FAQs for the Approve Vouchers Screen

The following are frequently asked questions for the Approve Vouchers screen.

I Have a Discrepancy in a Voucher That Did Not Auto-Approve. When I Attempt to Approve, Nothing Displays on the Approve Vouchers Screen and the Check Box is Greyed-Out on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers Screen. What Happened and How Can I Fix It?

In all likelihood, either the person who is attempting to approve has not been set up as an approver, or the user that entered the voucher has not been linked to the approver.

Go to the Configure Approver Settings screen.

  • If the person attempting to approve is not listed, add a new line and then enter the user ID. Next, go to the Link Users subtask and add the users who will be entering vouchers. Then save the record.
  • If the approver ID already exists, check the Link Users subtask to verify that the user who created the voucher is linked.

Vouchers That Need to be Approved Are Not Showing Up. How Do I Fix This?

The problem is that users have not been linked on the Configure Approver Settings screen. Go to that screen to check if the User ID has been defined as an approver.

Next, check the Link Users subtask of the Configure Approver Settings screen to ensure that all of the appropriate users are linked to your Approver ID.

You can only approve those vouchers that were entered by a user that is linked to your Approver ID.