Import Cash Receipts Validations

This topic provides information on the various validations performed by the Import Cash Receipts preprocessor.

Field/Form Validations

The following tables list the field and form validations Costpoint performs when you run the Import Cash Receipts preprocessor.

Field Name Condition Type Message
File Input The input file does not exist. Error File does not exist.
Use Last System CR number The Use Last System Assigned Cash Receipt Number option is selected. Warning Selecting the Use Last System Assigned Cash Receipt Number option for cash receipt numbering will reset and disable Beginning Cash Receipt Number.
Input File One or more Amount records are not in the input file. Error Amount not in input file.
Input File One or more Receipt Date records are not in the input file. Error Receipt Date not in input file.
Input File The input file contains the same invoice number for multiple customers. Error Same invoice but different customer.
Input File A line is missing a Customer Name record. Error Customer Name missing or cannot be defaulted.
Input File A line is missing a Invoice Number record. Error Invoice Number missing or cannot be defaulted.
Fiscal Year User enters an invalid fiscal year. Error Please pick a value from the list of Fiscal Year. Press OK to continue.
Subperiod User enter a fiscal year, period, and subperiod combination that does not exist in the Subperiod table. Error Fiscal Year/Period/Sub-period combination does not exist.
Default Customer User enters a customer account (CUST_ACCT) that does not exist in the CUST table. Error Please enter or use Lookup to select a valid customer account.
Beginning CR number The beginning cash receipt number is not greater than zero. Error The Supply Beginning Cash Receipt Number must be greater than zero.
Receipt Date Receipt Date is more than 50 years prior to the current year. Error Receipt Date entered is %PO years prior to the current year. Please check and re-enter.
Beginning CR number Beginning cash receipt number exists in CASH_RECPT_HDR or CASH_RECPT_HDR_HS. Error No message.
Subperiod Subperiod must be open for CR. The OPEN_FL in the SUB_PD_JNL_STATUS table must not be 'N' for the FY/Period/subperiod entered on the screen. Error The Journal Entry Edit Status for this subperiod indicates that Cash Receipt is "Not Available" for data entry.
Input File The Invoice Number is longer than 15 characters. Warning Invoice number longer than 15 characters.
Input File The Customer Name is longer than 25 characters. Warning Customer Name longer than 25 characters.
Input File Project not within period of performance. Warning Project not within period of performance.

Form/RS-Level Validations

Condition Type Message
Process is not able to find the file name entered in the Name field. Error The file cannot be found. Please select a valid file to be uploaded.

Process Validations

The following tables list the process validations Costpoint performs when you run the Import Cash Receipts preprocessor.

Validation Message
Invoice number cannot start with UNK. A manually-assigned Invoice Number cannot begin with "UNK"
Customer must exist in the CUST table. This Customer does not exist
Account must not exist in the ACCT table. This Account does not exist
Account ACTIVE_FL must be 'Y'. Account is not active
Account DETL_FL must be 'Y'. Account is not a detail Account
Account must be in the ACCT_ENTRY_RULES table. This account belongs to an account group that may not be used in this transaction screen.
Organization must exist in the ORG table. This Organization does not exist.
Organization must match login. This Organization is not associated with your Company.
Organization ACTIVE_FL must be 'Y'. Organization is not active.
Org/Acct combination does not exist. Combination not found in Acct/Org table
Org/Acct ACTIVE_FL must be 'Y'. Org/Acct is not active.
Org/Acct POP. Org/Acct not within period of performance.
Proj/Org/Acct does not exist. Proj/Org/Acct not found in Proj/Org/Acct table.
Proj/Org/Acct ACTIVE_FL must be 'Y'. Proj/Org/Acct is not active.
Proj/Acct combination does not exist. Combination not found in Proj/Acct table or ACCT_GRP_SETUP
Proj/Acct ACTIVE_FL must be 'Y'. Acct is not active for the project account group
Proj/Org does not exist. Proj/Org not found in Proj/Org table.
Project must exist in PROJ table for login company. This Project does not exist for this Company.
Project exists in PROJ table but company does not match login company. This Project is not associated with your Company.
Project ACTIVE_FL must be 'Y'. Project is not active.
A project is not included for a project-required account. Project is required for this account.
A project is not required for an account. A project cannot be used with this account.
Account does not exist in the Account Entry Group table. The account is not found in the Account Entry Group table.
Last Unknown Invoice Number from AR Settings table. Unable to select Last Unknown Invoice Number from AR Settings table.
No default customer cash account in CUST_DFLT_ACCT table. Cannot retrieve default customer account.
Invoice is not provided but a customer has been provided in the input file. The project is defaulted from the customer defaults. An existing invoice must be used if Allow charging has been turned off for the Project.
A new invoice number is provided in the input file but no customer is in the input file and the default customer has not been provided on the screen. Customer Account is required when a new Invoice Number has been entered.
Customer exists in the input file but no invoice number is provided in the input file and the check box to use a UNK invoice is not selected. Invoice Number is required when a Customer Account has been entered.
Input file amount received is zero. Amount Received cannot be zero.
Existing Invoice is provided in the input file and the S_BILL_TRN_TYPE on AR_HDR_HS is 'D' and the DEL_INVC_NET_FL on BILL_SETTINGS is 'N'. Discounts cannot be applied to Delivery Invoices when the \*1443 Posting\* method, on the Billing Settings screen, indicates the \*Gross\* Amount.
Standard POA. Standard POA messages.
Check number in input file must be numeric. Check number must be numeric.
Check number in input file cannot me more than nine digits. Check number cannot be greater than 9 digits.
REF1_ID and REF2_ID for CASH_RECPT_TRN. Reference is not found in Reference Structure table.
REF1_ID and REF2_ID for CASH_RECPT_TRN. Reference may not be used in data entry.
REF1_ID for CASH_RECPT_TRN. This entry is valid as a reference 1
REF2_ID for CASH_RECPT_TRN. This entry is valid as a reference 2
Input file does not contain data. No records have been selected to transfer.
Input file contains errors. Errors have occurred that may need correcting. Do you want to continue?
Input File Format not set to NACHA. Settings call for a NACHA file format and this file layout does not correspond to a NACHA file.
Input File Format not set to EDI. Settings call for an EDI file format and this file layout does not correspond to an EDI file.
Input File EDI Delimiter Segment does not match the settings. The input file does not use the same segment delimiter as entered in the Preprocessor Settings screen.
Input file EDI Delimiter Element does not match the settings. The input file does not use the same element delimiter as entered in the Preprocessor Settings screen.
Input File Transaction Set is not set to 820. Settings are set for Transaction Set 820 and this is not an 820 format file.
Input File Transaction Set is not set to 823. Settings are set for Transaction Set 823 and this is not an 823 format file.

Import Validations

The following table list import validations Costpoint performs when you run the Import Cash Receipts preprocessor.

Validation Message
Check for good records in worktable. No records found in the table. Please process the input file before importing.
Check that the screen parameters have not changed since the process step. Screen parameters have changed since the Process step was performed. Either set parameters back to what they were when the Process step was run or Process the input file again with new screen parameters.
Check that the login company matches the original login company used in the process step. Company ID has changed since the Process step was performed. Either use the original Company ID or Process the input file again with the new Company ID.
Cash Receipt number exists. No message. Renumber them.