FAQs for the Print Open Accounts Payable Report Screen

This sections contains frequently asked questions when printing Open Accounts Payable Reports.

Why Does the Drop-down List for the Period Option Field Allow You to Choose Options That Result in an Incorrect Report?

When you run the Open Accounts Payable Report, you must select From Beginning or All to get a correct report.

  • From Beginning means from inception date through the specified TO date.
  • All means from the inception date through today.

Why Do You See Paid Items on Your Open Accounts Payable Report?

If you are printing for a prior period and the item has since been paid, this is normal and not a cause for concern. This means that the item was paid in a period subsequent to the period for which the Open Accounts Payable Report was run.

If the item is not supposed to show up on the report (it is paid as of the period for which the Open Accounts Payable Report was run), the status code may not be synchronized between the Open_AP and Vchr_Hdr_Hs tables. In this case, contact Deltek Support for assistance.

How Do I Make a Partial Payment on an Accounts Payable Voucher?

You can make a partial payment on an Accounts Payable voucher.

To make a partial payment:

  1. Find the voucher on the Edit Voucher Payment Status screen.
  2. Change the status to PAY and enter the appropriate amount in the Amount to Pay field.
  3. Save the record and run the Prepayment Edit Report to verify that the amount to pay is correct.

You are now ready to print the check.

How Do I Change the Aging Periods on the Open Accounts Payable Report?

If your aging is always the same, you can change the Default Aging Criteria on the Configure Accounts Payable Settings screen.

If your aging varies, you can change it when you run the Print Open Accounts Payable Report screen. Save the report parameters and change them as needed.

What Do You Do When the Open Accounts Payable Report and the General Ledger Balances Don't Agree?

Do the following when the Open Accounts Payable Report and the General Ledger balances don't agree:

  1. Make sure that you posted all the journals, including the Voucher Distribution Journal and the Cash Disbursements Journal.
  2. Print the Open Accounts Payable Report again. If you have more than one accounts payable account, sort the report by A/P account/organization, and choose the account level and the org level that match your A/P account posting level.
  3. Print a General Ledger Detail Report for each A/P account and organization, with the account and organization levels matching those for the Open Accounts Payable Report that you just printed. Make sure that the fiscal year, period, and subperiod agree with the Open Accounts Payable Report.

The total of the Open Accounts Payable Report should agree with the General Ledger detail ending balance.

If the balances do not agree, look for the following:

  • Journal entries made to Accounts Payable accounts (there should not be any)
  • Voucher charges made to Accounts Payable accounts by mistake
  • Any checks issued with dates outside the accounting period