Print Open Accounts Payable Report

Use this screen to print a report that lists all the vouchers that are outstanding and waiting for payment.

You can age the vouchers according to any date ranges that you specify. However, because the headings of the columns are specified independently of the date ranges that determine the aging of the columns, be sure that the headings correspond to what the columns actually reflect. For example, the first column range of dates is set to zero and cannot be changed; however, the heading of the column, which defaults to 0, is editable. If you change the heading to 0-30 days, it does not reflect the actual contents of the column because only vouchers that are not yet due print in the first column.

Run this report when you need to review the outstanding items. The report is useful for seeing the age of your outstanding vouchers and the status of all open items. As this is the only report that shows deferred vouchers, review it periodically to check for items that are set to Defer.

Screen Contents

This screen has the following elements:

  • Use the Identification block to enter a parameter ID and description.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to specify the primary sort, as well as the organization, the transaction currency, and the period of the vouchers to appear on the report.
  • Use the Options block to specify the level of detail that you want on the report.
  • Use the Sort By block to specify the secondary sort of the report.
  • Use the Generate block to specify how the report ages outstanding vouchers.