What happens if I manually enter a current depreciation value, post it, and then recalculate depreciation?

If you manually enter a value in the Current Pd Depreciation field and post it, the amount posted will cumulatively display in the Amount Posted Curr Pd field on the G/L Book Info tab of an Asset Master record.

There will never be additional postings in the current period for the same record if the values in these two fields match.

If you recalculate depreciation after posting and the amount written to the Current Pd Depreciation fields as a system calculation override is different than your manual "plug" amount, the system, in subsequent postings, will compare the values in the Current Pd Depreciation field the Amount Posted Curr Pd fields and post the difference.

If the value in the Current Pd Depreciation field as calculated by the system is the same as your manual "plug" amount, there will be no additional posting because the values in the Current Pd Depreciation field and the Amount Posted Curr Pd field already match.