Entry Defaults Tab

Use this tab on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen to set up entry defaults in order to speed up the entry of Accounts Payable vouchers.


Field Description
Allow Pay Vendor on Warning Status

Select this check box if you want to enter vouchers for vendors that have been placed on warning status.

Add Discount Difference to First Voucher Line

Select this check box to add any difference between the header discount amount and the line discount to the first line of the voucher.

Use Account Description

Select this check box to replace the line description by the account name.

Use Owning Org

Select this check box to default the owning organization/project onto the detail line.

Allow Duplicate Invoice Numbers

Select this check box to allow the use of duplicate invoice numbers. If you enter a duplicate invoice number on a vendor voucher, you must select this check box before you can continue to enter the voucher.

Save as TE Voucher

If you entered an Expense Report ID on the Details tab, you must select this check box to confirm that you want to save this voucher as a travel expense (TE) voucher. If you do not want to save a TE voucher, clear this check box and delete the value in the Expense Report ID field.