Can I change the value of the System-Wide Configuration for Depreciation Calculations options on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen?

You can change the selection in the System-Wide Configuration for Depreciation Calculations options, which specify whether to "Catch-Up" current year (fiscal or purchase year) depreciation in the current period or spread depreciation over the remaining periods in the year, at any time. Your configuration selection has no effect on the computation of annual depreciation; it only directs how the value for the Current Pd Depreciation field should be calculated.

If your current setting is “Added to current period amount”, switching to “Spread among remaining periods in PY or FY will affect all assets added in the current period and future assets that are established with a catch-up requirement.

If your current setting is “Spread among remaining periods in PY or FY”, however, switching to the “Added to current period amount” option could have unintended consequences. In particular, any assets added to Costpoint prior to this change that had catch-up depreciation to expense will no longer have the remaining catch-up spread over the remaining periods. Instead, the remaining catch-up will all be expensed in the period in which the “Added to current period amount” selection was made. Thus, expenses for the period of the change will be higher than otherwise expected because asset catch-up that was previously being spread over remaining periods will accelerate in the current period to expense the remaining catch-up amount.

Note: On the same screen, however, the options in the System-Wide Configuration for DP Basis Depreciation Methods group box cannot be changed without extensive editing of the asset data. If you switch between days and periods basis for Date of Purchase assets, each DP-based asset record must be individually edited to correct the Days/Pds Remaining field on the G/L Book Info tab and Other Book Info subtask. Depending on which method is selected, this field represents days remaining (1 to 365) or periods remaining (1 to 18) in the purchase year.