Section I - Identification Information

This section discusses the header of the invoice or Section I - Identification Information.

1. To: Name And Address Of Contracting Office (Include Zip Code)

Enter the address on the Manage Contractor Addresses screen and assign a code in the Contractor field. Then link this code to the project on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen; the code appears in the Contractor Address field of the Contract Info group box. You can modify this address on the Section 1; Box 1 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.

Paying Office

Enter the paying office address on the Manage Government Payment Offices screen and assign a code in the Payment Office field. Then link this code to the project on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen; the code appears in the Address field of the Contract Info group box. You can modify this address on the Section 1;  Box 1 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.

2. From: Name And Address Of Contractor (Include Zip Code)

Enter the address on the Manage Remittance Addresses screen and assign a code in the Remittance field. Then link this code to the project on the Manage Project Billing Information screen; the code appears in the Remittance Address field. You can modify this address on the Section 1; Box 2 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Billings screen.

3. Small Business

Control this box's status by using the Bill Cost Incurred on Cash Basis check box on the Manage Project Billing Information screen. If your company is classified as a "large business" for this project, select the Bill Cost Incurred on Cash Basis check box. If your company is classified as a "small business" for this project, do not select this check box. Line 3 appears on the Section1; Box 3-8 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen; however, because this selection on the Manage Project Billing Information screen affects the calculation of some of the billing lines, such as lines 9, 10, 12A, and 14D, you cannot modify this selection on the Section1; Box 3-8 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.

4. Contract No.

This line is the Prime Contract No. field on the Manage Project User Flow. You can modify it on the Section1; Box 3-8 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.

5. Contract Price

This line is the Contract Price Code selection from the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. Valid options are:

  • Contract Cost
  • Contract Value
  • Funded Cost
  • Funded Value
  • Other

Enter the values associated with each of the Contract and Funded selections on the Manage Modifications screen. Enter the Other selection value in the Contract Override Amount field on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. Because this selection affects the calculation of some of the billing lines, such as lines 13 and 21B, you cannot modify it on the Section1; Box 3-8 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.

6A. Progress Payments %

This line is the Progress Payment rate from the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. Because this selection affects the calculation of some of the billing lines, such as lines 13 and 20C, you cannot modify it on the Section1; Box 3-8 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.

6B. Liquidation %

This line is the Liquidation rate from the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. Because this selection affects the calculation of some of the billing lines, such as lines 16 and 21C, you cannot modify it on the Section1; Box 3-8 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.

7A. Date Of Initial Award - Year

This line is the Initial Award Date from the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. Complete this field in a "MM/DD/YYYY" format, such as "08/01/2003." The year for this example defaults to "2003" on line 7A on the Section1; Box 3-8 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen and cannot be modified.

7B. Date Of Initial Award - Month

This line is the Initial Award Date from the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. Complete this field in a "MM/DD/YYYY" format, such as "08/01/2003." The month in this example defaults to "08" on line 7B on the Section1; Box 3-8 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen and cannot be modified.

8A. Progress Payment Request No.

This line originates from the Last Bill Number field on the Controls group box of the Manage Project Billing Information screen (be sure to select the Enable Project Specific Bill Numbering check box on the Configure Billing Settings screen). When the progress payment bill is calculated, Costpoint increments the right-most numeric value of this number by one and inserts the result on Line 8A on the Section 1; Box 3-8 tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen. You cannot modify this field.

8B. Date Of This Request

This line initially defaults to the Invoice Date specified on the Calculate Progress Payment Billings screen. It appears as the non-editable Bill Date field on the Billing Details tab of the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen. You can modify it, however, on the Section1; Box 3-8 tab under line 8B, Date of This Request. You can optionally leave the Invoice Date blank when calculating and then enter a date when printing the bills on the Print Progress Payment Bills screen.