Fill Subtask

Use this subtask of the Manage Organization/Account Budgets screen to fill the currency amount and/or hours columns with the same data across a range of periods for the selected fiscal year and accounts.

You can escalate (increase or decrease) the fill hours or amount for each period by a percentage of the hours or amount assigned to the previous period.

Select Accounts

Field Description
Range Option

Use this drop-down list to select the range of accounts for which you want to fill period budget hours or amounts. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available accounts. The From and To fields are disabled for this option. This is the default.
  • One: Select this option to include only one account and then enter that account in the From fields. The To field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of accounts. Enter the beginning account for the range in the From field and enter the ending account of the range in the To field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include a range of accounts that begins with the first of all the available accounts and ends with the account that you enter in the To field. The From field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include a range of accounts that begins with the account that you enter in the From field and ends with the last of all the available accounts. The To field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting and/or ending accounts for the range of accounts for which you want to fill period budget hours or amounts. One or both of these fields may be disabled, depending on your selection in Range Option.

Select Periods

Field Description
Range Option

Use this drop-down list to select the range of periods you want to fill with budget hours or amounts. Valid options are:

  • All: Select this option to include all available periods. The From and To fields are disabled for this option. This is the default.
  • One: Select this option to include only one period and then enter that period in the From fields. The To field is disabled for this option.
  • Range: Select this option to include a contiguous range of periods. Enter the beginning period for the range in the From field and enter the ending period of the range in the To field.
  • From Beginning: Select this option to include a range of periods that begins with the first of all the available periods and ends with the period that you enter in the To field. The From field is disabled for this option.
  • To End: Select this option to include a range of periods that begins with the period that you enter in the From field and ends with the last of all the available periods. The To field is disabled for this option.

Enter, or click to select, the starting and/or ending periods for the range of periods you want to fill with budget hours or amounts. One or both of these fields may be disabled, depending on your selection in Range Option.


Field Description

Enter the budgeted amount you want to assign to the period amount columns.

Escalation %

Enter the percentage by which you want to escalate the fill amount for each subsequent period. To decrease the amounts, enter a negative percentage.


Enter the budgeted hours you want to assign to the period hours columns.

Escalation %

Enter the percentage by which you want to escalate the fill hours for each subsequent period. To decrease the hours, enter a negative percentage.


Click this button to fill the period amount and/or hours columns.