Contents of the Print Revenue Summary Report Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Print Revenue Summary Report screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

Note: To modify only the fiscal year, period, and subperiod for a saved report parameter, use the Change Period Report Parameters toolkit.

Use this block to select options for printing the report.

Field Description
Select By

Enter, or click the drop-down list to select, the option you want to group by. Valid options are:

  • Alternate Project Structure
  • Owning Organization
  • Performing Organization
  • Project
  • Project Classification
  • Project Manager
  • Project Type
  • Reorganization

Use the drop-down list to select the range to print. Valid options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, the starting value for the range of values to be printed.


Enter, or click to select, the ending value for the range of values to be printed.

Page Break

Select this check box to place a page break on your report grouping. For example, if you select this check box and you group by Performing Organization, a page break is placed after each organization.

Accounting Period

Use these fields to select the period through which you would like to print the report.

Field Description

This field always displays One.

Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year you want included on the report.


Enter, or click to select, the fiscal period you want included on the report. This period is considered the current period for column option purposes.


Enter, or click to select, the subperiod you want included on the report. This subperiod is considered the current subperiod for column option purposes.

Ending Date

This non-editable field displays the selected subperiod end date.



Field Description
Org Level __ and Below

Identify the highest organization level that you want printed on the report. Balances are rolled up to this organization level.

Project Level __ and Below

Identify the highest project level that you want printed on the report. Balances are rolled up to this project level.


Use this group box to select various printing options.

Field Description
Amount in Thousands

Select this check box to show amounts in thousands.

Lines With No Activity

Select this check box to print lines on the revenue summaries even if they have no activity. Leave the check box blank to suppress lines with no activity.

Only Projects with Alternate Revenue Profiles

Select this check box to print revenue summaries only for projects that have alternate revenue profiles (that is, the project, its parent project, or any of its children is in the ALT_PROJ table).


This check box is available only when the Alternate Revenue Calculations database option is selected on the Corporate Settings subtask of the Configure General Ledger Settings screen.

Project Label as

The report can reflect the Project ID, Project Name, or Both. If you select to print Both, the fields are trimmed to 30 characters in length.


Use the options in this group box to define the columns of the report and whether you would like to include billable and inactive projects. 

Field Description
Inactive Projects

Select this check box to include projects that have been designated as inactive on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow.

Unbillable Projects

Select this check box to include unbillable projects. You designate a project as unbillable by leaving the Billable Project check box blank on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow. These projects contain no revenue or billing formulas.

As Column 2 - As Column 8

Select the column options to print on the report. Columns can include amounts by Subperiod, Period, Fiscal Year To Date, Contract To Date, and Prior Year. Valid options are:

