Contents of the View Check History Inquiry Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the View Check History Inquiry screen.

Selection Criteria

Field Description
Cash Account

Enter, or click to select, the cash account number in this field, if you want to view information for a particular cash account. The name of the cash account displays in the adjacent field. If you execute without entering a cash organization or a check number, the table window displays information for all cash organizations and check numbers associated with the cash account. To view checks for all cash accounts and organizations, leave all the header fields blank and execute the inquiry. If you leave this field blank, the table window includes a Cash Account column.

Cash Organization

Enter, or click to select, the organization number in this field, if you want to view check information for a particular organization. The name of the cash organization displays in the adjacent field. If you enter the cash organization without entering a cash account number or a check number, the check information for all cash accounts associated with the cash organization displays in the table window. If you already entered a cash account number, the information in the table window is limited to that particular cash account/organization combination. To view checks for all cash accounts and organizations, leave all the header fields blank and execute the inquiry. If you leave this field blank, the table window includes a Cash Organization column.

Check Number

If you want to limit the information in the table window to a particular check, enter that check's number here. Although you can execute the inquiry based on check number alone, it is easier to locate a specific check if you also enter cash account, cash organization, fiscal year, and/or period information. If you enter a check number here, the Check Number column is not included in the table window.

Address Code

Enter, or click to select, a valid address code. You establish address codes via the Manage Vendor screen. The address codes are stored in the Vendor Check table.

Fiscal Year

If you want to view check information for a particular fiscal year, enter the fiscal year here or select one from the drop-down list. You can execute the inquiry based solely on a fiscal year, or you can use the Fiscal Year field to limit the check information displayed.


If you want to view check information for a particular period, enter the number of the period here or select one from the drop-down list. Although you can execute the inquiry based solely on the period, Deltek recommends that you also limit the inquiry by fiscal year because you may have identically numbered periods in different fiscal years.

Total Func Currency Check Amount

This field displays the total amount of all checks in the table window, in your functional currency.

Table Window

Field Description
Cash Account

If you did not limit your inquiry by cash account, this field displays the number of the cash account from which the check on this line was paid.

Cash Organization

If you did not limit your inquiry by cash organization, this field displays the number of the cash organization from which the check on this line was paid.

Chk No

If you did not limit your inquiry by check number, this field displays the number of the check on this line.

Chk Date

This field displays the date on which the check was issued.

Pay Curr

This field displays the currency code for this check's pay currency. The pay currency may or may not be the same as the functional currency (the currency in which you maintain your Costpoint records) or the transaction currency (the currency of the invoice you received from your vendor).

Pay Curr Check Amount

This field displays the total amount of the check, in the pay currency for this check.

Func Curr Check Amount

This field displays the total amount of the check, in your functional currency.

Check Status

Do not use this field to verify the status of checks. To find out whether or not a check has cleared the bank, see one of the following screens:

  • View Bank Reconciliation Inquiry
  • Print Bank Reconciliation Summary Report
  • Print Bank Reconciliation Detail Reports
Pay Vendor Name

This field displays the name of the pay vendor to whom the check was issued.

Joint Payee

This field displays the name of the joint payee to whom the check was issued.

Pay Vendor Location

This field displays the pay vendor's location.

Address Code

This field displays the code for the pay vendor's payment address.

Pay Vendor

This field displays the pay vendor's ID.

Ref 1

This field displays the reference number 1 assigned to this check, if one exists.

Ref 2

This field displays the reference number 2 assigned to this check, if one exists.

Account Name

This field displays the name of the cash account. This column is included in the table window whether or not you enter an account number in the Cash Account field.

Organization Name

This field displays the name of the cash organization. This column is included in the table window whether or not you enter an organization number in the Cash Organization field.

FY Posted

This field displays the fiscal year to which the check was posted. If you limited the inquiry by fiscal year before executing, this column is not included in the table window.

Period Posted

This field displays the period to which the check was posted. If you limited the inquiry by period before executing, this column is not included in the table window.

Subpd Posted

This field displays the subperiod to which the check was posted.

Void Date

For void checks, this field displays the date on which the check was voided.

Void FY Posted

For void checks, this field displays the fiscal year in which the check was voided.

Void Pd Posted

For void checks, this field displays the period in which the check was voided.

Void Subpd Posted

For void checks, this field displays the subperiod in which the check was voided.


If the check was entered manually, this field displays an M. You can enter manual checks on the Manage Manual Checks screen, the Check tab of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen, and the Check tab of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

If the check was system-created, this field displays an S.

Pay Curr Description

This field displays the description of the check's pay currency.


Subtask Description
Vendor Click this link to open the Vendor subtask.
Contacts Click this link to open the Contacts subtask.
Vouchers Click this link to open the Vouchers subtask.