 from the Transaction Set drop-down list box of the Import Cash Receipts screen.

Table Column Contents
X_RECORD_NO System-assigned
CASH_RECPT_NO System-assigned or from screen
CASH_RECPT_HDR_KEY System-assigned
CASH_RECPT_TRN_KEY System-assigned
S_JNL_CD System-assigned
FY_CD From screen
PD_NO From screen
SUB_PD_NO From screen
RECPT_DT From EDI file (position DEP 02)
INVC_ID From EDI file (position RMR 02) or from screen
CUST_ID From EDI file (position N1 02) or from screen
CHK_NO From EDI file (position REF 02) or left blank
DISC_TAKEN_AMT From EDI file (position RMR 06) or left blank
TRN_AMT From EDI file (position RMR 04)

The following table lists the columns in the X_Z_AOPUTLCR_CR table Costpoint updates when you select 820 from the Transaction Set drop-down list box of the Import Cash Receipts screen.

Table Column Contents
X_RECORD_NO System-assigned
CASH_RECPT_NO System-assigned or from screen
CASH_RECPT_HDR_KEY System-assigned
CASH_RECPT_TRN_KEY System-assigned
S_JNL_CD System-assigned
FY_CD From screen
PD_NO From screen
SUB_PD_NO From screen
RECPT_DT From EDI file (position BPR 16)
INVC_ID From EDI file (position RMR 02) or from screen
CUST_ID From EDI file (position N1 02) or from screen
CHK_NO Not applicable
DISC_TAKEN_AMT From EDI file (position RMR 06) or left blank
TRN_AMT From EDI file (position RMR 04)

Processing Scenarios

Based on the electronic bank file data and screen selections that update the X_Z_AOPUTLCR_CR table, there are six specific processing scenarios that are identified. The following sections describe each scenario.

Field Description
Bank file contains an existing invoice number and customer

Costpoint handles this scenario as follows:

  • CUST_ID and INVC_ID are derived from the AR_HDR_HS table.
  • ACCT, ORG, and PROJ are derived from the existing AR_HDR_HS rows.
  • Cash ACCT_ID in CASH_RECPT for LN_NO 1 is derived from the CUST_DFLT_ACCT table, if available; otherwise, it is derived from the AR_DFLT_ACCT table where S_AR_TRN_TYPE is 'C'.
  • The credit side to Billed A/R is derived from the existing AR_HDR_HS row.
  • CHK_NO and TRN_AMT are derived from the EDI file.
Bank file contains an existing invoice number but a customer does not exist

Costpoint handles this scenario as follows:

  • CUST_ID and INVC_ID are derived from the AR_HDR_HS table on existing INVC_ID.
  • ACCT, ORG, and PROJ are derived from the existing AR_HDR_HS rows.
  • Cash ACCT_ID in CASH_RECPT for LN_NO 1 is derived from the CUST_DFLT_ACCT table, if available; otherwise, it is derived from the AR_DFLT_ACCT table where S_AR_TRN_TYPE is 'C'.
  • The credit side to Billed A/R is derived from the existing AR_HDR_HS row.
  • CHK_NO and TRN_AMT are derived from the EDI file.
Bank file contains an existing customer but no invoice number

In this scenario, The "UNK" Invoice Assigned by the System check box is selected on the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor Settings screen. Costpoint handles this scenario as follows:

  • Costpoint uses the UNK input process where the INVC_ID will be assigned. CUST_ID, TRN_AMT, and CHK_NO come from the EDI file.
  • Costpoint uses the same logic as the UNK invoice process from the Manage Cash Receipts application.

    If the "UNK" Invoice Assigned by the System check box is cleared, all unidentified invoice numbers are displayed on the error report.

Bank file contains an existing customer and an invoice number that does not exist in the system

In this scenario, The Unidentified Invoice Number from Bank File is selected on the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor Settings screen. Costpoint handles this scenario as follows:

  • Costpoint uses the same logic from the Manage Cash Receipts application when a user enters a line on the main screen to a customer and keys in an invoice number that does not already exist. The posting will create a row in the AR_HDR_HS table for the new invoice.
  • CUST_ID, TRN_AMT, and CHK_NO are derived from the EDI file.

    If the Unidentified Invoice Number from Bank File is cleared and the "UNK" Invoice Assigned by the System check box is selected, Costpoint uses the same logic as the system-assigned UNK invoice process from the Manage Cash Receipts application.

    If the Unidentified Invoice Number from Bank File and the "UNK" Invoice Assigned by the System check boxes are cleared, all unidentified invoice numbers are displayed on the error report.

Bank file does not contain a customer but has an invoice number that does not exist in the system

In this scenario, the Unidentified Invoice Number from Bank File check box is selected on the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor Settings screen. Costpoint handles this scenario as follows:

  • Costpoint uses the same logic from the Manage Cash Receipts application when a user enters a line on the main screen to a customer and keys in an invoice number that does not already exist. The posting will create a row in the AR_HDR_HS table for the new invoice.
  • INVC_ID, TRN_AMT, and CHK_NO are derived from the EDI file.
  • Before applying the data from the Default Customer Account field on the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor Settings screen, the preprocessor includes additional functionality to match the Payer (remitting party) Name from the N102 position in the bank file with the Customer Name or Customer Alias Name in the new CUST_ALIAS table. This process is executed by the preprocessor if the Unidentified Customer Alias Match is selected on the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor Settings screen. This additional matching piece determines if the preprocessor is able to establish a CUST_ID.
  • If the preprocessor is not able to match the Payer Name from the N102 position in the bank file with the Customer Name or Customer Alias Name in the CUST_ALIAS table, it obtains the data in the Default Customer Account field from the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor settings screen if the Unidentified Customer to Default check box is selected.

    If the Unidentified Invoice Number from Bank File is cleared and the "UNK" Invoice Assigned by the System check box is selected, Costpoint uses the same logic as the system-assigned UNK invoice process from the Manage Cash Receipts application.

    If the Unidentified Invoice Number from Bank File and the "UNK" Invoice Assigned by the System check boxes are cleared, all unidentified invoice numbers are displayed on the error report.

    If the Unidentified Customer to Default or Unidentified Customer Alias Match check boxes are cleared, all unidentified customers are displayed on the error report.

Bank file does not contain a customer or invoice number

In this scenario, "UNK" Invoice Assigned by the System check box is cleared. the Costpoint handles this scenario as follows:

  • Before applying the data from the Default Customer Account field on the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor Settings screen, the preprocessor includes additional functionality to match the Payer (remitting party) Name from the N102 position in the bank file with the Customer Name or Customer Alias Name in the new CUST_ALIAS table. This process is executed by the preprocessor if the Unidentified Customer Alias Match is selected on the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor Settings screen. This additional matching piece determines if the preprocessor is able to establish a CUST_ID.
  • If the preprocessor is not able to match the Payer Name from the N102 position in the bank file with the Customer Name or Customer Alias Name in the CUST_ALIAS table, it obtains the data in the Default Customer Account field from the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor settings screen if the Unidentified Customer to Default check box is selected.
  • Costpoint uses the UNK invoice process where the INVC_ID will be assigned. TRN_AMT and CHK_NO are derived from the EDI file.
  • Costpoint uses the same logic as the UNK invoice process from the Manage Cash Receipts application.

    If the "UNK" Invoice Assigned by the System check box is cleared, all unidentified invoice numbers are displayed on the error report.

    If the Unidentified Customer to Default or Unidentified Customer Alias Match check boxes are cleared, all unidentified customers are displayed on the error report.