  • Actual % Complete Funding, Actual % Complete Value
  • Actual CTD Profit with Award Fee
  • Actual Contract To Date Contract Value  Backlog, Actual Contract To Date Cost Variance, Actual Contract To Date Cost of Money, Actual Contract To Date Costs, Actual Contract To Date Funded Value Backlog, Actual Contract To Date Profit, Actual Contract To Date Profit % of Costs, Actual Contract To Date Profit % of Revenue, Actual Contract To Date Profit Variance, Actual Contract To Date Revenue, Actual Contract To Date Revenue Variance, Actual Contract To Date Award Fee
  • Actual Inception To Date Net Inventory
  • Actual Period Award Fee, Actual Period Cost Variance, Actual Period Cost of Money, Actual Period Costs, Actual Period Net Inventory, Actual Period Prior Year Revenue Recognized, Actual Period Profit, Actual Period Profit % of Costs, Actual Period Profit % of Revenue, Actual Period Profit Variance, Actual Period Profit w/Awd Fee w/PY Rev, Actual Period Profit w/Prior Year Revenue, Actual Period Profit w/Prior Yr Rev % of Costs, Actual Period Profit w/Prior Yr Rev % of Revenue, Actual Period Profit w/Prior Yr Rev Variance, Actual Period Profit with Award Fee, Actual Period Revenue (w/o Prior Year Revenue), Actual Period Revenue Variance (w/o PY Revenue), Actual Period Revenue w/Award Fee w/Prior Yr Rev, Actual Period Revenue w/Prior Year Rev, Actual Period Revenue w/Prior Yr Rev Variance
  • Actual Subperiod Award Fee, Actual Subperiod Cost Variance, Actual Subperiod Cost of Money, Actual Subperiod Costs, Actual Subperiod Net Inventory, Actual Subperiod Prior Year Revenue Recognized, Actual Subperiod Profit, Actual Subperiod Profit % of Costs, Actual Subperiod Profit % of Revenue, Actual Subperiod Profit Variance, Actual Subperiod Profit w/Award Fee, Actual Subperiod Profit w/Awd Fee w/PY Rev, Actual Subperiod Profit w/PY Rev % of Costs, Actual Subperiod Profit w/PY Rev % of Revenue, Actual Subperiod Profit w/PY Rev Variance, Actual Subperiod Profit w/PY Revenue, Actual Subperiod Revenue (w/o PY Revenue), Actual Subperiod Revenue Variance (w/o PY Rev), Actual Subperiod Revenue w/AWD Fee w/PY Rev, Actual Subperiod Revenue w/PY Rev Variance, Actual Subperiod Revenue w/Prior Yr Rev
  • Actual Total Cost Variance, Actual Total Profit Variance, Actual Total Revenue Variance
  • Actual YTD Prior Year Revenue Recognized, Actual YTD Profit w/Awd Fee w/PY Rev, Actual YTD Profit with Award Fee, Actual YTD Revenue w/Awd Fee w/Prior Yr Rev
  • Actual Year To Date Cost Variance, Actual Year To Date Net Inventory, Actual Year To Date Profit % of Revenue, Actual Year To Date Profit Variance, Actual Year To Date Profit w/PY Rev % of Revenue, Actual Year To Date Profit w/PY Rev Variance, Actual Year To Date Revenue Variance (w/o PY Rev), Actual Year To Date Revenue w/PY Rev Variance, Actual Year To Date Award Fee
  • Actual Yr To Date Cost of Money, Actual Yr To Date Costs, Actual Yr To Date Profit, Actual Yr To Profit % of Costs,  Actual Yr To Date Profit w/PY Rev % of Costs, Actual Yr To Date Profit w/Prior Year Revenue, Actual Yr To Date Revenue (w/o PY Rev), Actual Yr To Date Revenue w/Prior Yr Revenue
  • Budget Contract To Date Cost of Money, Budget Contract To Date Costs, Budget Contract To Date Profit, Budget Contract To Date Revenue
  • Budget Period Cost of Money, Budget Period Costs, Budget Period Profit, Budget Period Revenue
  • Budget Prior Yr Cost of Money, Budget Prior Yr Costs, Budget Prior Yr Profit, Budget Prior Yr Revenue
  • Budget Subperiod Cost of Money, Budget Subperiod Costs, Budget Subperiod Profit, Budget Subperiod Revenue
  • Budget Year To Date Cost of Money, Budget Year To Date Costs, Budget Year To Date Profit, Budget Year To Date Revenue
  • Inception To Date Billed Amt
  • None
  • Open Receivable Amount
  • Prior Yr Award Fee, Prior Yr Cost Variance, Prior Yr Cost of Money, Prior Yr Costs, Prior Yr Net Inventory, Prior Yr Profit, Prior Yr Profit Variance, Prior Yr Profit with Award Fee, Prior Yr Revenue, Prior Yr Revenue Variance
  • Target % Complete of Contract Value, Target % Complete of Funded Value
  • Target CTD Profit with Award Fee
  • Target Contract To Date Contract Value Backlog, Target Contract To Date Cost Variance, Target Contract To Date Cost of Money, Target Contract To Date Costs, Target Contract To Date Funded Value Backlog, Target Contract To Date Profit, Target Contract To Date Profit % of Revenue, Target Contract To Date Profit Variance, Target Contract To Date Revenue, Target Contract To Date Revenue Variance, Target Contract To Date Award Fee, Target Contract To Date Profit % of Costs
  • Target Inception To Date Net Inventory
  • Target Period Award Fee, Target Period Cost Variance, Target Period Cost of Money, Target Period Costs, Target Period Net Inventory, Target Period Prior Year Revenue Recognized, Target Period Profit, Target Period Profit % of Costs, Target Period Profit % of Revenue, Target Period Profit Variance, Target Period Profit w/PY Rev % of Costs, Target Period Profit w/PY Rev % of Revenue, Target Period Profit w/PY Rev Variance, Target Period Profit w/Prior Year Revenue, Target Period Profit with Award Fee, Target Period Profit with Awd Fee w/Prior Yr Rev, Target Period Revenue (w/o Prior Year Revenue), Target Period Revenue Variance (w/o PY Revenue), Target Period Revenue w/Awd Fee w/Prior Yr Rev, Target Period Revenue w/PY Rev Variance, Target Period Revenue w/Prior Year Revenue
  • Target Subperiod Award Fee, Target Subperiod Cost Variance, Target Subperiod Cost of Money, Target Subperiod Costs, Target Subperiod Net Inventory, Target Subperiod Prior Year Revenue Recognized, Target Subperiod Profit, Target Subperiod Profit % of Costs, Target Subperiod Profit % of Revenue, Target Subperiod Profit Variance, Target Subperiod Profit w/Award Fee, Target Subperiod Profit w/Awd Fee w/PY Rev, Target Subperiod Profit w/PY Rev % of Costs, Target Subperiod Profit w/PY Rev % of Revenue, Target Subperiod Profit w/PY Rev Variance, Target Subperiod Profit w/PY Revenue, Target Subperiod Revenue (w/o PY Revenue), Target Subperiod Revenue Variance (w/o PY Rev), Target Subperiod Revenue w/Awd Fee w/Prior Yr Rev, Target Subperiod Revenue w/PY Rev Variance, Target Subperiod Revenue w/Prior Yr Revenue
  • Target Total Cost Variance, Target Total Profit Variance, Target Total Revenue Variance
  • Target YTD Prior Year Revenue Recognized, Target YTD Profit with Award Fee, Target YTD Profit with Awd Fee w/Prior Yr Rev, Target YTD Revenue w/Awd Fee w/Prior Yr Rev
  • Target Year To Date Cost Variance, Target Year To Date Cost of Money, Target Year To Date Costs, Target Year To Date Net Inventory, Target Year To Date Profit, Target Year To Date Profit % of Costs, Target Year To Date Profit % of Revenue, Target Year To Date Profit Variance, Target Year To Date Profit w/PY Rev % of Costs, Target Year To Date Profit w/PY Rev % of Revenue, Target Year To Date Profit w/PY Rev Variance, Target Year To Date Profit w/PY Revenue, Target Year To Date Revenue (w/o PY Rev), Target Year To Date Revenue Variance (w/o PY Rev), Target Year To Date Revenue w/PY Rev Variance, Target Year To Date Revenue w/Prior Year Revenue, Target Year To Date Award Fee
  • Total Contract Award Fee, Total Contract Budget Cost of Money, Total Contract Budget Costs, Total Contract Budget Profit, Total Contract Budget Revenue, Total Contract Funding, Total Contract Value
  • Total Funded Award Fee
  • Total PO Commitments

    You can print cost data using target or actual rates.