PO Voucher Detail Subtask

Use this subtask of the View Voucher History Inquiry screen to view the detail of the voucher of the row that you highlighted when you clicked the PO Voucher Detail button.

The data displayed on this subtask defaults from the information you entered on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. Only vouchers with information entered on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen display details on this subtask.


Field Description

This field displays the vendor identifier.

Vendor Name

This field displays the vendor name.

Inv No

This field displays the invoice number.


This field displays the voucher number.

Table Window

Field Description
Vchr Line

This field displays the line number from the voucher row selected on the main screen.

Inv Qty

This field displays the invoice quantity.

Invoice Unit Cost

This field displays the invoice unit cost.

Inv Ext Amt

This field displays the invoice extension amount.

Line Chrg Cost Amt

This field displays the line charge cost amount.


This Yes/No (Y/N) field displays the taxable status of the voucher row selected on the main screen.

Sales/Use Tax

This field displays the taxability of the voucher row selected on the main screen. The possible settings are:

  • U: Use/Reverse Tax
  • S: Sales/Value Added Tax
  • N: Non-taxable
Sales Tax Code

This field displays any sales tax code for the voucher row selected on the main screen.

Sales Tax Amount

This field displays any sales (or value added tax) for the voucher row selected on the main screen.

Use Tax Amount

This field displays any use (or reverse tax) for the voucher row selected on the main screen.

Line Charge Sales Tax Amt

This field displays the line charge sales tax amount.

Line Chart Use Tax Amt

This field displays the line charge use tax amount.

Total Before Discount

This field displays the voucher amount, before any discount.

Discount Amount

This field displays the voucher discount, if any.

Total Amount

This field displays the total for this voucher.


This field displays the description, if any.


This field displays notes, if any.


Subtask Description
Currency Line Click this link to open the Currency Line subtask.
Accounts Click this link to open the Accounts subtask.